Programmes > Linguistics > Postgraduate programmes > Master of Arts (MA) programme in
  Linguistics > Professional Recoguition

The General Linguistics Stream of the MA Programme in Linguistics enjoys the following professional recognition:

  • Status of a recognized programme included in the Government of HKSAR’s Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) List of recognized English language major degree programmes,
  • Status of a recognized programme included in the list of “Programmes Accepted for Grants under the Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme for Language Teachers”.
  • Status of an English language major degree meeting the Language Proficiency Requirement.

The SCOLAR list of recognized English language major degree programmes is compiled by a vetting committee of Education and Manpower Bureau of the Government of HKSAR for language teacher to further their study and to enhance their proficiency, subject knowledge and pedagogy.

The “Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme for Language Teachers” was set up in 2004 to provide grants to eligible serving teachers.

The Language Proficiency Requirement (LPR) is applicable to all English/Putonghua (PTH) teachers holding a permanent post in a public-sector school or a local private primary/secondary day school offering a full curriculum.
(Website of Education Bureau of HKSAR Government: