School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Composition and Terms of Reference

Chairman: Associate Director (Undergraduate Education)
Members: SBS Director (Ex-officio)
Assistant Director (Undergraduate Education – MBChB Programme)
Assistant Director (Undergraduate Education – Service Teaching)
Assistant Director (Undergraduate Education – BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme)
Head, Teaching and Learning Unit
Dissecting Laboratory Coordinator
Year 1 Coordinator of Medical Faculty
Year 2 Coordinator of MBChB Programme
Year 3 Coordinator of MBChB Programme
Course Coordinator of MEDU2300 “Human Structure I”
Course Coordinator of MEDU2400 “Human Function I”
Course Coordinator of MEDU2600 “Molecular Medicine and Genetics”
Course Coordinator of MEDU3300 “Human Structure II”
Course Coordinator of MEDU3400 “Human Function II”
Course Coordinator of University General Education Course UGEB2781
Course Coordinator of University General Education Course UGEB2791
Programme Director of BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme
Chairman of Biomedical Engineering Course Curriculum Committee
Chairman of Chinese Medicine Course Curriculum Committee
Chairman of Pharmacy Course Curriculum Committee
Three representatives from Lecturing-grade staff (appointed by Chairman)
Secretary: Executive Assistant


Terms of reference

  • To oversee and coordinate the undergraduate teaching activities of the School of Biomedical Sciences.