Course Details
Course Code : ELTU2026
Unit : 2
Level : 2
Coordinator :
Dr NG Elaine
English through Health Sciences
Course Description

“English through Health Sciences” is a second year course designed for public health students and community health practice students from the Faculty of Medicine. This course aims to strengthen students’ written and spoken communication in unpacking and disseminating health sciences and specialist knowledge, for example health promotion and disease prevention, to a general audience.

Overall, there are three parts to the course – a writing component, a speaking component and a module on specialist vocabulary in Health Sciences. Coursework will consist of:

  • A writing assignment (pair work) based on students’ choice of submitting either a research- based project OR a grant proposal OR a health pamphlet
  • A seminar presentation (pair work) based on the writing assignment chosen
  • An in-class specialist vocabulary quiz at the end of the course

Advisory: For Year 2 students of Community Health Practice and Public Health only.

Prerequisite Course(s)
Alternative For
Elective For