Dr. YIM So Fan

Current Position:
Clinical Associate Professor (honorary)
Office Phone:
(852) 3505 2801
1 | Long-Term Survival and Clinicopathological Implications of DNA Mismatch Repair Status in Endometrioid Endometrial Cancers in Hong Kong Chinese Women Lee JHS, Li JJX, Chow C, Chan RCK, Kwan JSH, Lau TS, To KF, Yim SF, Yeung SY, Kwong J Biomedicines. 2021 Oct 4;9(10):1385 |
2 | Dissection of PIK3CA Aberration for Cervical Adenocarcinoma Outcomes Chung TKH, Doran G, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MY, Worley MJ, Elias KM, Thorner AR, Pedamallu CS, Ojesina AI, Lau KM, Ducar MD, Wong RRY, Wang VVW, Nag A, Wollison BM, Dalgarno A, Lee JHS, Yeung SY, Wong L, Horowitz NS, Davis MR, Leung SOA, Mu Y, Mok SC, Chan PKS, Lawrence MS, Crum CP, Chiu RWK, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun 28;13(13):3218 |
3 | Short-form thymic stromal lymphopoietin (sFTSLP) is the predominant isoform expressed by gynaecologic cancers and promotes tumour growth Chan LKY, Lau TS, Chung KY, Tam C, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lee JHS, Leung RWT, Qin J, Or YYY, Lo KW, Kwong J Cancers 2021 Feb;13(5):980 |
4 | Paclitaxel Induces Immunogenic Cell Death in Ovarian Cancer via TLR4/IKK2/SNARE-Dependent Exocytosis Lau TS, Chan LKY, Man GCW, Wong ECH, Lee JHS, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Iain M, Kwong J Cancer Immunol Res. 2020 Aug;8(8):1099-1111 |
5 | Prevalence and Impact of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Ovarian Cancer Patients in an Endemic Area – a Retrospective Cohort Study Wong L, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lao TT J Viral Hepat. 2020 May;27(5):520-525 |
6 | Liquid biopsy of HPV DNA in cervical cancer Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MY, Worley MJ Jr, Fiascone SJ, Chiu RWK, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Wong MCS, Yeung ACM, Wong RRY, Chen ZG, Elias KM, Chung TKH, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF, Chan PKS J Clin Virol. 2019 May;114:32-36 |
7 | The performance of pre-operative MRI in service-based centers in diagnosing cervical invasion by endometrial carcinoma Lee JHS, Cheung TH, Yim SF European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 2018 ;39(1): 112-118 |
8 | The performance of preoperative MRI in service-based centers in diagnosing deep myometrial invasion by endometrial carcinoma Lee JHS, Cheung TH, Yim SF European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 2017;38(5):667-674 |
9 | Osteopontin Fragments with Intact Thrombin-Sensitive Site Circulate in Cervical Cancer Patients Leung DT, Lim PL, Cheung TH, Wong RR, Yim SF, Ng MH, Tam FC, Chung TKH, Wong YF PLoS One. 2016 Aug 5;11(8):e0160412 |
10 | Liquid biopsy of PIK3CA mutations in cervical cancer in Hong Kong Chinese women Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MY, Chiu RWK, Lo KWK, Lee IPC, Wong RRY, Lau KKM, Wang VW, Worley MJ Jr, Elias KM, Fiascone SJ, Smith DI, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Aug;146(2):334-339 |
11 | A loop of cancer-stroma-cancer interaction promotes peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer via TNFα-TGFα-EGFR Lau TS, Chan LKY, Wong ECH, Hui CWC, Sneddon K, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lee JHS, Yeung CSY, Chung TKH, Kwong J Oncogene. 2017 Jun 22;36(25):3576-3587 |
12 | Genomic Aberrations in Cervical Adenocarcinomas in Hong Kong Chinese Women. Chung TKH, Hummelen PV, Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Ducar MD, Thorner AR, MacConaill LE, Doran G, Pedamallu CS, Ojesina AI, Wong RRY, Wang VW, Freeman SS, Lau TS, Kwong J, Chan LKY, Fromer M, May T, Worley MJJR, Esselen KM, Elias KM, Lawrence M, Lawrence M, Getz Gad, Smith DI, Crum CP, Meyerson M, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF Int J Cancer 2015;137(4): 776 - 783 |
13 | Cancer Cell-derived Lymphotoxin Mediates Reciprocal Tumour¡VStromal Interactions in Human Ovarian Cancer by Inducing CXCL11 in Fibroblasts. Lau TS, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Chan LKY, Cheung WH, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lo KW, Yu MMY, Kulbe H, Balkwill FR, Kwong J J Pathol 2014;232(1): 43 - 56 |
