Suli Yao Received the Best Presentation Award in the 2020-2021 Science Faculty Postgraduate Research Day (2021.1)

Suli Yao, a PhD student in our group, received the Best Presentation Award in the 2020-2021 Science Faculty Postgraduate Research Day , which was held on 8th Jan 2021. The Research Day invited 14 postgraduate students nominated by different divisions to present their innovative research results. Suli presented her work on investigating the frictional strength on the Nicoya megathrust. Congratulations!


Suli Yao Received the Best Student Presentation Award at the ES-SSA Annual Meeting (2020.11)

Suli Yao, a PhD graduate student in our group, received the Best Student Presentation Award at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Section - Seismological Society of America (ES-SSA). Suli presented her work on deriving ground motion predictions based on interseismic locking models in Nicoya. The video of her talk is available on YouTube (link). Congratulations!

An Unusually Shallow Earthquake Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing in Weiyuan, China (2020.10)

An unusually shallow earthquake triggered by hydraulic fracturing in the Weiyuan shale gas field could change how experts view the risks of fracking for faults that lie very near the Earth's surface.

In the journal Seismological Research Letters, Hongfeng Yang of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and colleagues suggest that the magnitude 4.9 earthquake that struck Rongxian County, Sichuan, China on 25 February 2019 took place along a fault about one kilometer (0.6 miles) deep.

The earthquake, along with two foreshocks with magnitudes larger than 4, appear to be related to activity at nearby hydraulic fracturing wells. Although earthquakes induced by human activity such as fracking are typically more shallow than natural earthquakes, it is rare for any earthquake of this size to take place at such a shallow depth.

Such shallow earthquake has raised great social concerns and has been reported by various media such as the CUHK, hket topick, singtao, and

Jinping Zi Received HKPFS Award (2020.8)

Jinping Zi, a new PhD graduate student in our group, received the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme Award (HKPFS). Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities. Jinping is the first recipient of this award in our group. Congratulations!


Gaohua Zhu Received the Oustanding Student Award (2019.10)

Gaohua Zhu, a PhD graduate student in our group, received the CUHK Outstanding Student Award for her outstanding academic performance. Gaohua is the first recipient of this award in our department. Congratulations!

Gaohua Zhu on the 2019 Outstanding Student Award Presentation Ceremony.


Professor Hongfeng Yang Received CGS Fu Chengyi Young Scientist Award (中國地球物理學會傅承義青年科技獎) (2018.10)

The Chinese Geophysical Society (CGS) has selected Professor Hongfeng Yang as a recipient of the 2018 Fu Chengyi Young Scientist Award, in recognition of his contributions to integrating earthquake rupture dynamics and observational seismology to advance our understanding of earthquake physics and seismic hazard evaluation. The award ceremony was held in Beijing on October 22. Professor Yang is the first recipient of this prestigious award from Hong Kong.

Suli Yao Received the Outstanding Student Presentation Award in CGU (2018.10)

Suli Yao, a PhD graduate student in our group, received the Oustanding Student Presentation Award in the Annual Meeting of Chinese Geoscience Union (CGU). Suli presented her work on dynamic rupture simulations for megathrust earthquakes in Nicoya. Congratulations!

CUHK Newsletter: Prof. Yang Hongfeng Takes the Pulse of Earthquakes in Indian Ocean / 楊宏峰追查潛藏地震 (2018.4)

From 10 January to 3 February, Professor Yang participated in the first China-Pakistan Joint Indian Ocean Expedition on the Shiyan 3 research vessel. The Chinese and Pakistani scientists carried out in-depth investigation on the possibility of future megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis in the Makran trench. The expedition was led by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Pakistan National Institute of Oceanography. For more info please visit the article published on CUHK Newsletter in English and in Chinese .


解開地震和深海之謎 - 楊宏峰教授 (2016.10)

Prof. Yang published an article on Sustainable Campus CUHK (續錄中大), talking about the earthquakes occurred under the oceans. See more info at


How the Nepal earthquake occurred (2015.4)

Prof. YANG Hongfeng was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal about the earthquake happened last Saturday in Nepal. Please visit the following link for the article: