Dr. Huarong Chen

Research Assistant Professor
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Interests
m6A modification, GI cancer and infectious diseases


For details about citations arising from my publications and links to online versions of some of the publications, refer to: 

(*corresponding author, ^co-first author)


  • Huarong Chen, Shanshan Gao, Weixin Liu, Chi-Chun Wong, Jianfeng Wu, Jingtong Wu, Dabin Liu, Hongyan Gou, Wei Kang, Jianning Zhai, Chuangen Li, Hao Su, Shiyan Wang, Fraser Soares, Jiahuai Han, Housheng Hansen He, Jun Yu. RNA N6-Methyladenosine Methyltransferase METTL3 Facilitates Colorectal Cancer by Activating the m6A-GLUT1-mTORC1 Axis and Is a Therapeutic Target. Gastroenterology 2021 Mar;160(4):1284-1300. (IF = 17.373)

  • Dabin Liu, Chi Chun Wong, Yunfei Zhou, Chuangen Li, Huarong Chen, Fenfen Ji, YY Minnie Go, Feixue Wang, Hao Su, Hong Wei, Zongwei Cai, Nathalie Wong, Vincent WS Wong, Jun Yu. Squalene epoxidase induces nonalcoholic steatohepatitis via binding to carbonic anhydrase and is a therapeutic target. Gastroenterology 2021.(IF = 17.373)

  • Weixin Liu, Xiang Zhang, Hongzhi Xu, Shengmian Li, Harry Cheuk-Hay Lau, Qiongyun Chen, Bin Zhang, Liuyang Zhao, Huarong Chen, Joseph Jao-Yiu Sung, Jun Yu. Microbial community heterogeneity within colorectal neoplasia and its correlation with colorectal carcinogenesis. Gastroenterology 2021, https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2021.02.020. (IF = 17.373)

  • Yiyun Chen, Wing Yin Cheng, Hongyu Shi, Shengshuo Huang, Huarong Chen, Dabin Liu, Weiqi Xu, Jun Yu, Jiguang Wang. Classifying gastric cancer using FLORA reveals clinically-relevant molecular subtypes and highlights LINC01614 as a biomarker for patient prognosis. Oncogene 2021:1–12. online March 20, 2021. (IF = 7.971)

  • Yasi Pan^, Huarong Chen^, Jun Yu. Biomarkers in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Current Status and Future Perspectives. Biomedicines 2020, 8, 576. (IF = 4.717)

  • Yifei Wang^, Huarong Chen^, Jinglin Zhang, Alfred S.L. Cheng, Jun Yu, Ka Fai To, Wei Kang. MCM family in gastrointestinal cancer and other malignancies: from functional characterization to clinical implication. BBA - Reviews on Cancer 2020 Dec;1874(2):188415. (IF = 7.365)

  • Chi Chun Wong, Jiaying Xu, Xiqing Bian, Jian-Lin Wu, Wei Kang, Yun Qian, Weilin Li, Huarong Chen, Hongyan Gou, Dabin Liu, Simson TszYat Luk, Qiming Zhou, Fenfen Ji, Lam-Shing Chan, SenjiShirasawa, Joseph JY. Sung, Jun Yu. In Colorectal Cancer Cells With Mutant KRAS, SLC25A22-Mediated Glutaminolysis Reduces DNA Demethylation to Increase WNT Signaling, Stemness, and Drug Resistance. Gastroenterology2020. https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2020.08.016. (IF = 17.373)

  • Huarong Chen, Yu J. (2020) Crosstalk of Molecular Signaling in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. In: Radu-Ionita F., Pyrsopoulos N., Jinga M., Tintoiu I., Sun Z., Bontas E. (eds) Liver Diseases. Springer, Cham. (BOOK CHAPTER)

  • Huarong Chen, Chi-Chun Wong, Dabin Liu, Minnie Y.Y. Go, Bin Wu, Sui Peng, Ming Kuang, Nathalie Wong, Jun Yu. APLN promotes hepatocellular carcinoma through activating PI3K/Akt pathway and is a druggable target. Theranostics 2019 Jul 9; 9(18):5246-5260. (IF = 8.579)

  • Gou H, Liang JQ, Zhang L, Huarong Chen, Zhang Y, Li R, Wang X, Ji J, Tong JH, To KF, Sung JJ, Chan FK, Fang JY, Yu J. TTPAL promotes colorectal tumorigenesis by stabilizing TRIP6 to activate Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Cancer Res. 2019 Jul 1;79(13):3332-3346. (IF = 9.727)

  • Chi Chun Wong, Wei Kang, Jiaying Xu, Yun Qian, Simson Tsz Yat Luk, Huarong Chen, Weilin Li, Liuyang Zhao, Xiaoming Zhang, Phlip WY Chiu, Enders KW Ng, Jun Yu. Prostaglandin E-2 induces DNA hypermethylation in gastric cancer in vitro and in vivo. Theranostics 2019; 9(21): 6256–6268. (IF = 8.579)

  • Wang X, Liang JQ, Zhang LH, Gou H, Li Z, Huarong Chen, Dong Y, Ji J, Yu J. C8orf76 promotes gastric tumorigenicity and metastasis by directly inducing lncRNA DUSP5P1 and associates with patient outcomes. Clin Cancer Res.2019 May 15;25(10):3128-3140. (IF = 10.107)

  • Yujuan Dong, Yanquan Zhang, Wei Kang, Guoping Wang, Huarong Chen, Akira Higashimori, Geicho Natkatsu, Minnie Go, Joanna HM Tong, Shu Zheng, Ka Fai To, Joseph JY Sung, Xiaoyong Yang, Simon SM Ng, Jun Yu. VSTM2A Suppresses Colorectal Cancer and Antagonizes Wnt Signaling Receptor LRP6. Theranostics2019 Aug 21;9(22):6517-6531. (IF = 8.579)
  • Zhang L, Li W, Cao L, Xu J, Qian Y, Huarong Chen, Zhang Y, Kang W, Gou H, Wong CC, Yu J. PKNOX2 suppresses gastric cancer through the transcriptional activation of IGFBP5 and p53. Oncogene. 2019 Jun;38(23):4590-4604. (IF = 7.971)

  • Tang J*, Huarong Chen*, Wong CC, Liu D, Li T, Wang X, Ji J, Sung JJ, Fang JY, Yu J. DEAD-box helicase 27 promotes colorectal cancer growth and metastasis and predicts poor survival in CRC patients. Oncogene. 2018 May;37(22):3006-3021. (IF = 7.971)

  • Liu D, Wong CC, Fu L, Huarong Chen, Zhao L, Li C, Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Xu W, Yang Y, Wu B, Cheng G, Lai PB, Wong N, Sung JJY, Yu J. Squalene epoxidase drives NAFLD-induced hepatocellular carcinoma and is a direct pharmaceutical target. Sci Transl Med. 2018 Apr 18;10(437). (IF = 16.304)

  • Weilin Li, Chi Chun Wong, Xiaoming Zhang, Wei Kang, Geicho Nakatsu, Qinfu Zhao, Huarong Chen, Minnie Yin Yin Go, Philip Wai Yan Chiu, Xiaohong Wang, Jiafu Ji, Xiaona Li, Zongwei Cai, Enders Kwok Wai Ng & Jun Yu. CAB39L elicited an anti-Warburg effect via a LKB1-AMPK-PGC1α axis to inhibit gastric tumorigenesis. Oncogene. 2018 Dec;37(50):6383-6398. (IF = 7.971)