14 | Attribution of Human Papillomavirus Types to Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Invasive Cancers in Southern China. Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Li WH, Yu MMY, Chan MYM, Yim SF, Ho WCS, Yeung ACM, Ho KM, Ng HK Int J Cancer 2012;131(3): 692 - 705 |
15 | Dysregulated microRNAs in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Cervical Neoplasm. Cheung TH, Man MKN, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lo KWK, Doran G, Wong RRY, Wang VW, Smith DI, Worley MJJR, Berkowitz RS, Chung TKH, Wong YF Cell Cycle 2012;11(15): 2876 - 2884 |
16 | Dysregulation of microRNA-204 Mediates Migration and Invasion of Endometrial Cancer by Regulating FOXC1. Chung TKH, Lau TS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Chan LKY, Yu MMY, Kwong J, Doran G, Barroilhet LM, Ng ASW, Wong RRY, Wang VW, Mok SC, Smith DI, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF Int J Cancer 2012;130(5): 1036 - 1045 |
17 | Hysterectomy for Recurrent Postmenopausal Bleeding Revisited: Missed Sclerosing Stromal Ovarian Tumour. Chung JPW, Cheung ECW, Yim SF, Mak SM Hong Kong Med J 2012;18(4): 338 - 339 |
18 | CHD5 Downregulation Associated with Poor Prognosis in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Wong RRY, Chan LKY, Tsang PT, Lee CWS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lee SNC, Yu MMY, Chim SSC, Wong YF, Chung TKH Gynecol Obstet Inves 2011;72(3): 203 - 207 |
19 | Clinical Use of Laparoscopic Ultrasonography in Detecting Nodal Metastasis in Advanced-Stage Cervical Carcinoma. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Yu MMY Int J Gynecol Obstet 2011;112(2): 154 - 158 |
20 | Debulking Metastatic Pelvic Nodes before Radiotherapy in Cervical Cancer Patients: A Long-term Follow-up Result. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yau SH, Yu MMY, Yeung WK Int J Clin Oncol 2011;16(5): 546 - 552 |
21 | Risk Factors for Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Prospective Cohort Study. TAM LS, Chan PKS, Ho SC, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Wong MCS, Cheung JLK, Li EKM Arthritis Care Res 2011;63(2): 269 - 276 |
22 | The Technique of Laparoscopic Pelvic Ultrasonography for Metastatic Lymph Node. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Ho SSY, Yu MMY, Yang WT J Laparoendose Adv Surg Tech 2011;21(1): 61 - 65 |
23 | Clinical Study of Quantitative Diagnosis of Early Cervical Cancer Based on the Classification of Acetowhitening Kinetics. Wu T, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Qu JY J Biomed Opt 2010;15(2): 026001 |
24 | Natural History of Cervical Papilloma Virus Infection in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - A Prospective Cohort Study. TAM LS, Chan PKS, Ho SC, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Wong MCS, Li EKM J Rheumatol 2010;37(2): 330 - 340 |
25 | Cryotherapy as the treatment modality of postcoital bleeding: a randomised clinical trial of efficacy and safety. Kong GWS, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Chung TKH Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2009;49(5): 517 - 524 |
26 | Dysregulated microRNAs and their predicted targets associated with endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma in Hong Kong women. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Huen NY, Wong KWY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Wong YM, Tsang PT, Pang MW, Yu MMY, To KF, Mok SC, Wang VW, Li C, Cheung AYK, Doran G, Birrer MJ, Smith DI, Wong YF Int J Cancer 2009;124(6): 1358 - 1365 |
27 | Optical Imaging of Cervical Precancerous Lesions Based on Active Stereo Vision and Motion Tracking. Wu TT, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Qu JY Opt Express 2008;16(15): 11224 - 11230 |
28 | Association between HLA-DRB1 polymorphism, high-risk HPV infection and cervical neoplasia in southern Chinese. Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Siu NSS, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Cheung JLK, Tam AOY, Tang JWT J Med Virol 2007;79(7): 970 - 976 |
