Dr. CHEUNG Tak Hong

Current Position:
Part-time Consultant
Honorary Clinical Professor
Other Positions:
Cluster_Coordinator (Obstetrics and Gynaecology),
New Territories East_Cluster, Hospital Authority
Research Interests :
1 | Dissection of PIK3CA Aberration for Cervical Adenocarcinoma Outcomes Chung TKH, Doran G, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MY, Worley MJ, Elias KM, Thorner AR, Pedamallu CS, Ojesina AI, Lau KM, Ducar MD, Wong RRY, Wang VVW, Nag A, Wollison BM, Dalgarno A, Lee JHS, Yeung SY, Wong L, Horowitz NS, Davis MR, Leung SOA, Mu Y, Mok SC, Chan PKS, Lawrence MS, Crum CP, Chiu RWK, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun 28;13(13):3218 |
2 | Short-form thymic stromal lymphopoietin (sFTSLP) is the predominant isoform expressed by gynaecologic cancers and promotes tumour growth Chan LKY, Lau TS, Chung KY, Tam C, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lee JHS, Leung RWT, Qin J, Or YYY, Lo KW, Kwong J Cancers 2021 Feb;13(5):980 |
3 | Paclitaxel Induces Immunogenic Cell Death in Ovarian Cancer via TLR4/IKK2/SNARE-Dependent Exocytosis Lau TS, Chan LKY, Man GCW, Wong ECH, Lee JHS, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Iain M, Kwong J Cancer Immunol Res. 2020 Aug;8(8):1099-1111 |
4 | Prevalence and Impact of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Ovarian Cancer Patients in an Endemic Area – a Retrospective Cohort Study Wong L, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lao TT J Viral Hepat. 2020 May;27(5):520-525 |
5 | Liquid biopsy of HPV DNA in cervical cancer Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MY, Worley MJ Jr, Fiascone SJ, Chiu RWK, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Wong MCS, Yeung ACM, Wong RRY, Chen ZG, Elias KM, Chung TKH, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF, Chan PKS J Clin Virol. 2019 May;114:32-36 |
6 | Efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of a 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine: subgroup analysis of participants from asian countries. Garland SM, Pitisuttithum P, Ngan HYS, Cho CH, Lee CY, Chen CA, Yang YC, Chu TY, Twu NF, Samakoses R, Takeuchi Y, Cheung TH, Kim SC, Huang LM, Kim BG, Kim YT, Kim KH, Song YS, Lalwani S, Kang JH, Sakamoto M, Ryu HS, Bhatla N, Yoshikawa H, Ellison MC, Han SR, Moeller E, Murata S, Ritter M, Sawata M, Shields C, Walia A, Perez G, Luxembourg A J Infect Dis. 2018 Jun 5;218(1):95-108 |
7 | The performance of pre-operative MRI in service-based centers in diagnosing cervical invasion by endometrial carcinoma Lee JHS, Cheung TH, Yim SF European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 2018 ;39(1): 112-118 |
8 | The performance of preoperative MRI in service-based centers in diagnosing deep myometrial invasion by endometrial carcinoma Lee JHS, Cheung TH, Yim SF European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 2017;38(5):667-674 |
9 | Osteopontin Fragments with Intact Thrombin-Sensitive Site Circulate in Cervical Cancer Patients Leung DT, Lim PL, Cheung TH, Wong RR, Yim SF, Ng MH, Tam FC, Chung TKH, Wong YF PLoS One. 2016 Aug 5;11(8):e0160412 |
10 | Liquid biopsy of PIK3CA mutations in cervical cancer in Hong Kong Chinese women Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MY, Chiu RWK, Lo KWK, Lee IPC, Wong RRY, Lau KKM, Wang VW, Worley MJ Jr, Elias KM, Fiascone SJ, Smith DI, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Aug;146(2):334-339 |
11 | A loop of cancer-stroma-cancer interaction promotes peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer via TNFα-TGFα-EGFR Lau TS, Chan LKY, Wong ECH, Hui CWC, Sneddon K, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lee JHS, Yeung CSY, Chung TKH, Kwong J Oncogene. 2017 Jun 22;36(25):3576-3587 |
12 | Extramammary Paget Disease: Surgical Control from the Plastic Surgery Perspective Wong DSY, Ko LWL, Cheung TH Surgical Practice Jul 2016;20(3): 110 – 113 |
13 | Genomic Aberrations in Cervical Adenocarcinomas in Hong Kong Chinese Women. Chung TKH, Hummelen PV, Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Ducar MD, Thorner AR, MacConaill LE, Doran G, Pedamallu CS, Ojesina AI, Wong RRY, Wang VW, Freeman SS, Lau TS, Kwong J, Chan LKY, Fromer M, May T, Worley MJJR, Esselen KM, Elias KM, Lawrence M, Lawrence M, Getz Gad, Smith DI, Crum CP, Meyerson M, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF Int J Cancer 2015;137(4): 776 - 783 |
