
會員展銷會 Members Sale

日期 Date:13-14/11/2017
時間 Time:11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
地點 Venue:香港中文大學 富爾敦樓310室 Rm 310, John Fulton Centre

踏入秋天的季節,你的肌膚是否有乾澀或痕癢的困擾呢? 有沒有想過用天然的手工皂可以改善肌膚的各種問題? 11月13-14日有本會的會員展銷會,皂苗工作室亦會推出多款滋潤、護膚又環保的手工皂,歡迎到來查詢和選購。 除了手工皂,這次亦有聖誕褔袋的樣本可供訂購,有興趣送一份特別又窩心的聖誕禮品給親友的朋友,不要錯過啦!

除了護膚品,我們更要吃得健康! 職工盟福利部今次為會員帶來一系列有機食品:杞子、松子仁、巴西果仁、蘋果圈、奇亞籽、野生銀耳等,同場亦以優惠價發售鴻福堂涼茶券、湯券、正品藥製龜苓膏套票、飲食天王現金券、主題樂園門票。是次會員更可先於網上填妥訂購表格( 連結),並於展銷會當日親臨付現,以確保有足夠的貨品提供。

Hot Sale: Chameleon Plant Antibacterial Soap

濕疹問題越來越困擾現代都市人。工會手工皂老師邱佩華徇眾要求,趁夏末魚腥草當造,以慢磨方法製作這批超濃魚腥草舒緩濕疹皂,每塊重100克(+/- 5克),原價$90, 現以優惠價$72限量發售,數量有限,只限會員,先到先得!歡迎親臨會室購買(會室:富爾敦樓312A室;開放時間:星期一至五下午12:15-1:45)。另有迷你洗手串($25)、圓月皂(義賣助公民抗命政治犯)半價發售($50),歡迎你來看看!

Houttuynia cordata (or fishy-smell herb,) is well known for its relieving powers for eczema. Our handmade soap teacher Teny Yau has specially made a limited amount of Chameleon Plant Antibacterial Soap exclusively for our members at a reduced price of $72 each (originally $90, each around 100g, +/-5 g). We also have very limited amount of Autumn Full Moon Soaps for Charity sale for political prisoners at half price ($50 each) and other soap products on sale in the Union Office. Do come to have a look.

Farmers Market @ CUHK

【山城農墟】今日又開檔啦! 紅紅綠綠的蔬菜,陌生又熟悉的農夫面孔,一排過的帳篷,簡單的自助包菜站,種種種種明日重現文化廣場!歡迎師生來農墟買時令有機菜,經過也可以和農夫聊天!


日期:10月26日(四) 、 10月31日(二) (新加!)
時間:中午12:00 - 下午2:00 
地點:校園本部 文化廣場露天位置 
參與農場: 高山名菜有機種植 香港有機農場 新西蘭有機農莊 明園農場 




  We have 【Farmers Market @ CUHK!】today! Buying local organic farm products from CUHK farmers market, you'll get in touch with local farmers and know more about the local agricultural sector! 

Date: Oct 26 (Thur), 31 (Tue) (newly added!)
Time: 12:00-14:00
 Venue: Cultural Square, Main Campus 
Participating farms: Ko Shan Ming Choi Hong Kong Organic Farm New Zealand Organic Farm Ming Yuen Farm 

Come and bring veggies home! Looking forward to seeing you! 
Please bring your own shopping bag~

  Co-organizers: CUAgro (Agricultural Development Group of The CUHK) & CUEGU (The Chinese University of Hong Kong Employees General Union)

Interest Classes

Natural Handmade Soap Workshops

導師 Instructor:邱佩華  Teny Yau
地點 Venue:崇基校園 Chung Chi College
時間 Time:7:00 - 9:00 pm                            
名額 Quota:每班12人  / 12 ppl/class
每堂收費 Fee/lesson:(會員及家屬 Member and Family)$320 (非會員 Non-member) $400  
* 每人製作約 6 件手工皂(共600g)

1.  牛奶可可蜂蜜皂 Milk, Honey & Cocoa Soap 
Milk, cocoa butter and honey to nourish your skin in the winter.  

2. 碌柚葉艾草平安皂  Pomelo Leaf & Mugwort Soap
An auspicious soap that refreshes you for the new year.  

報名表格 Registration Form


活動預告 Upcoming workshops

  • 玫瑰岩鹽磨砂皂 Rose Pink Crystal Salt Scrubbing Soap (19/1/2018) 
    An anti-inflammatory scrubbing soap for the summer. We'll make this in the dry winter so to cure the soap nicely ahead of time.
  • 阿勒坡滋養皂 Aleppo Moisturizing Soap (2/2/2018) 
    The Marseille soap traces its origin to this 3,000-year-old ancient Aleppo soap. Let's try this legendary formula!
    *The precious laurel oil constitutes 20% of this ancient soap. We thus have to raise the price by $40 accordingly.
  • 豆漿燕麥止癢皂 Soy & Oat Soothing Soap (9/3/2018) 
    A very subtle soap that regenerates and soothes. Ideal for soothing atopic eczema.
  • 135超脂蝴蝶皂 135 Super Fatting Butterfly Soap (13/4/2018)
    Come and try this 100% coconut oil soap at 35% super fatting!
  • 魚腥草皂 Houttuynia Cordata Soap (18/5/2018) 
    May is the season of Houttuynia Cordata. Made into soap, it is antiseptic and sooths eczema.
  • 野薑花珍珠煥膚皂Rejuvenating Pearl Soap with Wild Ginger Flower (8/6/2018)
    A luxurious soap with rejuvenating pearl powder!


詠春拳基礎訓練班Elementary Wing Chun Classes

日期 Date:22/11, 29/11, 6/12, 13/12 20/12, 27/12, 3/1, 10/1
時間 Time:7:30 – 9:30pm 
導師 Insturtor:陳顯釗師父  Master Chan Hin Chiu
地點 Venue:王福元樓 103 室 Rm 103, Wong Foo Yuan Building
名額 Quota:15
收費 Fee:(會員及家屬 Family and Member)$800/(非會員 Non-member)$880



HKCTU updates

20th Anniversary of Abolition of Collective Bargaining Rights

絕食慰問團  Join Us to Visit Exco Members on Hunger Strike

職工盟主辦集體談判權廢法廿年周年活動 ( 詳情),本會理事將參與其中的絕食行動,因此我們組成慰問團,誠邀會員同往,詳情如下: 
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union (HKCTU) is organizing, among other activities ( details) , a hunger strike, to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Abolition of the Collective Bargaining Law. Two of our exco members are joining the hunger strike. We are now forming a solidarity team to visit them to offer support and solicitude. Members are encouraged to join us. Details:

日期 Date:28/10/2017 (星期六 Sat)
時間 Time:8:00 pm
地點 Venue:中環終審法院(舊立法會) Court of Final Appeal, Central (Former Legislative Council Building, near the Statue Square)  
查詢 Enquiry: 8117 4594 

Film Screening: Suffragette

日期 Date: 13/11/2017 (Mon)
時間 Time: 7:00pm
地點: 佐敦四海大廈一樓 1/F, Four Seas Building, Jordan

電影預告 Trailor: 

費用全免,歡迎會員報名,電話:2770 8668 (鴻興/烏英)
Free admissions. Please register on 2770 8668 with HKCTU