29 | HLA-DQB1 polymorphisms and risk for cervical cancer: A case-control study in a southern Chinese population. Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Siu NSS, Yu MMY, Tang JWT, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Wong YF, To KF, Ng HK, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2007;105(3): 736 - 741 |
30 | Identification of molecular markers and signaling pathway in endometrial cancer in Hong Kong Chinese women by genome-wide gene expression profiling. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Chan CS, Ho TWF, Wong KWY, Yu MMY, Wang VW, Li C, Gardner GJ, Bonome T, Johnson WB, Smith DI, Chung TKH, Birrer MJ Oncogene 2007;26(13): 1971 - 1982 |
31 | Is aortic lymphadenectomy necessary in the management of endometrial carcinoma? Siu NSS, Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 2007;28(2): 98 - 102 |
32 | Profile of Viral Load, Integration, and E2 Gene Disruption of HPV58 in Normal Cervix and Cervical Neoplasia. Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Tang JWT J Infect Dis 2007;196(6): 868 - 875 |
33 | Biases in human papillomavirus genotype prevalence assessment associatedwith commonly used consensus primers. Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Tam AOY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, To KF, Wong YF, Cheung JLK, Chan DPC, Hui M, Ip M Int J Cancer 2006;118(1): 243 - 245 |
34 | Detection of microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer: advantages of a panel of five mononucleotide repeats over the National Cancer Institute panel of markers. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chan LKY, Buhard O, Duval A, Chung TKH, Hamelin R Carcinogenesis 2006;27(5): 951 - 955 |
35 | Gene expression pattern associated with radiotherapy sensitivity in cervical cancer. Wong YF, Sahota DS, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Smith DI Cancer J 2006;12(3): 189 - 193 |
36 | Genome-wide gene expression profiling of cervical cancer in Hong Kong women by oligonucleotide microarray. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Tsao GSW, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Wang VW, Heung MS, Chan CS, Chan LKY, Ho TWF, Wong KWY, Li C, Guo Y, Chung TKH, Smith DI Int J Cancer 2006;118(10): 2461 - 2469 |
37 | HLA-B alleles, high-risk HPV infection and risk for cervical neoplasia in southern Chinese women. Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Tam AOY, Chan DPC, Zhou DXM, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS Int J Cancer 2006;118(6): 1430 - 1435 |
38 | Is common iliac lymph node dissection necessary in early stage cervical carcinoma? Siu NSS, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2006;103(1): 58 - 61 |
39 | Multipopulation analysis of polymorphisms in five mononucleotide repeats used to determine the microsatellite instability status of human tumors. Buhard O, Cattaneo F, Wong YF, Yim SF, Friedman E, Flejou JF, Duval A, Hamelin R J Clin Oncol 2006;24(2): 241 - 251 |
40 | Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as a Possible Indicator of Arterial Reactivity in Postmenopausal Women. Lam PM, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Haines CJ Gynecol Endocrinol 2006;22(8): 460 - 464 |
41 | Clinicopathologic significance of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 1 in cervical cancer. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Poon CS, Cheung AYK, Chung TKH, Wong YF Gynecol Oncol 2005;96: 510 - 515 |
42 | Dose effects of progesterone in add-back therapy during GnRHa treatment. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Lam CWK, Lau Edith MC, Haines CJ J Reprod Med 2005;50(1): 35 - 40 |
43 | Risk Association between Human Leukocyte Antigen¡VA Allele and High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection for Cervical Neoplasia in Chinese Women. Chan DPC, Cheung TH, Tam AOY, Cheung JLK, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Zhou DXM, Chan PKS J Infect Dis 2005;192(10): 1749 - 1756 |
