Dr. LI Hak-yinLecturer BA and MPhil (HKBU); PhD (Nottingham) |
After obtaining his BA and MPhil degrees at Hong Kong Baptist University, Li Hak-yin completed his PhD in politics and international relations at the University of Nottingham. He has taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Community College of the University Hong Kong before. Li was an Honorary Research Associate of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also an alumni of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. (German Council on Foreign Relations).
Li's research and teaching interests mainly cover the fields of world order issues, international relations of the Asia-Pacific and Chinese foreign policy. His works can be found on Asian Politics and Society, East Asian Policy, Journal of Contemporary China, and Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. |
Publications | Courses taught | Services |
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T: (852) 3943-7551 |
Research and Teaching Interests: | |
- Hak Yin Li, China, India and Russia - Cooperation and Construction of the Asia-Pacific Order in the 21st Century, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Oct 2009
- Hak Yin Li, "Two key stumbling blocks for Hong Kong's democratization: Personal vote and Beijing's policies" in Liang Fook Lye and Wilhelm Hofmeister (editors), Political Parties, Party Systems and Democratization in East Asia, World Scientific Publishing, Mar 2011
- Hak Yin Li, "Discrepancies, political discourses, and implications of China’s multidimensional diplomacy", in Simon Shen and Jean-Marc Blanchard (editors), Multidimensional Diplomacy of Contemporary China, Rowman & Littlefield's Lexington Books, May 2010
- Hak Yin Li, "Understanding China's 'non-intervention policy': Studying the case of Myanmar", in David Bosold and Kathrin Brockmann (editors), Regional Leaders in the Global Security Arena – Interests, Strategies and Capabilities, German Council on Foreign Affairs, Berlin, May 2009
- Hak Yin Li and Seanon Wong, "The evolution of Chinese public diplomacy and the rise of think tanks", Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, vol.14, iss.1, 2018
- Hak Yin Li, "The declining credibility of the traditional media in Hong Kong", Asian Politics and Policy, vol.6, iss.1, 2014
- Hak Yin Li and Zhengxu Wang, "China's advancements in Central Asia: Limitations toward a regional power", East Asian Policy, vol.1, no.4, 2009
- Hak Yin Li and Yongnian Zheng, "Re-interpreting China's non-intervention policy towards Myanmar: Leverage, interests and intervention", Journal of Contemporary China, vol.18, no.61, 2009
- Hak Yin Li, "The handling of brinkmanship in China-India military relations", China-India Brief, #110, 27 Feb 2018, <http://lkyspp2.nus.edu.sg/cag/publication/china-india-brief/china-india-%20brief-110>
- Hak Yin Li, "Trump-Xi summit is just the start of dealing with thorny issues in US-Sino relations", The Conversation, 6 Apr 2017, <https://theconversation.com/trump-xi-summit-is-just-the-start-of-dealing-with-thorny-issues-in-us-sino-relations-75615>
- Hak Yin Li, "Uncertainty on security and trade worry allies in Asia as US election approaches", The Conversation, 7 Nov 2016, <https://theconversation.com/uncertainty-on-security-and-trade-worry-allies-in-asia-as-us-election-approaches-67868>
- Hak Yin Li, "Hong Kong's 2016 Legislative Council Election: A tectonic shift in HK politics?", International Public Policy Review, 6 Sep 2016, <http://ippreview.com/index.php/Home/Blog/single/id/231.html>
- Hak Yin Li, "Hong Kong's 2016 Legislative Council Election: Divisions in the political landscape", International Public Policy Review, 23 Aug 2016, <http://ippreview.com/index.php/Home/Blog/single/id/221.html>
- Hak Yin Li, "What is the role of Hong Kong in China's 'One Belt One Road' plan?", China Policy Institute Blog Post, 26 Oct 2015, <https://cpianalysis.org/2015/10/26/what-is-the-role-of-hong-kong-in-chinas-one-belt-one-road-plan/>
- Hak Yin Li and Zhengxu Wang, "Assessing China's influence in Central Asia: A dominant regional power?", China Briefing Series, Issue 53, Jul 2009
- Hak Yin Li and Zhengxu Wang, "The new landscape of Hong Kong politics: 2008 Legislative Council Elections and its implications", China Discussion Paper, Issue 46, Apr 2009
- Hak Yin Li and Yongnian Zheng, "Grassroots participation in Hong Kong: 2007 District Council Elections and the aftermath", China Briefing Series, Issue 37, Mar 2008
- Hak Yin Li, "You Taoguangyanghuì Dao Zhongguo Meng - Zhongguo Waijiao Zhengce De Yanbian" ["From Tao Guang Yang Hui to Chinese Dream – The changing Chinese foreign policy"], Guoji Guanxi Yanjiu Yuekan [The Global Studies Journal], Jan 2016
- Hak Yin Li, "Guoji Zhengzhi Zhong De Huangyan Yu Jinqi De Zhongdong Jushi" ["Lying in international politics and the recent developments in Middle East and North Africa"], Guoji Guanxi Yanjiu Yuekan [The Global Studies Journal], Apr 2011
- Hak Yin Li, "Diaoyutai Shijian Hou De Zhong Ri Guangxi" ["Sino-Japanese relations after the incident of Diaoyu Island"], Lingdao Zhe [Leaders], vol.37, Jan 2011
- Hak Yin Li, "Jiedu Zhongguo 'Heping Fazhan' Waijiao Lilun" ["China's 'Peaceful Development': Re-interpreting its diplomatic theory"], Lingdao Zhe [Leaders], vol.27, Jun 2009
- Hak Yin Li, "The China threat and the rise of China", Yang Feng, vol.2, Chinese Affairs Association, Hong Kong Baptist University, Jan 2006
- Hak Yin Li, "The interpretation of China's nuclear strategy", Yang Feng, vol.1, Chinese Affairs Association, Hong Kong Baptist University, Nov 2005
- Hak Yin Li and Seanon Wong, "The rise of Chinese think tanks in the Belt and Road Initiative", International Studies Association (ISA)'s 59th Annual Convention - Power of Rules and Rule of Power, San Francisco, The United States, 4-7 April 2018
