Course Details
Course Code : ELTU2022
Unit : 3
Level : 2
Coordinator :
Mr LEUNG Chun Wai
Academic English for Linguistics
Course Description

This course aims to prepare second-year students for further studies in Linguistics by engaging them in multi-modal learning activities that focus on literature evaluation, including critical reading, writing, and oral presentation. Students will develop and explore ideas on linguistics topics before producing writing pieces that reflect their knowledge of these topics and awareness of disciplinary conventions. Coursework will include a range of complementary tasks such as: selecting and incorporating appropriate sources, summarising and critiquing, writing a literature review that advances a stance towards the published literature, and presenting the findings of individual literature research. Throughout the course students will be engaged in tasks that enhance their academic writing and accuracy of language use.
Advisory: For Year 2 students of the Linguistics Programme only.

Prerequisite Course(s)
Alternative For
Elective For