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Economic Research Centre
(852) 3943 6762
Room 516, 5/F, Esther Lee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong
- The Belt & Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable 2021On 3 September 2021, the Belt & Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable 2021 was held by Belt and Road Global Forum in Hong Kong. Prof SHENG Liugang participated in the event with a presentation on “Driving Growth through Connectivity—Harnessing the new momentum of the GBA(Greater Bay Area)and RCEP(Regional Comprehensive EconomicContinue reading “The Belt & Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable 2021”
- APEC Study Centre Consortium 2021On 6 July 2021, the APEC Study Centre Consortium (ASCC) was held online by APEC New Zealand. Prof. Travis Ng participated in the event with a presentation on “Some Economic Effects of Foreign Ownership Restrictions”. The aim of having foreign ownership restrictions is to protect insiders/ local people. It isContinue reading “APEC Study Centre Consortium 2021”
- International Student Summit 2021 – PresentationOn 26th June 2021, we had our final session, Presentation. 14 teams presented their work within 10 minutes and were asked by the judges of panel subsequently. We had invited Dr. Vinci Chow and Dr. Wallace Mok from Department of Economics, CUHK, to be the panel judges. It was expected thatContinue reading “International Student Summit 2021 – Presentation”
- International Student Summit 2021 – OrientationOrientation On 29th May 2021, our orientation day of the Summit, we had around 54 students (17 teams) participating in the event. Prof. Travis Ng provided an analysis training to them and helped them grasp the idea of how to analyse a policy from Economics perspective with the examples and illustrations.Continue reading “International Student Summit 2021 – Orientation”
- Private International LawIn international trade, conflicts arise because of different systems of commercial law in various countries, which leads to the so-called conflict of laws. For example, when dealing with a trade dispute, each country’s judicial system works on different principles. Which country’s law should be applied? This, in turn, is anotherContinue reading “Private International Law”
20A ASCCC Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society 2017 ATRS Aviation Balance of Payment Conflict of Laws Database Event Free Trade Good Talk Government support International Student Summit Invisible Trade ISS Mask MSME Ordinance Orientation Outsider restrictions Presentation publications School visit Startups Talk Teaching Case Test Run Unilateral Trade