Prof. Ho Pui Yin Email: hopuiyinyip@cuhk.edu.hk Phone: 3943 7111 Office: Room LG13E, LG/F, Leung Kau Kui Building, CUHK, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
BA (CUHK); M.A., Dip. E.L.F., D.E.A., PhD (Paris); Director, Research Institute for the Humanities, CUHK; Director, Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre, CUHK; Director, Leung Po Chuen Research Centre for Hong Kong History and Humanities, CUHK
Professor HO Pui-yin is a social and economic historian who previously worked as a research consultant at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris.She is the author of numerous books and articles on Hong Kong and social and economic history of modern China.Her current research is mainly on the urbanisation of modern-day Hong Kong, with published works covering water supplies, land use, port development, climate change, Hong Kong government administrative agencies history, road development, public health, public housing and urban planning. She cares deeply about urban space design and social development, power and governance, environment, tradition and modernity, and globalisation. She believes interactions between academics and the local community can enhance adaptation of academic theories for Hong Kong society to improve people’s lives.Concurrently, she is Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques of France; Council Chairperson of the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust; Member of the Advisory Committee on Built Heritage Conservation; Expert Adviser for the Renewal of Permanent Exhibition of the Hong Kong Museum of History; Member of the History Museum Advisory Panel of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. She served as Visiting Professor (Chaire Dupront) of Université Paris-Sorbonne and National Taiwan University.
Research Interests • Hong Kong history • Modern social and economic history • Public and Comparative history • Environmental development in modern Hong Kong • Conservation of Hong Kong heritage • Oral history • Prosopography study
Selected Publications Books (sole author) •Making Hong Kong: A History of Its Urban Development, Cheltenham, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2018, 480 pages.
•《班門子弟:香港三行工人與工會》,香港,三聯書店 (香港) 有限公司,2018年,490 頁。(Hong Kong Three Trades Workers and Three Trades Unions, Hong Kong, Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd, 2018, 490 pages.)
•《城傳立新:香港城市規劃發展史 1841– 2015》,香港,中華書局, 2016年,446 頁。 2016年香港金閱獎 (Hong Kong Town Planning Development History 1841–2015, Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd., 2016, 446 pages). 2016 Hong Kong Golden Book Award.
•Becoming Hong Kong: Development of Construction in Hong Kong 1840–2010, Hong Kong, Commercial Press, 2010, 308 pages.
•《破與立 — 東華三院制度的演變》,香港,三聯書店 (香港) 有限公司,2010年,521 頁。(Abolition and Establishment: Evolution of the Administrative System of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong, Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd, 2010, 521 pages.)
•《傳與承 — 慈善服務融入社區》,香港,三聯書店 (香港) 有限公司,2010年,474 頁。(Passing Down and Carrying On: Charitable Services to the Community, Hong Kong, Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd, 2010, 474 pages.)
•Ways to Urbanisation : Post-War Road Development in Hong Kong 《建城之道— 戰後香港的道路發展》, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2009, 350 pages (Chinese and English, bi-lingual version).
•《源與流 — 東華醫院的創立與演進》,香港,三聯書店 (香港) 有限公司,2009年,401 頁。(Origins and Evolution: Establishment and Development of Tung Wah Hospital, Hong Kong, Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd, 2009, 401 pages.)
•《施與受 — 從濟急到定期服務》,香港,三聯書店 (香港) 有限公司,2009年,496 頁。(Giving and Receiving: From Emergency Help to Regular Services, Hong Kong, Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd, 2009, 496 pages.)
•Challenges for an Evolving City: 160 Years of Port and Land Development in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Commercial Press, 2004, 274 pages.
•《地換山移 — 香港海港及土地發展一百六十年》,香港,商務印書館,2004年,274 頁。Year 2005 Ten Recommended Books.
•The Administrative History of Hong Kong Government Agencies 1841–2002, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2004, 337 pages.
•Weathering the Storm: Hong Kong Observatory and Social Development《風雲可測 — 香港天文台與社會的變遷》, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2003, 364 pages. (Chinese and English, bi-lingual version) 2003–04 Distinguished Publishing Award in Hong Kong.
