Software Package
- Scripts for processing dense array data (provided by Junhao Song)
- Prof. Yang's talk on Imaging Fault Zones Using Dense Seismic Arrays
- DynTriPy :a package for detecting dynamic earthquake triggering (Yun et al., 2019, GRL)
Data Product
Scientific Talks
- Prof. Yang’s talk on Scientific Writing: KIDs
- Prof. Yang’s talk in DeTect Talk Series: Can we predict earthquakes from interseismic locking distribution?
Outreaching: Scientific articles in “格震至源”
We have created a WeChat Official Account named "格震至源" and published a few articles in plain language (in Chinese) in order to promote the communications between scientific and public communities. In these articles we introduce a variety of scientific questions in seismology and relevant fields. The following is an incomplete list. For a complete list and update, please subsribe by scanning the QR code. Feedbacks from readers are always welcome.
- “举重若轻”的断层
- 诱发地震的“气剑”之争
- 7月12日唐山5.1级地震是余震吗?
- 擒龙功:神乎其技的地震远程触发
- 潜入马里亚纳海沟-人类极限挑战
- 倚天长剑飞寒芒:地震学中的利器
- 屠龙宝刀生玄光:全球地震台网GSN
- 温润岫岩玉,奇妙蛇纹岩
- 小龙女跳崖:深渊之下有奇迹
- 那些年读过的金庸
- 后发先至:跑赢时间的地震预警
- 原来地震是这么回事儿
- 地震的能量都去哪儿了?

QR code for "格震至源"