14 | Prognostic Implication of Human Papillomavirus Types and Species in Cervical Cancer Patients Undergoing Primary Treatment. Lau YM, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Mo FKF, Yu MMY, Lee KM, Ho WCS, Yeung ACM, Law PTY, Chan PKS PLos ONE 2015;10(4): 1 - 14 |
15 | Safety and Immunogenicity of A 9-Valent HPV Vaccine in Females 12¡V26 Years of Age Who Previously Received the Quadrivalent HPV vaccine. Garland SM, Cheung TH, McNeill S, Petersen LK, Romaguera J, Vazquez-Narvaez J, Bautista O, Shields C, Vuocolo S, Luxembourg A Vaccine 2015;33(48): 6855 - 6864 |
16 | Cancer Cell-derived Lymphotoxin Mediates Reciprocal Tumour¡VStromal Interactions in Human Ovarian Cancer by Inducing CXCL11 in Fibroblasts. Lau TS, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Chan LKY, Cheung WH, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lo KW, Yu MMY, Kulbe H, Balkwill FR, Kwong J J Pathol 2014;232(1): 43 - 56 |
17 | Selection of Referent Transcript for Normalization of Gene Expression in Cervical Cytology Samples. Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Yeung ACM, Chan PKS Appl Immunohisto M M 2014;22(2): 153 - 157 |
18 | A Novel miR-193a-5p-YY1-APC Regulatory Axis in Human Endometrioid Endometrial Adenocarcinoma. Yang YH, Zhou L, Lu LN, Wang LJ, Li XX, Jiang PY, Chan LKY, Zhang T, Yu J, Kwong J, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Mak KKL, Sun H, Wang HT Oncogene 2013;32(29): 3432 - 3442 |
19 | Geographical Distribution and Oncogenic Risk Association of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 E6 and E7 Sequence Variations. Chan PKS, Zhang CQ, Park JS, Smith-McCune KK, Palefsky JM, Giovannelli L, Coutlee F, Hibbitts S, Konno R, Settheetham-Ishida W, Chu TY, Ferrera A, Alejandra Picconi M, De Marco F, Woo YL, Raiol T, Pina-Sanchez P, Bae JH, Wong MCS, Chirenje MZ, Magure T, Moscicki AB, Fiander AN, Capra G, Ki EY, Tan Y, Chen ZG, Burk RD, Chan MCW, Cheung TH, Pim D, Banks L Int J Cancer 2013;132(1): 2528 - 2536 |
20 | MicroRNA-182 Plays an Onco-miRNA Role in Cervical Cancer. Tang T, Wong HK, Gu W, Yu MMY, To KF, Wang CC, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Choy KW Gynecol Oncol 2013;129(1): 199 - 208 |
21 | Virological Characteristics of Cervical Cancers Carrying Pure Episomal Form of HPV16 Genome. Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Chan PKS Gynecol Oncol 2013;131(2): 374 - 379 |
22 | Attribution of Human Papillomavirus Types to Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Invasive Cancers in Southern China. Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Li WH, Yu MMY, Chan MYM, Yim SF, Ho WCS, Yeung ACM, Ho KM, Ng HK Int J Cancer 2012;131(3): 692 - 705 |
23 | Dysregulated microRNAs in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Cervical Neoplasm. Cheung TH, Man MKN, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lo KWK, Doran G, Wong RRY, Wang VW, Smith DI, Worley MJJR, Berkowitz RS, Chung TKH, Wong YF Cell Cycle 2012;11(15): 2876 - 2884 |
24 | Dysregulation of microRNA-204 Mediates Migration and Invasion of Endometrial Cancer by Regulating FOXC1. Chung TKH, Lau TS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Chan LKY, Yu MMY, Kwong J, Doran G, Barroilhet LM, Ng ASW, Wong RRY, Wang VW, Mok SC, Smith DI, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF Int J Cancer 2012;130(5): 1036 - 1045 |
25 | Laboratory and Clinical Aspects of Human Papillomavirus Testing. Chan PKS, Alejandra Picconi M, Cheung TH, Giovannelli L, Park JS Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 2012;49(4): 117 - 136 |
26 | CHD5 Downregulation Associated with Poor Prognosis in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Wong RRY, Chan LKY, Tsang PT, Lee CWS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lee SNC, Yu MMY, Chim SSC, Wong YF, Chung TKH Gynecol Obstet Inves 2011;72(3): 203 - 207 |
27 | Clinical Use of Laparoscopic Ultrasonography in Detecting Nodal Metastasis in Advanced-Stage Cervical Carcinoma. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Yu MMY Int J Gynecol Obstet 2011;112(2): 154 - 158 |
28 | Debulking Metastatic Pelvic Nodes before Radiotherapy in Cervical Cancer Patients: A Long-term Follow-up Result. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yau SH, Yu MMY, Yeung WK Int J Clin Oncol 2011;16(5): 546 - 552 |
