An Integrated Experiential Learning and Alumni Engagement Co-Curriculum: Connect Real-world Experiences with Online Collaboration and Sharing 
Principal Supervisors

Dr. Jacqueline Wong
(Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics)


1 year and 3 months

Approved Budget

HK $250,000

  • Abstract


  • This project aims to create a structured co-curriculum that facilitates students’ experiential learning and alumni’s engagement in teaching & learning (T&L) at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM or the School). The co-curriculum includes three independent and correlated modules linked to different major required courses (or T&L programs), featuring different learning activities, and targeting different student cohorts. The three modules adopt the same structure but can be implemented along separate timelines systematically and regularly.

  • Each module involves a contest that requires students to design, analysis, plan, and implement a learning activity. Module 1 features a study tour design contest mainly targeting Year-1 students (as participants). Module 2 features a cross-cultural learning event contest mainly targeting Year-2 students. Module 3 features an alumni interview video contest mainly targeting Year-3 and Year-4 students. In each module, students need to form teams and submit proposals. The winning team then needs to implement their plan in the real world.

  • All modules are structured to connect real-world learning activities with the SHTM sharepoint site. Sharepoint serves as a secure online platform for the School, current students, and alumni to launch learning events, submit proposals, share information, collaborate on team tasks, collect feedback, and store deliverable outputs in various formats (text, image, audio, and video).