Emeritus Professor Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
For details about citations arising from my publications and links to online versions of some of the publications, refer to:
http://apps.webofknowledge.com/ (Researcher ID: J-2521-2013)
- Abbott TEF, Fowler AJ, Pelosi P, de Abreu MG, Moller AM, Canet J, Creagh-Brown B, Mythen M, Gin T, Lalu MM, Futier E, Grocott MP, Schultz MJ, Pearse RM, Grp S-C. A systematic review and consensus definitions for standardised end-points in perioperative medicine: pulmonary complications. Brit J Anaesth. 2018;120(5):1066-79.
- Chan MTV, Chow BK, Lo T, Ko FW, Ng SS, Gin T, Hui DS. Exhaled air dispersion during bag-mask ventilation and sputum suctioning - Implications for infection control. Sci Rep-Uk. 2018;8.
- Lee A, Mu JL, Chiu CH, Gin T, Underwood MJ, Joynt GM. Effect of motor subtypes of delirium in the intensive care unit on fast-track failure after cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiov Sur. 2018;155(1):268-+.
- Tian Y, Liu X, Jia M, Yu H, Lichtner P, Shi Y, Meng Z, Kou S, Ho IHT, Jia B, Cheng BCP, Lam CKM, Tsang S, Wong SH, Yu J, Cheng CHK, Gin T, Wu WKK, Chen Z, Chan MTV. Targeted Genotyping Identifies Susceptibility Locus in Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Gene for Chronic Postsurgical Pain (vol 128, pg 587, 2018). Anesthesiology. 2018;128(5):1049-.
- Tian YY, Liu XD, Jia MZ, Yu H, Lichtner P, Shi YJ, Meng ZY, Kou SL, Ho IHT, Jia B, Cheng BCP, Lam CKM, Tsang S, Wong SH, Yu J, Cheng CHK, Gin T, Wu WKK, Chen ZY, Chan MTV, Stud PPAS. Targeted Genotyping Identifies Susceptibility Locus in Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Gene for Chronic Postsurgical Pain. Anesthesiology. 2018;128(3):587-97.
- Zhang L, Hu W, Cho CH, Chan FKL, Yu J, Fitzgerald JR, Cheung CKY, Xiao ZG, Shen J, Li LF, Li MX, Wu JCY, Ling TKW, Chan JYK, Ko H, Tse G, Ng SC, Yu S, Wang MHT, Gin T, Ashktorab H, Smoot DT, Wong SH, Chan MTV, Wu WKK.
- Gin T, Ho J, Leung C, Wong S, Choi G, Chan M, Wu W. Cathelicidin Depletion Aggravates Intestinal Epithelial Injury in Murine Sepsis. Anesth Analg. 2017;124:223-.
- Ho J, He WJ, Chan MTV, Tse G, Liu T, Wong SH, Leung CCH, Wong WT, Tsang S, Zhang L, Chan RYP, Gin T, Leung J, Lau BWM, Wu WKK, Ngai SPC. Eosinophilia and clinical outcome of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a meta-analysis. Sci Rep-Uk. 2017;7.
- Ho J, Zhang L, Liu XD, Wong SH, Wang MHT, Lau BWM, Ngai SPC, Chan H, Choi G, Leung CCH, Wong WT, Tsang S, Gin T, Yu J, Chan MTV, Wu WKK. Pathological Role and Diagnostic Value of Endogenous Host Defense Peptides in Adult and Neonatal Sepsis: A Systematic Review. Shock. 2017;47(6):673-9.
- Hui DSC, Chow B, Lo T, Gin T, Chan M. Exhaled air leakage during application of high flow nasal cannula on a human patient simulator. Eur Respir J. 2017;50.
- Lee A, Mu JL, Joynt GM, Chiu CH, Lai VKW, Gin T, Underwood MJ. Risk prediction models for delirium in the intensive care unit after cardiac surgery: a systematic review and independent external validation. Brit J Anaesth. 2017;118(3):391-9.
- Lee A, Mu JL, Joynt GM, Chiu CH, Lai VKW, Gin T, Underwood MJ. Predicting delirium: are we there yet? (vol 119, pg 281, 2017). Brit J Anaesth. 2017;119(6):1246-.