44 | Study of dynamic process of acetic acid induced-whitening in epithelial tissues at cellular level. Wu T, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Wong YF Opt Express 2005;13(13): 4963 - 4973 |
45 | Transcriptional repression of WEE1 by Kruppel-like factor 2 is involved in DNA damage-induced apoptosis. Wang F, Zhu Y, Huang Y, McAvoy S, Johnson WB, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Ngan HYS, Wong YF, Smith DI Oncogene 2005;24(24): 3875 - 3885 |
46 | Correlation of transvaginal ultrasound findings and serum beta-hCG level in cervical pregnancy. Yim SF, Lo KWK, Chan SSC, Cheung TH Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2004;24(6): 694 - 695 |
47 | Epigenetic and genetic alternation ofPTEN in cervical neoplasm. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chan LKY, Heung MS, Chan CS, Cheung AYK, Chung TKH, Wong YF Gynecol Oncol 2004;93(3): 621 - 627 |
48 | Prospective self-controlled study on prevention of hysteroscopic dissemination in endometrial carcinoma. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Chan Louis YS, Chung TKH Int J Gynecol Cancer 2004;14(5): 921 - 926 |
49 | Raloxifene therapy in postmenopausal women is associated with a significant reduction in the concentration of serum vascular endothelial growth factor. Lam PM, Yim SF, Briton Jones C , Chung TKH, Haines CJ Fertil Steril 2004;81(2): 393 - 397 |
50 | A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study of the dose effect of oral oestradiol on bone mineral density in postmenopausal Chinese women. Haines CJ, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Lam CWK, Lau Edith MC, Ng MHL, Chin RKH, Lee DTS Maturitas 2003;45(3): 169 - 173 |
51 | A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study of the dose effect of oral oestradiol on menopausal symptoms, psychological well being, and quality of life in postmenopausal Chinese women. Haines CJ, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Lam CWK, Lau Edith MC, Ng MHL, Chin RKH, Lee DTS Maturitas 2003;44(3): 207 - 214 |
52 | Expression Genomics of Cervical Cancer: Molecular Classification and Prediction of Radiotherapy Response by DNA Microarray. Wong YF, Selvanayagam ZE, Wei N, Porter J, Vittal R, Hu R, Yap SF, Kita T, Lin AW, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yip SK, Leung TN, Siu NSS, Chan LKY, Chan CS, Kong T, Kutlina E, McKinnon RD, Denhardt DT, Chin KV, Chung TKH Clin Cancer Res 2003;9(15): 5486 - 5492 |
53 | Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Show Increased Platelet Activation and Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Acute Hyperhomocysteinemia. TAM LS, Fan B, Li EKM, Thomas GN, Yim SF, Haines CJ, Thomlinson B J Rheumatol 2003;30(7): 1479 - 1484 |
54 | The role of microsatellite instability in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Poon KY, Wang VW, Li JCB, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Lahr G, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2003;89(3): 434 - 439 |
55 | The value of pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer to avoid unnecessary radiotherapy. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Chung TKH Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003;13(6): 863 - 869 |
56 | Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia is Associated with Increased Polyamine Oxidase and Diamine Oxidase Concentrations in Cervical Mucus. Rogers MS, Yim SF, Li KC, Wang CC, Arumanayagam M Gynecol Oncol 2002;84(3): 383 - 387 |
57 | Entrapment of Viable Trophoblastic Tissue in a Uterine Hematoma After Surgical Evacuation. A Case Report. Lam PM, Yim SF, Leung TN J Reprod Med 2002;47(2): 170 - 172 |
58 | Expression of apoptotic regulators and their significance in cervical cancer. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Krajewski S, Reed JC, Wong YF Cancer Lett 2002;180(1): 63 - 68 |
59 | Hysteroscopic dissemination of endometrial carcinoma using carbon dioxide and normal saline: a retrospective study. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2002;84(3): 394 - 398 |
60 | Aberrant expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 and p27KIP1 in cervical carcinoma. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Poon CS, Chung TKH, Wong YF Cancer Lett 2001;172(1): 93 - 98 |
