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Professor WING Yun Kwok, Professor (Clinical) & Chairman

Professor WING Yun Kwok                   
Professor (Clinical) & Chairman


MBChB, MRCP(UK), FRCPsych(UK), FHKAM(Psychiatry), FHKCPsych

Fax: (852) 2647-5321
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
ORCID: 0000-0002-5745-5474




  • Director of Sleep Assessment Unit
  • Deputy Director of Centre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine


  • Sleep medicine
  • Biological and cultural psychiatry
  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Transcultural psychopharmacology


  • Striatal dopamine transmission in individuals with isolated rapid eye movement sleep without atonia: a search for precursor biomarker for neurodegeneration
  • Gut microbiota across early stages of synucleinopathy: from high-risk relatives, REM sleep behavior disorder to early Parkinson’s disease
  • Adjunctive light treatment in major depressive disorder among evening chronotype - A randomized controlled trial
  • Prodromal markers of synucelinopathy neurodegeneration in the first degree relatives of patients with psychiatric disorders comorbid with REM sleep behavior disorder
  • Can we prevent insomnia? A randomized controlled trial of brief cognitive behavioral Insomnia prevention program for high-risk adolescents


  1. Rao S, Siu CO, Shi M, Zhang J, Lam MHB, Yu M, Wing YK, Waye MMY. Associations of Homer Scaffolding Protein 1 gene and psychological correlates with suicide attempts in Chinese: A pilot study of multifactorial risk model. Gene. 2018 Dec 30;679:382-388. 
  2. Liu S, Wing YK, Hao Y, Li W, Zhang J, Zhang B. The associations of long-time mobile phone use with sleep disturbances and mental distress in technical college students: a prospective cohort study. Sleep. 2018 Nov 3. 
  3. Liu Y, Zhang J, Li SX, Chan NY, Yu MWM, Lam SP, Chan JWY, Li AM, Wing YK. Excessive daytime sleepiness among children and adolescents: prevalence, correlates, and pubertal effects. Sleep Med. 2018 Sep 24;53:1-8. 
  4. Rao S, Han X, Shi M, Siu CO, Waye MMY, Liu G, Wing YK. Associations of the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) with bipolar disorder and treatment response: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2018 Sep 11;89:214-226. 
  5. Ren R, Covassin N, Yang L, Li Y, Zhang Y, Zhou J, Tan L, Li T, Li X, Wang Y, Zhang J, Wing YK, Li W, Somers VK, Tang X. Objective but Not Subjective Short Sleep Duration Is Associated With Hypertension in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Hypertension. 2018 Sep;72(3):610-617. 
  6. Li SX, Chan NY, Man Yu MW, Lam SP, Zhang J, Yan Chan JW, Li AM, Wing YK. Eveningness chronotype, insomnia symptoms, and emotional and behavioural problems in adolescents. Sleep Med. 2018 Jul;47:93-99.
  7. Zhang J, Lam SP, Li SX, Liu Y, Chan JWY, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Li AM, Wing YK. Parental history of depression and higher basal salivary cortisol in unaffected child and adolescent offspring. J Affect Disord. 2018 Jul;234:207-213.
  8. Zhou J, Zhang J, Lam SP, Chan JW, Mok V, Chan A, Li SX, Liu Y, Tang X, Yung WH, Wing YK. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Predicts Neurodegeneration in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. Sleep. 2017 May 1;40(5). 
  9. Li SX, Lam SP, Zhang J, Yu MW, Chan JW, Liu Y, Lam VK, Ho CK, Zhou J, Wing YK. A prospective, naturalistic follow-up study of treatment outcomes with clonazepam in rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder. Sleep Med. 2016 May;21:114-20.
  10. Zhou J, Zhang J, Lam SP, Mok V, Chan A, Li SX, Liu Y, Tang X, Yung WH, Wing YK. Mortality and Its Risk Factors in Patients with Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder. Sleep. 2016 Aug 1;39(8):1543-50.