News & Events

Career Planning or the Lack of It: Some Insights from a Headhunter

29 January 2016

Mr Sherman Chin, Partner, Odgers Berndtson’s Hong Kong office, came over to CUHK campus on January 29 and shared with 30 GBS and IBCE students his insights on career planning.

With his experience in the HR field, Mr Chin started with some real-life examples of career paths gone through by his friends and the candidates he met. While people always stress the importance of “advanced planning” and “working hard towards a goal”, there are plenty of successful persons who did not have a detailed plan at the very beginning but still end up very happy and satisfied with their “unplanned” career.

The key take-away of the workshop is that careers and lives are journeys. “To be in the right place at the right time” requires getting experience that will open doors for us in the future, being flexible and open to try new things, understanding our own strengths and values and building our own network by staying in touch with people.

Looking forward, Mr Chin encouraged participants to explore on e-commerce, green industries and even sunset industries which might offer jobs of interest.

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