61 | Alteration of cyclin D1 and CDK4 gene in carcinoma of uterine cervix. Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Wong YF Cancer Lett 2001;166(2): 199 - 206 |
62 | Anti-ischemic Action of Estrogen-Progestogen Continuous Combined Hormone Replacement Therapy in Postmenopausal Women with Established Angina Pectoris: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Trial. Sanderson JE, Haines CJ, Yeung L, Yip GWK, Tang K, Yim SF, Jorgensen LN, Woo J J Cardiovasc Pharm 2001;38(3): 372 - 383 |
63 | Dose-finding study for the use of long-acting gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues prior to ovarian stimulation for IVF. Yim SF, Lok IH, Cheung LP, Briton Jones C , Chiu TTY, Haines CJ Hum Reprod 2001;16(3): 492 - 494 |
64 | Preoperative Hysteroscopic Assessment of Cervical Invasion by Endometrial Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2001;82(2): 279 - 282 |
65 | Randomized double-masked comparison of radially expanding access device and conventional cutting tip trocar in laparoscopy. Yim SF, Yuen PM Obstet Gynecol 2001;97(3): 435 - 438 |
66 | The effect of continuous combined hormone replacement therapy on arterial reactivity in postmenopausal women with established angina pectoris. Haines CJ, Yim SF, Sanderson JE Atherosclerosis 2001;159(2): 467 - 470 |
67 | The effects of follicular fluid and platelet-activating factor on motion characteristics of poor-quality cryopreserved human sperm. Briton Jones C , Yeung QSY, Tjer GCC, Chiu TTY, Cheung LP, Yim SF, Lok IH, Haines CJ J Assist Reprod Gen 2001;18(3): 165 - 170 |
68 | Whole blood mercury concentrations in sub-fertile men in Hong Kong. Leung TY, Choy CMY, Yim SF, Lam CWK, Haines CJ Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2001;41(1): 75 - 77 |
69 | A prospective randomized controlled study of the effect of hormone replacement therapy on peripheral blood flow velocity in postmenopausal women. Lau TK, Wan D, Yim SF, Sanderson JE, Haines CJ Fertil Steril 1998;70(2): 284 - 288 |
70 | Intramyometrial abscess complicating pregnancy: a report of two cases. Fung TY, Yim SF, Fung HYM J Reprod Med 1998;43(11): 1002 - 1004 |
71 | Metabolic and inflammatory responses after laparoscopic and abdominal hysterectomy. Yuen PM, Mak TWL, Yim SF, Ngan Kee WD, Lam CWK, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179(1): 1 - 5 |
72 | Prospective randomized study of the effect of 'add-back' hormone replacement on vascular function during treatment with gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists. Yim SF, Lau TK, Sahota DS, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Haines CJ Circulation 1998;98: 1631 - 1635 |
73 | C-myc mutation detected by polymerase chain reaction - heteroduplex in cervical cancer. Wong YF, Rogers MS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chang AMZ Gynecol Obstet Inves 1997;44(2): 136 - 140 |
74 | Failed Caesarean section : an Obstetrician's nightmare. Yuen PM, Yim SF Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1997;37(4): 472 - 473 |
75 | p16INK4 and p15INK4B Alterations in Primary Gynecologic Malignancy. Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Nobori T, Yim SF, Lai WH, Yu AL, Diccianni MB, Li TZ, Chang AMZ Gynecol Oncol 1997;65: 319 - 324 |
76 | Iatrogenic cardiac tamponade during pregnancy. Yim SF, Lam SK, Haines CJ Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36: 205 - 206 |
77 | A prospective study of the microbiological environment of the genitourinary tract in Hong Kong Chinese women during pregnancy. Yim SF, Chung TKH, Haines CJ, Lyon DJ Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1995;35(2): 178 - 181 |
78 | A randomised double blind comparison of syntometrine and syntocinon in the management of the third stage of labour. Yuen PM, Yim SF, Chang AMZ, Chan NST BJOG 1995;102(5): 377 - 380 |
79 | Misdiagnosis of an intersitial ectopic pregnancy after unilateral salpingectomy. Yim SF, Fung HYM, To KF Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1995;36(1): 80 - 82 |