- Short-Term Changes in Postoperative Cognitive Function in Children Aged 5 to 12 Years Undergoing General Anesthesia: A Cohort Study. Medicine. 2016;95(14)
- Gin T, Tian Y, Liu X, Wu WK, Chan MT. Targeted Genotyping Identifies Two Susceptibility Loci in Bdnf Gene for Chronic Postsurgical Pain. Anesth Analg. 2016;122.
- Ho J, Chan H, Wong SH, Wang MHT, Yu J, Xiao ZG, Liu XD, Choi G, Leung CCH, Wong WT, Li Z, Gin T, Chan MTV, Wu WKK. The involvement of regulatory non-coding RNAs in sepsis: a systematic review. Crit Care. 2016;20.
- Ho J, Yu J, Wong SH, Zhang L, Liu XD, Wong WT, Leung CCH, Choi G, Wang MHT, Gin T, Chan MTV, Wu WKK. Autophagy in sepsis: Degradation into exhaustion? Autophagy. 2016;12(7):1073-82.
- Lai VKW, Lee A, Leung P, Chiu CH, Ho KM, Gomersall CD, Underwood MJ, Joynt GM. Patient and family satisfaction levels in the intensive care unit after elective cardiac surgery: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a preoperative patient education intervention. Bmj Open. 2016;6(6).
- Lee A, Samy W, Chiu CH, Chan SKC, Gin T, Chui PT. Determinants of Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations and a Screening Test for Moderate-to-Severe Hypovitaminosis D in Chinese Patients Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2016;31(9):1921-6.
- Chan MTV, Gin T. Delirium and cognitive decline after surgery: a randomised controlled trial of anaesthetic management to improve postoperative mental health outcome. Hong Kong Med J 2015; 20 Suppl 7; 28-9.
- Chan MTV, Gin T. Predicting postoperative cardiac complications using automated endothelial function test. Hong Kong Med J 2015; 21 Suppl 6; 17-8.
- Dorhout Mees SM, Algra A, Wong GK, Poon WS, Bradford CM, Saver JL, Starkman S, Rinkel GJ, van den Bergh WM; writing groups of MASH-I, IMASH, MASH-II, MASH and FAST-MAG, van Kooten F, Dirven CM, van Gijn J, Vermeulen M, Rinkel GJ, Boet R, Chan MTV, Gin T, Ng SC, Zee BC, Al-Shahi Salman R, Boiten J, Kuijsten H, Lavados PM, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Vandertop WP, Finfer S, O'Connor A, Yarad E, Firth R, McCallister R, Harrington T, Steinfort B, Faulder K, Assaad N, Morgan M, Starkman S, Eckstein M, Stratton SJ, Pratt FD, Hamilton S, Conwit R, Liebeskind DS, Sung G, Kramer I, Moreau G, Goldweber R, Sanossian N. Early Magnesium Treatment After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Stroke 2015; 46(11); 3190-3. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.010575.
- Hu T, Wang L, Zhang L, Lu L, Shen J, Chan RL, Li M, Wu WKK, To KK, Cho CH. Sensitivity of apoptosis-resistant colon cancer cells to tanshinones is mediated by autophagic cell death and p53-independent cytotoxicity. Phytomedicine 2015; 22(5); 536-44. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2015.03.010.
- Huang L, Critchley LAH, Zhang J. Erratum to: Does using two Doppler cardiac output monitors in tandem provide a reliable trend line of changes for validation studies? J Clin Monit Comput 2015.
- Hui DS, Chow BK, Lo T, Ng SS, Ko FW, Gin T, Chan MTV. Exhaled air dispersion during noninvasive ventilation via helmets and a total facemask. Chest 2015; 147(5); 1336-43. doi: 10.1378/chest.14-1934.
- Lee A, Chan SK, Samy W, Chiu CH, Gin T. Effect of Hypovitaminosis D on Postoperative Pain Outcomes and Short-Term Health-Related Quality of Life After Knee Arthroplasty: A Cohort Study. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015; 94(42); e1812. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000001812.
- Lee A, Chui PT, Chiu CH, Tan PE, Tam TP, Samy W, Tong PW, Critchley LAH, Gin T. Risk of perioperative respiratory complications and postoperative morbidity in a cohort of adults exposed to passive smoking. Ann Surg 2015; 261(2); 297-303. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000000544.
- Liu X, Tian Y, Meng Z, Chen Y, Ho IH, Choy KW, Lichtner P, Wong SH, Yu J, Gin T, Wu WKK, Cheng CH, Chan MTV. Up-regulation of Cathepsin G in the Development of Chronic Postsurgical Pain: An Experimental and Clinical Genetic Study. Anesthesiology; 123(4); 838-50. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000828.
