Message from Co-Director

Lee Simon

Co-Director, International Business and Chinese Enterprise Programme

Greeting from Simon Lee, IBCE Programme Co-Director.

CUHK IBCE programme is not a normal business programme. It couples business knowledge with practice in international business and Chinese environment in the four-year specially designed curriculum. Our partner school University of South Carolina ranked number one in international business in the USA and IBCE students spend one year in the exchange programme to gain exposure in the US Economy.

The Chinese Economy is also one of our major highlights. In view of the national strategic emphasis on the Greater Bay Area, IBCE will invite speakers in the market to update our students in this prospering region and enhance elements of Chinese business in our programme.

Other than the traditional classroom learning, our students design various activities for experiential learning ranging from team building, to orientation camps, to global business forums, to study trips, to firm visits. Destinations in the past few years include Myanmar, Cambodia, Dalian, Shanghai/Hangzhou and Inner Mongolia. These student-oriented activities allow students to grow and to prepare for their future career development.

IBCE just passed its 10th anniversary. Though it is young, we have a strong family of alumni. IBCE students are future business leaders. Leading employers in Hong Kong can definitely find their talents from top business programs in Hong Kong and IBCE is one of them. We welcome students who are interested in combining business practices from the USA and China and would like to develop a successful career in this dynamic era.