- Hak Yin Li, "The One Belt One Road initiative and China's new world order", Research Exchange Program between China and Japan, The National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Japan's Ministry of Defense, Tokyo, Japan, 6-7 Nov 2017
- Hak Yin Li, "The role of think tank in Chinese public diplomacy: The case of the Belt and Raod initiative", Global China Research Working Seminar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 6 Oct 2017
- Hak Yin Li, "Hong Kong's external relations and international status", Conference on Twenty Years After: Hong Kong's Changes and Future under China's Rule, The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CFFC) and Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 21-22 Sep 2017
- Hak Yin Li, "The rise of Chinese think tanks in the Belt and Road Initiative", International Workshop on the Roles of Policy Analysis and Think Tanks in Policy Development in China, Beijing, China, 14-15 Aug 2017
- Hak Yin Li, "Still a middlemen? Studying the changing role of Hong Kong between China and the West after the handover", Conference on the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong SAR & Hong Kong Political Science Association (HKPSA) Annual Conference 2017, Hong Kong, 25 May 2017
- Hak Yin Li, "The role of Hong Kong in shaping Sino-US relations", International Studies Association (ISA)'s 55th Annual Convention - Spaces and Places: Geopolitics in an Era of Globalization, Toronto, Canada, 26-29 Mar 2014
- Hak Yin Li, "An analysis of the discrepancy of Chinese non-intervention policy towards Sudan", The 3rd International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies (IFCCS) - China's Development in the Post-Crisis Period, Xian, China, 17-19 Sep 2010
- Hak Yin Li, "The discrepancy of Chinese non-intervention policy - the case of North Korea", The 3rd Annual China Postgraduate Network Conference, Oxford, The United Kingdom, 8-9 Apr 2010
- Hak Yin Li, "Two key stumbling blocks for Hong Kong's democratization: Personal vote and Beijing's policies", International Conference on Political Parties, Party Systems and Democratization in East Asia, jointly organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung & East Asian Institute, Singapore, 13 Aug 2009
- Hak Yin Li, "The rise of China and the discrepancy of Chinese foreign policy", Universities Service Centre for China Studies (USCCS) and Chinese University of Hong Kong - Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies - Fifth Annual Graduate Seminar on China, Hong Kong, 7-10 Jan 2009
- Hak Yin Li, "The assertive outlook, challenges and gestures of a rising military China", International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies (IFCCS) Inaugural Conference - Post-Olympic China: Globalization and Sustainable Development after Three Decades of Reform, Nottingham, The United Kingdom, 19-21 Nov 2008
- Hak Yin Li, "The changing Chinese foreign policy in the 21st century: A study of discrepancy between Chinese principles and practices", The 12th Annual Political Studies Association (PSA) Postgraduate CANE Conference - Politics - Change or Continuity? Politics in the 21st Century, Nottingham, The United Kingdom, 8 Nov 2008
- Hak Yin Li, "Understanding China's non-intervention policy: The case of Myanmar", German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)'s 11th New Faces Conference - Regional Leaders in the Global Security Arena: Interests, Strategies and Capabilities, Berlin, Germany, Mar 31 - 2 Apr 2008
- Hak Yin Li, "A systemic analysis on China's non-intervention policy toward Myanmar", The 11th Harvard East Asia Society (HEAS) Graduate Student Conference, Boston, The United States, 29 Feb - 2 Mar 2008
- Hak Yin Li, "Myth and reality: Structure, electoral campaigns and voters of the DAB", Hong Kong Political Science Association (HKPSA) Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, 20 May 2006
- Hak Yin Li, "Evaluate the role of China in building up the new international order", The Sixth Baptist-Tsinghua Joint Conference - China in Transition: Domestic and International Challenges, Hong Kong, 18-20 May 2006
- GEWS 2091 Understanding Globalization
- GPAD 2185 International Organizations
- GPAD 2345 / UGEC 2610 International Politics
- GPAD 2350 / UGEC 2531 Chinese Foreign Policy
- GPAD 2355 / UGEC 2683 Globalization and Politics
- GPAD 3360 Global Environmental Politics
- GPGC 5003 Greater China and the World
- Chair, Interview Panel for Outgoing Exchange Programmes 2018-19, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Dec 2017)
- External Reviewer, Hong Kong Studies (Aug 2017)
- Associate Dean of General Education, Lee Woo Sing College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Jun 2017-)
- Director and Council Member, Hong Kong Political Science Association (Nov 2016-)
- Member, Postgraduate Programme Committee of Government and Politics of Greater China (Oct 2016-)
- Chair, Admission and Publicity Committee, Department of Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Jul 2016-)
- Member, General Education Committee, Lee Woo Sing College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Mar 2016-)
- External Reviewer, Multi-Year Research Grant of the University of Macau (Dec 2015)
- Academic Advisor, Model United Nations Club, The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Nov 2015-)
- Chair, Interview Panel for Outgoing Exchange Programmes 2016-17, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Nov 2015)
- Moderator of Woo Sing Forum, Lee Woo Sing College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Aug 2015-)
- Member, Admission and Publicity Committee, Department of Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Jan 2015-)