29 | Frequent Somatic Demethylation of RAPGEF1/C3G Intronic Sequences in Gastrointestinal and Gynecological Cancer. Samuelsson J, Alonso S, Ruiz-Larroya T, Cheung TH, Wong YF, Perucho M Int J Oncol 2011;38(6): 1575 - 1577 |
30 | Identification of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 Lineages and the Distribution Worldwide. Chan PKS, Luk ACS, Park JS, Smith-McCune KK, Palefsky JM, Konno R, Giovannelli L, Coutlee F, Hibbitts S, Chu TY, Settheetham-Ishida W, Alejandra Picconi M, Ferrera A, De Marco F, Woo YL, Raiol T, Pina-Sanchez P, Cheung JLK, Bae JH, Chirenje MZ, Magure T, Moscicki AB, Fiander AN, Di Stefano R, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Tsui SKW, Pim D, Banks L J Infect Dis 2011;203(11): 1565 - 1573 |
31 | Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy for the Treatment of Vaginal Vault Prolapse: with or without Robotic Assistance. Chan SSC, Pang MW, Cheung TH, Cheung RYK, Chung TKH Hong Kong Med J 2011;17(1): 54 - 61 |
32 | Risk Factors for Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Prospective Cohort Study. TAM LS, Chan PKS, Ho SC, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Wong MCS, Cheung JLK, Li EKM Arthritis Care Res 2011;63(2): 269 - 276 |
33 | T-cell Response to Human Papillomavirus Type 52 L1, E6, and E7 Peptides in Women With Transient Infection, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, and Invasive Cancer. Chan PKS, Liu SJ, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Chong P, Man S J Med Virol 2011;83(6): 1023 - 1030 |
34 | The Technique of Laparoscopic Pelvic Ultrasonography for Metastatic Lymph Node. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Ho SSY, Yu MMY, Yang WT J Laparoendose Adv Surg Tech 2011;21(1): 61 - 65 |
35 | Age Distribution of Human Papillomavirus Infection and Cervical Neoplasia Reflects Caveats of Cervical Screening Policies. Chan PKS, Chang AR, Yu MMY, Li WH, Chan MYM, Yeung ACM, Cheung TH, Yau TN, Wong ASM, Yau CW, Ng HK Int J Cancer 2010;126(1): 297 - 301 |
36 | Clinical Study of Quantitative Diagnosis of Early Cervical Cancer Based on the Classification of Acetowhitening Kinetics. Wu T, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Qu JY J Biomed Opt 2010;15(2): 026001 |
37 | Natural History of Cervical Papilloma Virus Infection in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - A Prospective Cohort Study. TAM LS, Chan PKS, Ho SC, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Wong MCS, Li EKM J Rheumatol 2010;37(2): 330 - 340 |
38 | T-Cell Response to Human Papillomavirus Type 58 L1, E6, and E7 Peptides in Women with Cleared Infection, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, or Invasive Cancer. Chan PKS, Liu SJ, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Ngai SSM, Cheung JLK, Chong P, Man S Clin Vaccine Immunol 2010;17(9): 1315 - 1321 |
39 | Adolescent girls' attitudes on human papillomavirus vaccination. Chan SSC, Ng BHY, Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Chung TKH J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2009;22(2): 85 - 90 |
40 | Cryotherapy as the treatment modality of postcoital bleeding: a randomised clinical trial of efficacy and safety. Kong GWS, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Chung TKH Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2009;49(5): 517 - 524 |
41 | Dysregulated microRNAs and their predicted targets associated with endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma in Hong Kong women. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Huen NY, Wong KWY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Wong YM, Tsang PT, Pang MW, Yu MMY, To KF, Mok SC, Wang VW, Li C, Cheung AYK, Doran G, Birrer MJ, Smith DI, Wong YF Int J Cancer 2009;124(6): 1358 - 1365 |
42 | Increase of Integration Events and Infection Loads of Human Papillomavirus Type 52 with Lesion Severity from Low-Grade Cervical Lesion to Invasive Cancer. Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Tang JWT, Chan PKS J Clin Microbiol 2008;46(4): 1356 - 1362 |
43 | Low-Grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma with Florid Intravenous Component. Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Cheung TH Gynecol Obstet Inves 2008;66(1): 8 - 11 |
44 | Optical Imaging of Cervical Precancerous Lesions Based on Active Stereo Vision and Motion Tracking. Wu TT, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Qu JY Opt Express 2008;16(15): 11224 - 11230 |