•Water for a Barren Rock: 150 Years of Water Supply in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Commercial Press, 2001, 250 pages.
•《點滴話當年 — 香港供水一百五十年》,香港,商務印書館, 2001 年, 250 頁。
•《香港供水歷史研究報告》(A Study of Historical Development of Water Supply in Hong Kong),香港,政府印務局,2001年,232 頁。
Research Projects
Year |
Project |
2016–2017 |
An e-learning Resource Package in Teaching of the contemporary history of China since 1949. Education Bureau, HKSAR Government |
2012–2015 |
Struggle for Transformation: History of Three-Trade Unions and Social Evolution in Hong Kong (1840s–1930s)香港三行工會的歷史與香港社會演變 |
2012–2014 |
Community Project on 60 Years of Public Housing Development in Hong Kong 香港公共房屋發展六十年. Housing Authority, HKSAR Government |
2012–2013 |
Year-long Programmes for Gifted Students in Humanities 中學資優生人文學科研習課程. Gifted Education Section, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government |
2012–2013 |
On-line Tutoring and Marking Final Research Report of Level Two of the Education Bureau Web-based Learning Course: China's Reform and Opening-up中學資優生互聯網學習計劃(中國研習):中國改革開放 (第二階段). Gifted Education Section, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government |
2011–2017 |
Study on History and Development of Town Planning in Hong Kong香港城市規劃發展史. Planning Department, HKSAR Government |
2010–2011 |
The History of Hong Kong II 香港歷史系列. Radio Television Hong Kong |
2009–2010 |
Development History of Construction Industry in Hong Kong 香港建造業發展史. Hong Kong Construction Association |
2009–2011 |
Web-based Learning Programme (China Studies) for the Gifted Students. Gifted Education Section, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government |
2006–2010 |
The Compilation of the Archives of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (Part I and Part II) |
2008–2009 |
Hong Kong History and Society Website Chinese Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2007–2009 |
Relations between Hong Kong and France (1848–2008). Consulate General of France in Hong Kong |
2005–2007 |
Roads and Urban Development in Hong Kong (1946–2006). Highways Department, HKSAR Government |
2002–2005 |
A Study of the Urban and Port Development in Hong Kong (1843–2002). Civil Engineering Department, HKSAR Government |
2002–2004 |
Historical Development of the Hong Kong Observatory and Its Relationship with the Development of Hong Kong Community. Hong Kong Observatory, HKSAR Government |
2002–2004 |
The Administrative History of the Hong Kong Government Agencies (1841–2002). Public Records Office, HKSAR Government |
1999–2002 |
A Study of Historical Development of Water Supply in Hong Kong. Water Supplies Department, HKSAR Government |
1995–2001 |
Reconstruction of Shatin History— An Oral History Project Wilson Heritage Trust |
1999–2000 |
Regional and Kinship Networks of Guangdong Entrepreneurs in the 20th Century In collaboration with Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques (CNRS) and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France |
Awards and Honors
•《城傳立新:香港城市規劃發展史 1841–2015》Chengchuan lixin (Hong Kong Town Planning Development History 1841–2015), Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd., 2016, 446 pages. 2016 Hong Kong Golden Book Award.
•Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques, France (Knight, Order of Academic Palms, France) awarded in December 2011.
•The book, Challenges for an Evolving City: 160 Years of Port and Land Development in Hong Kong (Hong Kong, Commercial Press, 2004, 274 pages) 《地換山移 — 香港海港及土地發展一百六十年》(香港,商務印書館,2004年,274 頁) was selected as one of the ten highly recommended booksat the Hong Kong Book Fair 2005.
•Weathering the Storm: Hong Kong Observatory and Social Development 《風雲可測 — 香港天文台與社會的變遷》(Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2003, 364 pages, (bilingual publication)) won the 2003–04Distinguished Publishing Award in Hong Kong. This award was jointly given by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society, the Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Productivity Council. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department exhibited this book at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and local public libraries, as well as at the major fairs in Frankfurt, London, Chicago and Taipei. Certain parts of this book have been used as teaching materials for secondary students.