
師友計劃 (Industrial Mentorship Programme) 2020-21 現已接受報名。

參加的同學將會與來自不同行業的精英配對成為師友。同學將與Mentor見面, 可以了解行業實況, 助同學拓闊視野, 規劃未來, 為訂立升學及事業發展目標作準備。


截止報名日期: 9月30日(星期三)

**2020年10月將會有活動簡介會及開幕儀式, 敬請留意SCDS電郵/Student Portal/SCDS網頁。



在接下來的一個學年, 將透過一系列的活動、訓練、體驗、學習, 讓同學尋求自我突破成長, 建立團隊精神, 培養同學的領導才能, 並會參與服務校園, 關愛社區的活動。名額有限, 額滿即止, 請即按此登入學生活動報名系統登記啦!

截止報名時間: 9月20日(星期日)

SCDS – Coping strategies at home – Zentangle

SCDS – Coping strategies at home – Zentangle

SCDS would like to introduce a relaxation method to all of you, Zentangle.

It is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. You can use a background template, which contains pre-arranged lines producing segments that you can ‘tangle’ within, or you can simply start with a blank piece of paper. Tangles are just the combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S-curves and orbs.

Zentangle was discovered by Maria Thomas, found herself doodling background patterns on a manuscript she was writing. She noticed that while she drew, she experienced feelings of liberation, well-being and complete focus, with no usual thoughts or worries entering her mind. This is how people describe meditation – and now it’s how people are describing Zentangle!

Source from Internet

1_ Zentangle Introduction


2_ How to draw a Mandala with Zentangles (Source: Instructables Craft)


Below please find some zentangle patterns for reference


Holly and Vincent