45 | Association between HLA-DRB1 polymorphism, high-risk HPV infection and cervical neoplasia in southern Chinese. Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Siu NSS, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Cheung JLK, Tam AOY, Tang JWT J Med Virol 2007;79(7): 970 - 976 |
46 | HLA-DQB1 polymorphisms and risk for cervical cancer: A case-control study in a southern Chinese population. Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Siu NSS, Yu MMY, Tang JWT, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Wong YF, To KF, Ng HK, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2007;105(3): 736 - 741 |
47 | Identification of molecular markers and signaling pathway in endometrial cancer in Hong Kong Chinese women by genome-wide gene expression profiling. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Chan CS, Ho TWF, Wong KWY, Yu MMY, Wang VW, Li C, Gardner GJ, Bonome T, Johnson WB, Smith DI, Chung TKH, Birrer MJ Oncogene 2007;26(13): 1971 - 1982 |
48 | Is aortic lymphadenectomy necessary in the management of endometrial carcinoma? Siu NSS, Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 2007;28(2): 98 - 102 |
49 | Patients with malignant or pre-malignant cervical lesion have increased risk of becoming hepatitis B carrier. Siu NSS, Cheung TH, Chan PKS, Lin CK, Lo KWK J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2007;26(1): 77 - 81 |
50 | Profile of Viral Load, Integration, and E2 Gene Disruption of HPV58 in Normal Cervix and Cervical Neoplasia. Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Tang JWT J Infect Dis 2007;196(6): 868 - 875 |
51 | Womens Attitudes on Human Papillomavirus Vaccination to Their Daughters. Chan SSC, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Chung TKH J Adolescent Health 2007;41(2): 204 - 207 |
52 | A randomised trial of carbetocin versus syntometrine in the management of the third stage of labour. Leung SW, Ng PS, Wong AWY, Cheung TH BJOG 2006;113(12): 1459 - 1464 |
53 | Biases in human papillomavirus genotype prevalence assessment associatedwith commonly used consensus primers. Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Tam AOY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, To KF, Wong YF, Cheung JLK, Chan DPC, Hui M, Ip M Int J Cancer 2006;118(1): 243 - 245 |
54 | Detection of microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer: advantages of a panel of five mononucleotide repeats over the National Cancer Institute panel of markers. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chan LKY, Buhard O, Duval A, Chung TKH, Hamelin R Carcinogenesis 2006;27(5): 951 - 955 |
55 | Gene expression pattern associated with radiotherapy sensitivity in cervical cancer. Wong YF, Sahota DS, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Smith DI Cancer J 2006;12(3): 189 - 193 |
56 | Genome-wide gene expression profiling of cervical cancer in Hong Kong women by oligonucleotide microarray. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Tsao GSW, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Wang VW, Heung MS, Chan CS, Chan LKY, Ho TWF, Wong KWY, Li C, Guo Y, Chung TKH, Smith DI Int J Cancer 2006;118(10): 2461 - 2469 |
57 | HLA-B alleles, high-risk HPV infection and risk for cervical neoplasia in southern Chinese women. Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Tam AOY, Chan DPC, Zhou DXM, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS Int J Cancer 2006;118(6): 1430 - 1435 |
58 | Is common iliac lymph node dissection necessary in early stage cervical carcinoma? Siu NSS, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2006;103(1): 58 - 61 |
59 | Radiographic appearance of pyometra on computer tomography mimicking pelvic abscess. Chan Louis YS, Lo KWK, Cheung TH Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2006;85(9): 1144 - 1151 |
60 | Viral Load, E2 Gene Disruption Status, and Lineage of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Infection in Cervical Neoplasia. Cheung JLK, Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Tang JWT, Chan PKS J Infect Dis 2006;194(12): 1706 - 1712 |
61 | Clinicopathologic significance of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 1 in cervical cancer. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Poon CS, Cheung AYK, Chung TKH, Wong YF Gynecol Oncol 2005;96: 510 - 515 |
