To adopt an innovative pedagogical approach, students are invited to have an alternative learning experience with augmented reality (AR) for them to study in Pharmacy. This project aims to examine the effectiveness of augmented reality (AR) eLearning in enhancing students’ knowledge and competence in clinical case assessment, with the aid of various assessment methods. PHAR3812 “Clinical Assessment and Monitoring” is a course for Year 3 pharmacy students with the objective to equip students with practical skills including literature review, drug information skills and medication therapy assessment. Yet, students may often focus more on their clinical knowledge and are not very interested in such aspects. Currently, the teaching on these topics is by lectures and workshops. We would like to examine whether incorporating augmented reality in this course will be able to raise students’ interests, and whether they are more effective to equip students with better knowledge and ability before handling real situations.
In this project, we will produce 12 AR e-learning modules about electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation, physical assessment, laboratory interpretation and drug information skills. A new AR e-learning platform will be developed for this new pedagogy. The effectiveness will be measured by students’ participation in both online and in-class activities, performance in assessments and perception in knowledge gain. A blended assessment approach will be adopted to evaluate students’ performance, including formative and summative, online and in-class assessments. The use of online assessment methods will be evaluated on the applicability as formative assessments for this course. The project results will be valuable to refine PHAR3812 “Clinical Assessment and Monitoring” to be more effective in enhancing students’ problem-solving skills and confidence in handling practical problems, as well as serving as reference for other university courses.