School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學



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Prof. WANG Dan (王丹) completed her B.S and M.S in Dental Medicine from Sun Yat-Sen Medical University, her Ph.D in Oral Biology from the University of Pittsburgh as well as her postdoctoral training from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford University.  She is a Research Assistant Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong with appointments in the School of Biomedical Sciences and the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.  Her research interests include cell-matrix interactions, stem cell biology, osteoimmunology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine for bone-tendon tissue unit repair.

  1. Development of Extracellular matrix-based Approach for Tendon Tissue Engineering.
  2. Mechanical Stimulation to Enhance Stem Cell-mediated Tendon Repair.
  3. Immuno-modulatory Therapy to Enhance Skeletal Regeneration.
  1. Ker, D.F.E., Wang, D., Sharma, S., Zhang, B., Passarelli, B., Neff, N., Li, C., Maloney, W., Quake, S., & Yang, Y.P. (2018). Identifying deer antler uhrf1 proliferation and s100a10 mineralization genes using comparative RNA-seq. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 9(1), 292.
  2. Ker, D.F.E.#, Wang, D.#, Behn, A.W., Wang, E.T.H., Zhang, X., Zhou, B.Y., Mercado-Pagán, A.E., Kim, S., Kleimeyer, J., Gharaibeh, B., Shanjani, Y., Nelson, D., Safran, M., Cheung, E., Campbell, P., & Yang, Y.P. (2018). Functionally graded, bone- and tendon-like polyurethane for rotator cuff repair. Advanced Functional Materials, 28(20), 1707107 (IF:13.325). 
  3. Wang, D., Gilbert ,J.R., Taylor, G.M., Sodhi, C.P., Hackam, D.J., Losee, J.E., Billiar, T.R., & Cooper, G.M. (2017). TLR4 inactivation in myeloid cells accelerates bone healing of a calvarial defect model in mouse. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 140(2), 296e-306e 
  4. Wang, D., Taylor, G.M., Gilbert, J.R., Sodhi, C.P., Hackam, D.J., Losee, J.E., Billiar, T.R., & Cooper, G.M. (2017). Enhanced calvarial bone healing in CD-11c-TLR4-/- and Myd88-/- mice. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 139(4), 933e-940e. 
  5. Wang, D., Gilbert, J.R., Cray, J.J. Jr, Kubala, A., Shaw, M.A., Billiar, T.R., & Cooper, G.M. (2015). Toll-like receptor 4 mediates the regenerative effects of bone grafts for calvarial bone repair. Tissue Engineering Part A, 21(7-8).
  6. Shakir, S., MacIsaac, Z.M., Naran, S., Smith, D.M., Cray, J.J., Craft, T.K., Angle, S., Clafshenkel, W., Shaw, M.A., Wang, D., Weiss, L.E., Campbell, P., Mooney, M.P., Losee, J.E., & Cooper, G.M. (2015). Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Improves Bone Healing and Promotes Suture Regeneration. Tissue Engineering Part A, 21(5-6).
  7. Wang D., Gilbert J.R., Cray J.J. Jr, Kubala A., Shaw M.A., Billiar T.R., & Cooper G.M. (2012). Accelerated calvarial healing in mice lacking Toll-like receptor 4. PLoS One, 7(10), e46945.
  8. Wang, D., Xu, Y., Lu, C., Yang, X., Zhang, D., Shao, L., & Wang, R. (2012). Comparison of fracture strength and fracture modes of zirconia dental ceramics manufactured by four different CAD/CAM systems. Key Engineering Materials, 492, 30-34.
  9. Wang, D., & Lin, X.F. (2010). Mandibular movement during speech. International Journal of Stomatology, 37(6), 718-721.
  10. Wang, D., & Jin, H. (2010). Analysis on the clinical curative effect of halitosis. Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 20(6), 348-325.
  11. Wang, D., & Lin, X.F. (2010). Study of mandibular movement during speech. Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment, 18(12), 619-622.
  12. Wang, D., & Shao, L.Q. (2010). Zirconia Implants and All-Ceramic Restorations for the Esthetic Replacement of the Maxillary Central Incisors. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Continuing Education,13(5), 17-24.

    # Co-first author
  1. The National Science Foundation of China, General program [PI; 2018-2022]: “Investigating the role of HMGB1/TLR4-mediated osteoclastogenesis in allograft remodeling”.
  2. Innovation Technology Fund Tier 3 Grant [PI]: “Developmentally-inspired biomaterials for tendon repair” (HK$1,308,000).
  3. NSFC funded grant [PI; 2012-2015]: "Cell necrosis promotes bone regeneration by virtue of an inflammatory response through TLR4 signal pathway".