62 | Depth-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of normal and dysplastic cervical tissue. Wu Y, Xi P, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Yu MMY Opt Express 2005;13(2): 382 - 388 |
63 | Detection and quantitation of human papillomavirus DNA in primary tumour and lymph nodes of patients with early stage cervical carcinoma. Chan PKS, Yu MMY, Cheung TH, To KF, Lo KWK, Cheung JLK, Tong JHM J Clin Virol 2005;33(3): 201 - 205 |
64 | Dose effects of progesterone in add-back therapy during GnRHa treatment. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Lam CWK, Lau Edith MC, Haines CJ J Reprod Med 2005;50(1): 35 - 40 |
65 | Quantitative analysis of human papillomavirus type 16 in cervical neoplasm: A study in Chinese population. Lo KWK, Yeung SW, Cheung TH, Siu NSS, Kahn T, Wong YF J Clin Virol 2005;34(1): 76 - 80 |
66 | Risk Association between Human Leukocyte Antigen¡VA Allele and High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection for Cervical Neoplasia in Chinese Women. Chan DPC, Cheung TH, Tam AOY, Cheung JLK, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Zhou DXM, Chan PKS J Infect Dis 2005;192(10): 1749 - 1756 |
67 | Study of dynamic process of acetic acid induced-whitening in epithelial tissues at cellular level. Wu T, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Wong YF Opt Express 2005;13(13): 4963 - 4973 |
68 | The role of viral integration in the development of cervical cancer. Yu Tingxi, Ferber MJ, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Wong YF, Smith DI Cancer Genet Cytogen 2005;158(1): 27 - 34 |
69 | Transcriptional repression of WEE1 by Kruppel-like factor 2 is involved in DNA damage-induced apoptosis. Wang F, Zhu Y, Huang Y, McAvoy S, Johnson WB, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Ngan HYS, Wong YF, Smith DI Oncogene 2005;24(24): 3875 - 3885 |
70 | Application of expression genomics in drug development and genomic medicine. Chin KV, Selvanayagam ZE, Vittal R, Kita T, Kudoh K, Yang CS, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Chung TKH, Lin Y, Liao J, Shih JW, Yap SF, Lin AW Drug Develop Res 2004;62(2): 124 - 133 |
71 | Correlation of transvaginal ultrasound findings and serum beta-hCG level in cervical pregnancy. Yim SF, Lo KWK, Chan SSC, Cheung TH Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2004;24(6): 694 - 695 |
72 | Depth-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy reveals layered structure of tissue. Wu Y, Xi P, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Yu MMY Opt Express 2004;12(14): 3218 - 3223 |
73 | Epigenetic and genetic alternation ofPTEN in cervical neoplasm. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chan LKY, Heung MS, Chan CS, Cheung AYK, Chung TKH, Wong YF Gynecol Oncol 2004;93(3): 621 - 627 |
74 | Extended experience in the use of laparoscopic ultrasound to detect pelvic nodal metastasis in patients with cervical carcinoma*. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Yang WT, Ho SSY Gynecol Oncol 2004;92(3): 784 - 788 |
75 | Interpretation of Pap smear reports. Cheung TH HK Dermatol Venereol Bull 2004;12(1): 12 - 17 |
76 | Intravenous leiomyomatosis: two cases with different routes of tumor extension. Lam PM, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Wong WS, Lau JWY, Elarefi AA, Cheung TH J Vasc Surg 2004;39(2): 465 - 469 |
77 | Metastatic sarcoma of the ovaries. Cheung TH CME Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2004;9(2): 153 - 156 |
78 | Nodal detection in malignant melanoma of the vagina using laparoscopic ultrasonography. Siu NSS, Lo KWK, Chan ABW, Yu MMY, Cheung TH Gynecol Oncol 2004;92(3): 985 - 988 |
79 | Patient-controlled analgesia versus conventional intramuscular injection: a cost effectiveness analysis. Chang AM, Ip Wan Yim, Cheung TH J Adv Nur 2004;46(5): 531 - 541 |
80 | Prediction of chemotherapeutic response in ovarian cancer with DNA microarray expression profiling. Selvanayagam ZE, Cheung TH, Wei N, Vittal R, Lo KWK, Yeo W, Kita T, Ravatn R, Chung TKH, Wong YF, Chin KV Cancer Genet Cytogen 2004;154(1): 63 - 66 |
81 | Prospective self-controlled study on prevention of hysteroscopic dissemination in endometrial carcinoma. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Chan Louis YS, Chung TKH Int J Gynecol Cancer 2004;14(5): 921 - 926 |
82 | Protein profiling of cervical cancer by protein-biochips: proteomic scoring to discriminate cervical cancer from normal cervix. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Wang VW, Chan CS, Ng TB, Chung TKH, Mok SC Cancer Lett 2004;211(2): 227 - 234 |
