A well-ventilated laboratory with sprinkling system installed is allocated for each research group. Each research laboratory is equipped with facilities and instruments suiting for the nature of the research work conducted therein.
Training Materials
NMR guide: A web page written to provide resource for NMR users in the department. (CUHK VPN connection required)
MS guide: This webpage outlines the MS service available for department users. It also provides guideline on sample submission and MS measurement. (CUHK VPN connection required)
Major Equipment
To cope with the rapid development of the various physical methods employed in research and undergraduate teaching, the Department of Chemistry has equipped itself with a wide range of state-of-the-art scientific instruments. These instruments include: NMR spectrometers, mass spectrometers, X-ray diffractometers, EPR spectrometer, ICP–MS spectrometer, workstation clusters and high-power/high-resolution lasers, etc. Besides supporting our own teaching and research, these instruments are also used to provide analysis services to the other departments in the Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as the other local institutions. Listed below are some of the major equipment:
- Bruker AVANCE III 400 NMR Spectrometer
- Bruker AVANCE III HD 500 NMR Spectrometer
- Bruker D8 Venture X‐Ray Diffractometer
- Bruker APEX II X‐Ray Diffractometer
- Bruker EMX‐EPR Spectrometer
- Bruker Autoflex speed MALDI‐TOF Mass Spectrometer
- Bruker SolariX 9.4T ICR Mass Spectrometer (Faculty of Science)
- Thermo Finnigan MAT95XL Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometer
- Thermo Q Exactive Focus Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
- Agilent 7900 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
- ALV5000 Laser Instrument
- Coulter Laser Instrument
- Computer Clusters
General Equipment
Chemistry Department has equipped itself with a number of fundamental but indispensable scientific instruments for teaching and research. They provide a variety of important characterization techniques in exploring the world of chemistry. Given below is a partial list of these instruments:
- Cary 1E UV‐Visible Spectrophotometer
- Hitachi F‐4500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
- Hitachi F‐7000 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
- Horiba Fluoromax Spectrofluorometer
- Shimadzu UV3600 Plus UV‐VIS‐NIR Spectrophotometer
- Thermo Nicolet iS10 mid‐FTIR spectrometer
- Rudolph Autopol II Polarimeter
- Metrohm 792 basic Ion Chromatograph
- Mettler Toledo DSC3 Differential Scanning Calorimeter
- PAR 263A Electrochemical Station
- STUART SMP40 Automatic Melting Point Apparatus
- Electrothermal 9100 melting point measuring instrument
- Labconco Freezone 6 Freeze Dry System