School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

SBS WLiang photo


B.Sc.(Hon.), Ph.D., P.Dip.(High Educ.), C.Biol., FABE

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610R, Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building, CUHK






Dr Willmann Liang (梁偉文) obtained his BSc(Hon) (in Pharmacology and Therapeutics) and PhD (in Cardiovascular Pharmacology) degrees from the University of British Columbia in Canada. He proceeded to receive a Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education from the National Institute of Education in Singapore, while teaching pharmacology and other subjects at Nanyang Technological University.

Dr Liang presently serves as Lecturer at CUHK and is primarily responsible for teaching pharmacology and physiology. He has also broadened his teaching interests to disciplines such as Drug Design and Development and Health Services Management. He is affiliated with Chung Chi College and teaches in general education tutorials to university freshmen. He is appointed to a number of committees at the School and College, and serves as Academic Advisor to medical and biomedical sciences students.

Since joining CUHK, Dr Liang has developed a variety of pharmacology learning materials to improve the learning experiences of biomedical sciences, medical and pharmacy students. Over the years, Dr Liang has published and received honours in the areas of pharmacology and biomedical sciences education. He also holds an adjunct position for teaching a summer pharmacology course at Tunghai University in Taiwan. He was admitted as a Chartered Biologist (CBiol) in 2014 and a Fellow of the Academy of Pharmacology Educators (FAPE) in 2021.

  1. Pharmacology education
  2. Development of fundamental and advanced pharmacology learning tools
  3. Course coordination and curricular development of SBMS 3213 (Drug Design and Development) and SBMS3216 (Health Services Management)

Educational publications:

  1. Liang W*. 2009. Teaching the modes of Ca2+ transport between plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum using a classic paper by Kwan et al. Advances in Physiology Education, 33(3):169-174.
  2. Liang W*. 2008. Teaching calcium-induced calcium release in cardiomyocytes using a classic paper by Fabiato. Advances in Physiology Education, 32(1):1-10.

Other publications:

  1. Zhou X, Lam WP, Tang HC, Koon CM, Cheng L, Lau CB, Liang W*, Leung PC*. 2016. Effects of gegen (Puerariae lobatae Radix) water extract on improving detrusor overactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Phytomedicine, 23(6):672-678.
  2. Tang HC, Lam WP, Zhang X, Leung PC, Yew DT, Liang W*. 2015. Short-term flavoxate treatment alters detrusor contractility characteristics: renewed interest in clinical use? LUTS, 7(3):149-154.
  3. Tang HC, Lam WP, Zhang X, Leung PC, Yew DT, Liang W*. 2014. Chronic ketamine treatment-induced changes in contractility characteristics of the mouse detrusor. International Urology and Nephrology, 46(8):2563-2571.
  4. Lam WP, Tang HC, Zhang X, Leung PC, Yew DT, Liang W*. 2014. Low concentrations of niflumic acid enhance basal spontaneous and carbachol-induced contractions of the detrusor. International Urology and Nephrology, 46(2):349-357.
  5. Liang W*, Leung PC. 2012. Variations in carbachol- and ATP-induced contractions of the rat detrusor: effects of gender, mucosa and contractile direction. International Urology and Nephrology, 44(6):1641-1648.
  6. Santoso AGH, Liang W*. 2011. Bladder contractility is mediated by different K+ channels in the urothelium and detrusor smooth muscle. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 115(2):127-134.
  7. Santoso AGH, Lo WN, Liang W*. 2011. Urothelium-dependent and urothelium-independent detrusor contractility mediated by nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase inhibition. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 30(4):619-625.
  8. Liang W*, Lo WN. 2011. β-adrenoceptor-mediated differences in transverse and longitudinal strips from the rat detrusor. International Urology and Nephrology, 43(1):99-107.
  9. Santoso AGH, Sonarno IAB, Arsad NAB, Liang W*. 2010. The role of the urothelium and ATP in mediating detrusor smooth muscle contractility. Urology, 76(5):1267.e7-12.
  10. Lo WN, Liang W*. 2009. Blockade of voltage-sensitive K+ channels increases contractility more in transverse than in longitudinal rat detrusor strips. Urology, 73(2):400-404.

Educational abstracts:

  1. Liang W. 2021. Drag-a-Drug: an interactive learning aid to complement pharmacology mnemonics. Experimental Biology, USA.
  2. Liang W. 2018. Video recap of major drug classes learned in pharmacology lectures. Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo, Hong Kong.
  3. Liang W. 2018. pharmABCology: an initiative to create logical mnemonics systems for learning drug names. Experimental Biology, USA.
  4. Liang W. 2016. PictoPharm: an innovative approach to learn drug names. Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo, Hong Kong.
  5. Hwang ISS, Liang W. 2017. A pilot study to examine knowledge retention in pre-clinical (year 2) medical bioethics. Chinese University Medical Education Conference, Hong Kong.
  6. Liang W, Pang WY. 2008. Using animations to learn Ca2+ signaling pathways in vascular endothelial cells. Experimental Biology, USA.

Other selected abstracts:

  1. Liang W, Leung PC. 2012. Suppressant effects of puerariae lobatae radix on rat detrusor smooth muscle. Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine Meeting, Macau, China.
  2. Liang W, Santoso AGH. 2011. Functional roles of K+ channels in urothelium-dependent detrusor smooth muscle contractility under carbachol stimulation. Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.
  3. Liang W, Tan CYR, Wright JM, Laher I. 2008. Ramipril treatment improves vascular endothelial function in db/db mice. Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego, USA.
  4. Liang W, Lo WN. 2007. Differential modulation by Ca2+-sensitive K+ channels in longitudinal and transverse bladder strip contractions: implications in age-related over-active bladder symptoms. Experimental Biology 2007, Washington DC, USA.

As Principal Investigator:

  1. Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [PI; 2017-2018]: “Guided-responsive approach to the learning (GRALe) of integrated cardiovascular physiology concepts” (HKD 81,400).
  2. Student Helper Award Scheme, CUHK [PI; 2015]: “Building a database for the development of a pharmacology learning tool” (HKD 5,500).
  3. Partial salary-support grants, Nanyang Technological University [PI; 2010-2011], for the production of pharmacology e-learning coursewares and advocate of the uses of e-elearning tools in the teaching of biological sciences subjects (SGD 27,000).

As Co-Investigator:

  1. Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [Co-I; 2018-2019]: “Visualisation of human diseases with micro-modules for real time classroom teaching (Phase 1)” (HKD 52,700).
  2. Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant, CUHK [Co-I; 2016-2018]: Application of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for teaching multidisciplinary topics in biomedical sciences” (HKD 496,980).
  1. Fellow of the Academy of Pharmacology Educators, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, USA (2021).
  2. Travel Award for Pharmacology Educators, Division of Pharmacology Education, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, USA (2018).
  3. Chartered Biologist, Royal Society of Biology, UK (2014).
  4. Best Project Award (as supervisor of awarded project), Polytechnic Student Research Competition, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore (2009).
  5. Silver Award (as supervisor of awarded project), Singapore Science and Engineering Fair, Ministry of Education, Singapore (2009).
  6. Research Recognition Award, Teaching of Physiology Section, American Physiological Society, USA (2008).
  7. Outstanding Mentor Award, Science Mentorship Programmes, Ministry of Education, Singapore (2008).
  8. Merit Award (as supervisor of awarded project), Nanyang Research Programme, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2008).
  9. Merit Award (as supervisor of awarded project), Nanyang Research Programme, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2007).