83 | Expression Genomics of Cervical Cancer: Molecular Classification and Prediction of Radiotherapy Response by DNA Microarray. Wong YF, Selvanayagam ZE, Wei N, Porter J, Vittal R, Hu R, Yap SF, Kita T, Lin AW, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yip SK, Leung TN, Siu NSS, Chan LKY, Chan CS, Kong T, Kutlina E, McKinnon RD, Denhardt DT, Chin KV, Chung TKH Clin Cancer Res 2003;9(15): 5486 - 5492 |
84 | Integrations of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) into the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene in liver and cervical cancers. Ferber MJ, Montoya DP, Yu C, Aderca I, McGee A, Thorland EC, Nagorney DM, Gostout BS, Burgart LJ, Boix L, Bruix J, McMahon BJ, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Wong YF, Smith DI, Roberts LR Oncogene 2003;22(24): 3813 - 3820 |
85 | Intravenous leiomyomatosis with atypical histologic features: A case report. Lam PM, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Lau TK, Cheung TH Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003;13(1): 83 - 87 |
86 | Preferential integration of human papillomavirus type 18 near the c-myc locus in cervical carcinoma. Ferber MJ, Thorland EC, Brink AA, Rapp AK, Phillips LA, McGovern R, Gostout BS, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Wong YF, Smith DI Oncogene 2003;22(46): 7233 - 7242 |
87 | Preliminary study of detecting neoplastic growths in vivo with real time calibrated autofluorescence imaging. Wu T, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY Opt Express 2003;11(4): 291 - 298 |
88 | The role of microsatellite instability in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Poon KY, Wang VW, Li JCB, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Lahr G, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2003;89(3): 434 - 439 |
89 | The value of pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer to avoid unnecessary radiotherapy. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Chung TKH Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003;13(6): 863 - 869 |
90 | Apotosis-Related Proteins in Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix. Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Krajewski S, Reed JC, Wong YF Gynecol Oncol 2002;86(1): 14 - 18 |
91 | Association of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 Variant With the Risk of Cervical Cancer. Chan PKS, Lam ECW, Cheung TH, Li WWH, Lo KWK, Chan MYM, Cheung JLK, Cheng AFB J Natl Cancer I 2002;94(16): 1249 - 1253 |
92 | Expression of apoptotic regulators and their significance in cervical cancer. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Krajewski S, Reed JC, Wong YF Cancer Lett 2002;180(1): 63 - 68 |
93 | Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Intratypic Variant Infection and Risk for Cervical Neoplasia in Southern China. Chan PKS, Lam ECW, Cheung TH, Li WWH, Lo KWK, Chan MYM, Cheung JLK, Xu LY, Cheng AFB J Infect Dis 2002;186: 696 - 700 |
94 | Hysteroscopic dissemination of endometrial carcinoma using carbon dioxide and normal saline: a retrospective study. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2002;84(3): 394 - 398 |
95 | Prevalence of human papillomavirus in cervical cancer: A multicenter study in China. Lo KWK, Wong YF, Chan KMM, Li JCB, Poon CS, Wang VW, Zhu SN, Zhang TM, He ZG, Wu QL, Li GD, Tam JSL, Kahn T, Lam PKW, Cheung TH, Chung TKH Int J Cancer 2002;100(3): 327 - 331 |
96 | Aberrant expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 and p27KIP1 in cervical carcinoma. Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Poon CS, Chung TKH, Wong YF Cancer Lett 2001;172(1): 93 - 98 |
97 | Alteration of cyclin D1 and CDK4 gene in carcinoma of uterine cervix. Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Wong YF Cancer Lett 2001;166(2): 199 - 206 |
98 | Clinical and Prognostic Significance of Human Papillomavirus in Chinese Population of Cervical Cancers. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Wang VW, Poon JS, Lam PKW, Wong YF Gynecol Obstet Inves 2001;51(3): 202 - 207 |
99 | Microsatellite instability in cervical carcinoma. Chung TKH, IP TY, Hampton GM, Wang VW, Cheung TH, Wong YF Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2001;94(1): 121 - 124 |
