
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) established the Department of Extramural Studies in 1965. In January 2006, it was renamed as the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS). Bearing the mission of providing quality continuing professional education programmes and services to meet the changing needs of society, the School offers a diverse range of courses and programmes at different levels. In 2019-20, 63 awardbearing programmes and a wide variety of general courses, distance learning courses and corporate training courses were offered.
What CUSCS offers can broadly be categorised into general courses and award-bearing programmes. General courses, normally lasting for two to four months, have no specific admission requirement, and are generally for self-enrichment. Since 1979, CUSCS has been offering award-bearing programmes at advanced diploma, professional diploma, diploma, and certificate levels. These programmes have specific admission requirements and are designed in accordance with the guidelines and standards set by CUHK. They will lead to academic awards or professional qualifications for learners who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge in their particular fields of study.
CUSCS courses and programmes cover a wide range of disciplines including Art and Design, Humanities, Creative Media, Music, Business and Management, Accounting and Finance, Social Sciences, Applied Sciences, Languages, Health Care, Information Technology and Technology Management as well as Nature and the Environment.
The School has been offering a variety of Higher Diploma Programmes since 2002. Starting from 2012-13, the Higher Diploma Programmes are being offered in a two-year, full-time format for DSE students. The Diploma Programme in Foundation Studies has also been offered since 2014-15 to provide DSE graduates an alternative for further studies.
CUSCS also offers tailored corporate training courses to private companies, government departments and non-government organisations, schools and universities in Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China, and overseas. Commendations have been received on both the course design and academic standard of these courses.
CUSCS continues to diversify its portfolio in collaboration with professional organisations, as well as academic institutions in mainland China and overseas to offer award-bearing programmes and lifelong education courses and to provide exchange opportunities for Higher Diploma students. The School’s collaborative partners include:
- Beijing Language and Culture University, China
- Communication University of China
- Kyoto Notre Dame University, Japan
- Musashino University, Japan
- Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies, Japan
- University of Miyazaki, Japan
- Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), USA
- National Career Development Association (NCDA), USA
- The School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
- Kyung Hee University, Korea
Faculty of Arts:
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of English, Department of Fine Arts, Department of History, Department of Japanese Studies, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, Department of Music, Department of Translation, Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture, and Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism
Faculty of Business Administration:
- Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, School of Hotel and Tourism Management, and Department of Management
Faculty of Education:
- Department of Education Psychology, and Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
Faculty of Engineering:
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Medicine:
- School of Chinese Medicine, The Nethersole School of Nursing, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Department of Psychiatry, Department of Surgery, and Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing
Faculty of Science:
- School of Life Sciences
Faculty of Social Science:
- School of Journalism and Communication, Department of Social Work
CUSCS is a self-financing unit of CUHK. Its academic development and policies are regulated by the Senate Committee on Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes, the Senate Academic Planning Committee and the Senate of CUHK.
Head Office
Address: 6/F, Railway Plaza, 39 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Campus Office (No enrolment services)
Address: Room 806, 8/F, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Learning Centres