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In order to promote the discipline in Hong Kong, the Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) came to an agreement with the Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong) on 31 July 2013. With sponsorship provided by the latter under the agreement, RIH launched the ‘Islamic Studies Initiative’ (ISI) on 13 September 2013. On 12 May 2015, ISI was approved by the management of the university to become the Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture (CSIC).
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LG13I, Leung Kau Kui Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong • New Territories • Shatin
‘Acts of Worship in Islam’ on 5 May 2018, Saturday
Release time:2018-05-11 11:30:56‘Acts of Worship in Islam’, held on 5 May 2018, Saturday, was a half-day tour which took participants to three major mosques in Hong Kong. The three mosques, each with its own characteristics, included Kowloon Mosque in Tsim Sha Tsui – the biggest in Hong Kong, Jamia Masjid in Central – the oldest in the territory, and Masjid Ammar in Wanchai – the only one which is equipped with a Halal canteen in its building. In each venue, there was a presentation about the mosque concerned as well as Islamic teachings. In Masjid Ammar, participants also observed the Zhur congregational prayer before sitting down to a Halal Dim Sum lunch in the Islamic Centre Canteen located in the same building. Over lunch they had the chance to get to know more about Islam and Muslims’ daily life when they were entertained by Muslim hosts at each table. A number of the participants expressed that they were able to learn a lot about Islam through the tour.
‘Acts of Worship in Islam’ was the last event of the ‘Inter-religious Dialogue on Spiritual Practices’ series initiated by the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK, in April 2017. Since the start of its publicity in mid-April 2018, the Islamic event had attracted an enthusiastic response. Within two weeks, almost seventy people, who were mostly CUHK staff or students, registered for the event. Unfortunately the tour could accommodate only fifty-plus owing to limited places.