- Wong GK, Chan DY, Siu DY, Zee BC, Poon WS, Chan MTV, Gin T, Leung M; HDS-SAH Investigators. High-dose simvastatin for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: multicenter randomized controlled double-blinded clinical trial. Stroke; 46(2); 382-8. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.007006.
- Wong GK, Wong A, Zee BC, Poon WS, Chan MTV, Gin T, Siu DY, Mok VC. Cognitive outcome in acute simvastatin treatment for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A propensity matched analysis. J Neurol Sci. 2015; 358(1-2); 58-61. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2015.08.013.
- Chan MTV, Gin T. "Delirium and cognitive decline after surgery: a randomised controlled trial of anaesthetic management to improve postoperative mental health outcome." Hong Kong Med J. 2014 Dec. 28-29.
- Hui DS, Chow BK, Lo T, Ng S, Ko FW, Gin T, Chan MTV. "Exhaled air dispersion during non-invasive ventilation via helmets and a total facemask. Chest." 2014 Nov 13. 14-1934.
- Chan MTV, Gin T. "Perioperative outcome after nitrous oxide anaesthesia: an ENIGMA trial." Hong Kong Med J. 2014 Jun. 34-35.
- Botto F, Alonso-Coello P, Chan MT, Villar JC, Xavier D, Srinathan S, Guyatt G, Cruz P, Graham M, Wang CY, Berwanger O, Pearse RM, Biccard BM, Abraham V, Malaga G, Hillis GS, Rodseth RN, Cook D, Polanczyk CA, Szczeklik W, Sessler DI, Sheth T, Ackland GL, Leuwer M, Garg AX, Lemanach Y, Pettit S, Heels-Ansdell D, Luratibuse G, Walsh M, Sapsford R, Schünemann HJ, Kurz A, Thomas S, Mrkobrada M, Thabane L, Gerstein H, Paniagua P, Nagele P, Raina P, Yusuf S, Devereaux PJ, Devereaux PJ, Sessler DI, Walsh M, Guyatt G, McQueen MJ, Bhandari M, Cook D, Bosch J, Buckley N, Yusuf S, Chow CK, Hillis GS, Halliwell R, Li S, Lee VW, Mooney J, Polanczyk CA, Furtado MV, Berwanger O, Suzumura E, Santucci E, Leite K, Santo JA, Jardim CA, Cavalcanti AB, Guimaraes HP, Jacka MJ, Graham M, McAlister F, McMurtry S, Townsend D, Pannu N, Bagshaw S, Bessissow A, Bhandari M, Duceppe E, Eikelboom J, Ganame J, Hankinson J, Hill S, Jolly S, Lamy A, Ling E, Magloire P, Pare G, Reddy D, Szalay D, Tittley J, Weitz J, Whitlock R, Darvish-Kazim S, Debeer J, Kavsak P, Kearon C, Mizera R, O'Donnell M, McQueen M, Pinthus J, Ribas S, Simunovic M, Tandon V, Vanhelder T, Winemaker M, Gerstein H, McDonald S, O'Bryne P, Patel A, Paul J, Punthakee Z, Raymer K, Salehian O, Spencer F, Walter S, Worster A, Adili A, Clase C, Cook D, Crowther M, Douketis J, Gangji A, Jackson P, Lim W, Lovrics P, Mazzadi S, Orovan W, Rudkowski J, Soth M, Tiboni M, Acedillo R, Garg A, Hildebrand A, Lam N, Macneil D, Mrkobrada M, Roshanov PS, Srinathan SK, Ramsey C, John PS, Thorlacius L, Siddiqui FS, Grocott HP, McKay A, Lee TW, Amadeo R, Funk D, McDonald H, Zacharias J, Villar JC, Cortés OL, Chaparro MS, Vásquez S, Castañeda A, Ferreira S, Coriat P, Monneret D, Goarin JP, Esteve CI, Royer C, Daas G, Chan MT, Choi GY, Gin T, Lit LC, Xavier D, Sigamani A, Faruqui A, Dhanpal R, Almeida S, Cherian J, Furruqh S, Abraham V, Afzal L, George P, Mala S, Schünemann H, Muti P, Vizza E, Wang CY, Ong GS, Mansor M, Tan AS, Shariffuddin II, Vasanthan V, Hashim NH, Undok AW, Ki U, Lai HY, Ahmad WA, Razack AH, Malaga G, Valderrama-Victoria V, Loza-Herrera JD, De Los Angeles Lazo M, Rotta-Rotta A, Szczeklik W, Sokolowska B, Musial J, Gorka J, Iwaszczuk P, Kozka M, Chwala M, Raczek M, Mrowiecki T, Kaczmarek B, Biccard B, Cassimjee H, Gopalan D, Kisten T, Mugabi A, Naidoo P, Naidoo R, Rodseth R, Skinner D, Torborg