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1 Mar 2021

New participants connected to HKIX

We are pleased to announce that DITO Telecommunity Corporation have been directly connected to HKIX. Please visit our Participants page to learn more about them.


 Application to Connect

 Site Access Procedures

 Data Centre Policy

 Customer PortalFault Case Report Form

 Fault Case Report FormFault Case Report Form

 Request for Filter Update

 HKIX Switching Statistics

 Schedule MaintenanceSchedule Maintenance


10 Feb 2021

HKIX is now a member of the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS)

We are pleased to announce that HKIX is now a member of the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative which is supported by the Internet Society on September 25, 2020. In view of making the global routing infrastructure more robust and secure, HKIX continues to promote good practices in routing security by implementing various actions required by MANRS. Please refer here for more details.

1 Feb 2021

New participants connected to HKIX

We are pleased to announce that Aperture Science Limited, ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH, DDoS-Guard LTD and Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) have been directly connected to HKIX. Please visit our Participants page to learn more about them.

1 Jan 2021

New participants connected to HKIX

We are pleased to announce that Agotoz HK Limited, AZURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LIMITED, HK KWAIFONG GROUP LIMITED, Stacks Inc, TELECOM CAMBODIA and ULTRA KINGS LIMITED have been directly connected to HKIX. Please visit our Participants page to learn more about them.

1 Nov 2020

New participants connected to HKIX

We are pleased to announce that Hong Kong BeeCloud System Technology Services Limited, Jane Street Asia Limited and NEROCLOUD LTD have been directly connected to HKIX. Please visit our Participants page to learn more about them.


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