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image of Prof. HO Kin Fai
(852) 2252 8763

HO Kin Fai 何建輝

Associate Professor (by Courtesy)
  • Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic, 2003
  • M.Phil., Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999
  • B.Sc., Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997
Academic Employments:
  • 2018 – present: Associate Professor, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2018 – present: Visiting Associate Professor, Taipei Medical University
  • 2015 – 2018: Assistant Professor, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2015 – present: Research Fellow, Institute of Environment, Energy, and Sustainability, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Fields and Current Research Interests:
  • Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution
  • Particle Toxicology
  • Exposure Assessment
  • Bioaerosol
Honours and Awards:
  • Chinese Aerosol Technology Innovation Award, Chinese Association of Aerosol Science & Technology, 2015
  • Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award, Asian Aerosol Research Assembly, 2013
  • Young Scientist Award in Particuology, Chinese Society of Particuology, 2012
Professional Activities:
  • Associate Editor, Aerosol Science and Engineering
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Member, International Society of Environmental Exposure
  • Editorial Board: Journal of Meteorological Research
  • PHPC 2009
  • PHPC 3016
  • PHPC 3018
  • OENV 5001
  • OENV 5008
College Affiliation in CUHK:
  • United College
Selected Recent Publications:
  1. Lui, K. H., Jones, T., BéruBé, K., Ho, S. S. H., Yim, S. H. L., Cao, J. J., Lee, S. C. Tian, L., Min, D. W., Ho, K. F.* The effects of particle-induced oxidative damage from exposure to airborne fine particulate matter components in the vicinity of landfill sites on Hong Kong. Chemosphere 230:578-586, 2019.
  2. Ho, K. F., Wu, K.-C., Niu, X. Y., Wu, Y., Zhu, C., Wu, F., Cao. J. J., Shen, Z. X., Hsiao, T.-C., Chuang, K.-J., Chuang, H.-C.* Contributions of local pollution emissions to particle bioreactivity in downwind cities in China during Asian dust periods. Environmental Pollution 245:675-683, 2019.
  3. Chuang, H.-C., Sun, J., Ni, H. Y., Tian, J., Lui, K. H., Han, Y. M., Cao, J. J., Huang, R.-J., Shen, Z. X., Ho, K. F.* Characterization of the chemical components and bioreactivity of fine particulate matter produced during crop-residue burning in China. Environmental Pollution 245:226-234, 2019.
  4. Chen, X.-C., Chow, J. C., Ward, T. J., Cao, J. J., Lee, S.-C., Watson, J. G., Lau, N.-C., Yim, S. H. L., Ho, K. F.* Estimation of personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) of ambient origin for healthy adults in Hong Kong. Science of The Total Environment 654:514-524, 2019.
  5. Fan, Z. L., Pun, V. C., Chen, X. C., Qiu, H., Tian, L. W., Ho, S. S. H., Lee, S. C., Tse, L. A., Ho, K. F.* Personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) and respiratory inflammation of common residents in Hong Kong. Environmental Research 164:24-31, 2018.
  6. Chen, X. C., Ward, T. J., Cao, J. J., Lee, S. C., Chow, J. C., Lau, G. N. C., Yim, S. H. L., Ho, K. F.* Determinants of personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in adult subjects in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment 628-629:1165-1177, 2018.
  7. Lui, K. H., Bandowe, B. A. M., Tian, L. W., Chan, C. S., Cao, J. J., Ning, Z., Lee, S. C., Ho, K. F.* Cancer risk from polycyclic aromatic compounds in fine particulate matter generated from household coal combustion in Xuanwei, China. Chemosphere 169:660-668, 2017.
  8. Lui, K. H., Bandowe, B. A. M., Ho, S. S. H., Chuang, H.-C.*, Cao, J. J., Chuang, K. J., Lee, S. C., Hu, D., Ho, K. F.* Characterization of chemical components and bioreactivity of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) during incense burning. Environmental Pollution 213:524-532, 2016.
  9. Ho, K. F.*, Huang, R.-J.*, Kawamura, K., Tachibana, E., Lee, S. C., Ho, S. S. H., Zhu, T., Tian, L. Dicarboxylic Acids, Ketocarboxylic acids, a-Dicarbonyls, Fatty Acids and Benzoic Acid in PM2.5 aerosol collected during CAREBeijing-2007: an effect of traffic restriction on air quality. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15:1299-1312, 2015.
  10. Huang, R.-J., Zhang, Y., Carlo, B., Ho, K. F., Cao, J. J.*, Han, Y. M., Dällenbach, K. R., Slowik, J. G., Canonaco , F., Zotter, P., Wolf, R., Platt, S. M., Pieber, S., Bruns, E. A., Crippa, M., Piazzalunga, A., Schwikowski, M., Abbaszade, G., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Zimmermann, R., An, Z. S., Szidat, S., Baltensperger, U., Haddad, I. E., Prévôt, A. S. H.* High secondary aerosol contribution to particulate pollution during haze events in China. Nature 514:218-222, 2014.
Research Grants:
  • Relationship between outdoor and personal exposure to bioaerosols and their allergic airway inflammation in vitro, RGC/GRF (PI).
  • Inflammatory responses induced by secondary organic aerosols (SOA) generated from NO3- and OH- initiated oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), RGC/GRF (PI).
  • Toxicological effects of fresh and aged gasoline exhaust particles in Hong Kong, RGC/GRF (PI).
  • Characterization and formation of secondary organic aerosols from biomass burning, NSFC (PI)
  • Toxicological effects associated with organic factors in urban submicron aerosols in Hong Kong, RGC/GRF (PI).
  • Characterisation and bioreactivity of PM2.5 near landfill sites and their impact to public health, Food and Health Bureau – HMRF (PI)
  • Relationship of indoor, outdoor, and personal exposure of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in PM2.5 and their toxicological effects in Hong Kong, RGC/GRF (PI).
  • The Physicochemistry and Toxicology of Indoor Source Particles in Hong Kong, RGC/GRF (PI).