A, Paniagua P, Urrutia G, Maestre ML, Santaló M, Gonzalez R, Font A, Martínez C, Pelaez X, De Antonio M, Villamor JM, García JA, Ferré MJ, Popova E, Alonso-Coello P, Garutti I, Cruz P, Fernández C, Palencia M, Díaz S, Del Castillo T, Varela A, de Miguel A, Muñoz M, Piñeiro P, Cusati G, Del Barrio M, Membrillo MJ, Orozco D, Reyes F, Sapsford RJ, Barth J, Scott J, Hall A, Howell S, Lobley M, Woods J, Howard S, Fletcher J, Dewhirst N, Williams C, Rushton A, Welters I, Leuwer M, Pearse R, Ackland G, Khan A, Niebrzegowska E, Benton S, Wragg A, Archbold A, Smith A, McAlees E, Ramballi C, Macdonald N, Januszewska M, Stephens R, Reyes A, Paredes LG, Sultan P, Cain D, Whittle J, Del Arroyo AG, Sessler DI, Kurz A, Sun Z, Finnegan PS, Egan C, Honar H, Shahinyan A, Panjasawatwong K, Fu AY, Wang S, Reineks E, Nagele P, Blood J, Kalin M, Gibson D, Wildes T; Vascular events In noncardiac Surgery patIents cOhort evaluatioN (VISION) Writing Group, on behalf of The Vascular events In noncardiac Surgery patIents cOhort evaluatioN (VISION) Investigators; Appendix 1. The Vascular events In noncardiac Surgery patIents cOhort evaluatioN (VISION) Study Investigators Writing Group; Appendix 2. The Vascular events In noncardiac Surgery patIents cOhort evaluatioN Operations Committee; Vascular events In noncardiac Surgery patIents cOhort evaluatioN VISION Study Investigators. "Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a large, international, prospective cohort study establishing diagnostic criteria, characteristics, predictors, and 30-day outcomes." Anesthesiology. 2014 Mar. 564-578.
- GIN T. "The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists: The First 25 Years The Last 12 Years and Looking Ahead". 125 Years of Anaesthesia in Hong Kong Past, Present and Future ed. by Drs. Simon Chan, Steven Wong. 1 ed. pp.64-67. Hong Kong, 2014.
- GIN T. "The Chinese University of Hong Kong Academic Anaesthesia in Hong Kong at the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care". 125 Years of Anaesthesia in Hong Kong Past, Present and Future ed. by Drs. Simon Chan, Steven Wong. 1 ed. pp.193-198. Hong Kong, 2014.
- WAI KM and GIN T. "Preeclampsia and Eclampsia". Oh’s Intensive Care Manual ed. by Andrew D Bersten, Neil Soni. 7 ed. pp.677-683. United States of America: Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2014.01.
- WAN Tsz Pan Winnie and GIN Tony. "General Obstetric Emergencies". Oh’s Intensive Care Manual ed. by Andrew D Bersten, Neil Soni. 7 ed. pp.684-691. United States of America: Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2014.01.
- GIN T. and YANKOWITZ J. "Pharmacology and Nonanesthetic drugs during pregnancy and lactation.". Chestnut’s Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice ed. by Chestnut DH, Wong CA, Tsen LC, Ngan Kee WD, Beilin Y, Mhyre J. 5 ed. Philadelphia, United States of America, 2014.04.
- LEE A; GIN T; CRITCHLEY LAH and CHUI PT. "Anaesthesia-Related Complications in Adult Passive Smokers". A Final Report for the Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR Government 26 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014.08.
- LEE A, CHUI PT, CHIU CH, TAN PE; TAM TP; SAMY W; TONG PW; CRITCHLEY LAH and GIN T. "Risk of Perioperative Complications in Surgical Patients Exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smoke". A Dissemination Report for the Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR Government 10 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014.08.