On 26th June 2021, we had our final session, Presentation. 14 teams presented their work within 10 minutes and were asked by the judges of panel subsequently. We had invited Dr. Vinci Chow and Dr. Wallace Mok from Department of Economics, CUHK, to be the panel judges. It was expected that the participants could gain more experiences and knowledge from other teams as well as the comments from the judges.
Upon the deadline of registration, we have received more than 50 students’ applications. They are from Chile, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Malaysia and The Philippines.
Topics chosen
The teams had selected a wide variety of topics. Majority of them chose to present policies related to crime, such as how banning food stamps affects recidivism and whether juvenile incarceration is effective in the U.S.; and to environmental issues, for instance, plastic bag legislation in South Africa.
At the end, Dr. Vinci Chow and Dr. Wallace Mok selected 3 teams to be the winner, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up. However, the competition was fierce that there is only 2-point difference between the winner and the 2nd runner-up and that we had 3 teams strive for the third place. These teams were awarded prizes (HK$ 5000 for each student in winner team; HK$ 2000 for each student in 1st runner-up team; and HK$ 1000 for each student in 2nd runner-up team) and each participant will be given a Participation Certificate.
Here are the winning teams and their presentation topics respectively: