Prof. Sidney C.H. CHEUNG (Professor, Department of Anthropology, CUHK) (profile)
Associate Directors:
Prof. Sharon WONG (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology , CUHK) (profile)
Prof. LAM Weng Cheong (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology , CUHK) (profile)
- Prof. CHOI Chi Cheung (Professor, Department of History, CUHK)
Centre Members
- Dr. Ju-chen CHEN (Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, CUHK)
- Prof. CHENG Sealing (Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, CUHK)
- Prof. HUANG Hsuan Ying (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, CUHK)
- Prof. Teresa KUAN (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, CUHK)
- Prof. Lawal M. MARAFA (Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK)
- Prof. Gordon MATHEWS (Professor, Department of Anthropology, CUHK)
- Prof. TAM Wai Lun (Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK)
International Advisory Board
- Prof. Nezar ALSAYYAD (Professor, Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley, USA; Executive Director of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE), and Editor of Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review)
- Prof. Peter HOWARD (previous Editor of International Journal of Heritage Studies; and Visiting Professor of Cultural Landscape, Bournemouth University, UK)
- Ms. Susanna Lai Kuen SIU (Executive Secretary, Antiquities and Monuments Office, Hong Kong)
- Prof. Hua SUN (Professor, Director of Cultural Heritage Conservation Research Centre, School of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University, PRC)
- Dr. Joseph TING (previous Chief Curator, Hong Kong Museum of History; Adjunct Professor, Department of History, CUHK)
- Prof. Sung-Shan WANG (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Feng Chia University, Taiwan)
張展鴻教授 (香港中文大學人類學系) (profile)
黃慧怡教授 (香港中文大學人類學系) (profile)
林永昌教授 (香港中文大學人類學系) (profile)
- 陳如珍博士 (香港中文大學人類學系)
- 鄭詩靈教授(香港中文大學人類學系)
- 黃宣穎教授(香港中文大學人類學系)
- 關宜馨教授(香港中文大學人類學系)
- 馬路華教授 (香港中文大學地理與資源管理學系)
- 麥高登教授(香港中文大學人類學系)
- 譚偉倫教授 (香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系)
- 內紮爾•阿薩雅教授 (加州大學伯克利分校建築系教授、國際傳統環境研究學會執行理事、《傳統民居評論》編輯)
- 彼得•霍華德教授 (《國際遺產研究雜誌》前編輯、博恩茅斯大學文化景觀專業訪問教授)
- 蕭麗娟女士 (古物古蹟辦事處執行秘書)
- 孫華教授 (北京大學考古文博學院教授、文化遺產保護研究中心主任)
- 丁新豹博士 (前香港歷史博物館總館長、香港中文大學歷史系客座教授)
- 王嵩山教授 (臺灣逢甲大學歷史與文物研究所教授)