Professor Xu, Dongyan

Welcome to the website of the Energy and Environmental Engineering (EEEN) Programme of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

Energy and environment are among the most important subjects facing the 21st century. The engineers nowadays need to find holistic and effective solutions to protect our fragile planet and meet the needs of a growing human population. The EEEN Programme at CUHK provides a comprehensive platform for students to learn about the complexities and inter-linkages of these two subjects, and to acquire the technological knowhows for possible tradeoffs and solutions. The Programme leverages on the broad academic coverage of CUHK as a comprehensive university, and the support of a host of CUHK entities, including the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES), the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, and the Institute of Future Cities. The Programme is designed for engineering-minded students with aspiration to help make the world greener and sustainable for future generations.


Jun 2020

EEEN Programme Featured in CUEngineering Newsletter in June 2020 (Issue 13)

The EEEN Programme is featured in CUEngineering Newsletter in June 2020 (Issue 13): "Sustainability implies living well within the ecological limits of a finite planet. Today’s engineers need to find holistic and effective solutions to protect our fragile planet while meeting the needs of a growing population."

EEEN Programme Featured in CUEngineering Newsletter in June 2020 (Issue 13)
May 2020

Revealing the Role of Water Vapour in Methanol Atmospheric Reaction

The research team led by Prof. REN Wei has adopted high-level quantum chemistry calculations to provide a definitive answer to the role of water vapour in some important atmospheric reactions. The new findings will enable a more accurate and reliable prediction of air pollution and atmospheric chemistry. The research work has been reported in the renowned scientific journal, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition and was highlighted as the Very Important Paper (VIP) (https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202001065).

Revealing the Role of Water Vapour in Methanol Atmospheric Reaction
May 2020

Breakthrough in Battery Research: Electrolyte Made with Skin Cream Ingredients Enables Stable and Non-flammable Aqueous Li-ion Batteries

The research team led by Prof. LU Yi-Chun has taken a critical step forward in improving high-energy batteries by introducing a novel electrolyte to the aqueous lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery. This electrolyte is commonly used in skin cream. It is inexpensive, non-flammable, less toxic and is eco-friendly, yet can create stable voltage for common usage. The breakthrough was recently published in Nature Materials, a world-leading scientific journal.

Breakthrough in Battery Research: Electrolyte Made with Skin Cream Ingredients Enables Stable and Non-flammable Aqueous Li-ion Batteries