100 | Microsatellite Instability, Expression of hMSH2 and hMLH1 and HPV Infection in Cervical Cancer and Their Clinico-Pathological Association. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Wang VW, Yu MMY, Wong YF Gynecol Obstet Inves 2001;52(2): 98 - 103 |
101 | Preoperative Hysteroscopic Assessment of Cervical Invasion by Endometrial Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study. Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH Gynecol Oncol 2001;82(2): 279 - 282 |
102 | A Cross-over Study of Triptorelin and Leuprolrelin Acetate in the Treatment of Endometriosis Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Lam CWK, Lau WC, Lam PKW Fertil Steril 2000; 74: 299 - 305 |
103 | Comparison of Dynamic Helical CT and Dynamic MR Imaging in the Evaluation of Pelvic Lymph Nodes in Cervical Carcinoma. Yang WT, Lam WWM, Yu MMY, Cheung TH, Metreweli C Am J Roentgenol 2000;175(3): 759 - 766 |
104 | Loss of Heterozygosity at the short arm of chromosome 3 in microdissected cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Hampton GM, Wong HKT, Wong YF Cancer Lett 2000;154(2): 189 - 194 |
105 | Management of Low Grade Cytological Abnormalities on Pap Test. Cheung TH JPOG 2000;26(6): 36 - 40 |
106 | Overexpression of p53 and HER-2/neu and c-myc in Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, To KF, Wong YF Gynecol Obstet Inves 2000;49(1): 47 - 51 |
107 | p53 Polymorphism and Human Papillomavirus Infection in Hong Kong Women with Cervical Cancer. Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Nobori T, Hampton GM, Wang VW, Li YF, Chang AMZ Gynecol Obstet Inves 2000;50(1): 60 - 63 |
108 | Allelic Loss on Chromosome 1 Is Associated with Tumor Progression of Cervical Carcinoma. Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Poon CS, Hampton GM, Wang VW, Wong YF Cancer 1999;86(7): 1294 - 1298 |
109 | Clinical and pathologic significance of microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer. Wong YF, IP TY, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Hampton GM, Wang VW, Chang AMZ Int J Gynecol Cancer 1999;9: 406 - 410 |
110 | Clinical Use of Serum c-erbB-2 in Patients with Ovarian Masses. Cheung TH, Wong YF, Chung TKH, Maimonis P, Chang AMZ Gynecol Obstet Inves 1999;48(2): 133 - 137 |
111 | Comparison of Laparoscopic Sonography with Surgical Pathology in the Evaluation of Pelvic Lymph Nodes in Women with Cervical Cancer. Yang WT, Cheung TH, Ho SSY, Yu MMY, Metreweli C Am J Roentgenol 1999;172(6): 1521 - 1525 |
112 | Expression of p16INK4 and retinoblastoma protein Rb in vulvar lesions of Chinese women. Chan KMM, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Bao SY, Nobori T, Wong YF Gynecol Oncol 1998;68: 156 - 161 |
113 | MTAP gene deletion in endometrial cancer. Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Nobori T, Chang AMZ Gynecol Obstet Inves 1998;45: 272 - 276 |
114 | New Development of Laparoscopic Ultrasound and Laparoscopic Pelvic Lymphadenectomy in The Management of Patients with Cervical Carcinoma. Cheung TH, Yang WT, Yu MMY, Lo KWK, Ho SSY Gynecol Oncol 1998;71: 87 - 93 |
115 | c-fos Overexpression Is Associated with the Pathoneogenesis of Invasive Cervical Cancer. Cheung TH, Leung JO, Chung TKH, Lam SK, To KF, Wong YF Gynecol Obstet Inves 1997;43(3): 200 - 203 |
116 | C-myc mutation detected by polymerase chain reaction - heteroduplex in cervical cancer. Wong YF, Rogers MS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chang AMZ Gynecol Obstet Inves 1997;44(2): 136 - 140 |
117 | Expression of p16INK4 and Rb Genes in Cervical Neoplasm. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Chan MKM, Chang AMZ J Lower Genital Tract Disease 1997;1(4): 240 - 244 |
118 | Frequent Loss of Heterozygosity of Chromosome 3 Short Arm Detected by PCR-based Microsatellite Polymorhisms in Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Tam POS, Chang AMZ Cancer Lett 1997;115: 161 - 164 |
119 | p16INK4 and p15INK4B Alterations in Primary Gynecologic Malignancy. Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Nobori T, Yim SF, Lai WH, Yu AL, Diccianni MB, Li TZ, Chang AMZ Gynecol Oncol 1997;65: 319 - 324 |
120 | Coincidental renal cell and endometrial carcinoma. Lam SK, Chung TKH, Mackenzie TM, To KF, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Chang AMZ Gynecol Oncol 1996;60(2): 319 - 324 |
121 | Gonadoblastoma in patient with Turner's syndrome. Lo KWK, Lam SK, Cheung TH, Wong SP, Chang AMZ, Chow JH J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1996;22(1): 35 - 41 |
122 | HER-2/neu gene amplication in cervical cancer in Chinese women of Hong Kong and China. Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Chang AMZ, Tam POS, Xu FD, Lu HJ J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1996;22(2): 171 - 175 |
123 | Molecular detection of human papillomavirus and H-ras codon 12 mutation in cervical carcinoma patients from Hong Kong. Li LM, Kwong YYD, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Lam SK, Wong YF J Genet Mol Biol 1996;7(4): 55 - 60 |
124 | Transrectal ultrasound in the evaluation of cervical carcinoma and comparison with spiral computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Yang WT, Walkden SB, Ho SSY, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Teo J, Metreweli C Brit J Radiol 1996;69(823): 610 - 616 |
125 | Present diagnosis and treatment of gynaecologic cancers. 婦科腫瘤的診治現狀 Lam SK, Cheung TH, Wong YF Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1995;11(4): 238 |
126 | Epidemiology and aetiology of trophoblastic disease. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Chang AMZ Curr Opin Obstet Gyn 1995;5: 2 - 5 |
127 | Frequent ras gene mutations in squamous cell cervical cancer. Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Chang AMZ, Xu YG Cancer Lett 1995;95(1): 29 - 32 |
128 | Prevalence and significance of HER-2/neu amplification in epithelial ovarian cancer. Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Lu HJ, Zhuang YL, Chan MYM, Chung TKH Gynecol Obstet Inves 1995;40(3): 209 - 212 |
129 | Sarcoma botryoides of the cervix treated with limited surgery and chemotherapy to preserve fertility. Lin J, Lam SK, Cheung TH Gynecol Oncol 1995;58: 270 - 273 |
130 | Detection of p53 antigen expression in cytologic preparations of ovarian carcinomas. Cheung TH, Cunningham JM, Webb MJ, Goellner JR, Kovach JS Anticancer Res 1994;14: 1335 - 1338 |
131 | Effect of human papilloma type specific antisense oligonucleotides on cervical cancer cells containing papillomavirus type 16. Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Cheung LP Med Oncol 1994;11: 149 - 151 |
132 | Effects of human papilloma virus-type specific antisense ologionucleotides on human cervical cancer cell containing human papillomavirus type. Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Chang AMZ Med Sci Res 1994;22: 511 - 513 |
133 | Ki67 and AgNOR staining in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: a comparison. Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Wong FWS, Wong YF Gynecol Obstet Inves 1994;37(2): 127 - 129 |
134 | Frequent loss of heterozygosity on the short arm of chromosome 1 in cervical carcinoma. Wong YF, Wong FWS, Cheung TH, Fung HYM, Chung TKH, Lam SK, Tam POS, Chang AMZ Med Sci Res 1993;21: 891 - 892 |
135 | Nucleolar organiser regions in endometrial carcinoma. Wong YF, Fung HYM, Wong FWS, Wang VW, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ Med Sci Res 1993;21: 325 - 326 |
136 | Preoperative combination assay of serum CA 125 and lipid-associated sialic acid in women with ovarian tumour. Wong YF, Wong FWS, Fung HYM, Tam POS, Wang VW, Cheung TH, Chang AMZ Med Sci Res 1993;21: 397 - 398 |
137 | Aggressive angiomyxoma of the female perineum. Cheung TH, Chan MK, Chang AMZ Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1991;31(3): 285 - 287 |
138 | Puerperal haematomas. Cheung TH, Chang AMZ Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1991;17(2): 119 - 123 |
139 | An unusal hydrosalpinx mimicking an ovarian cyst. Cheung TH, Wong FWS J.HK.Med.Assn. 1990;42: 141 |
140 | Correlation of agyrophilic nucleolar organiser regions (AgNORs) count to bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and Ki-67 scores in an ovarian carcinoma cell line. Wong FWS, Wong YF, Cheung TH Med Sci Res 1990;18: 929 - 931 |
141 | Macrosomic babies. Cheung TH, Leung AKL, Chang AMZ Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1990;30(4): 319 - 322 |
142 | Update article Obstetrics and Gynaecology emergencies. Wong FWS, Cheung TH HK Pract 1990;12: 945 |
143 | A new combination chemotherapy for the treatment of endodermal sinus tumour. Cheung TH, Wong FWS, Shiu W, Chang AMZ Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1989;29(3): 346 - 349 |
144 | Carbon dioxide laser - Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Cheung TH, Wong FWS HK Pract 1989;11(5): 442 - 444 |