School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學



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Prof. KER Dai Fei Elmer (柯岱飞) completed his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University and postdoctoral training from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford University.  He is an Assistant Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong with appointments in the School of Biomedical Sciences and the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.  His research interests include developing biomaterials and computer vision-based approaches for repairing injured bone-tendon and bone-ligament tissue units.  His lab webpage is

  1. Biomaterials and Orthopaedic Devices for Interfacial Tissue Engineering.
  2. Functional Genomic Approaches to Study Musculoskeletal Biology and Regeneration.
  3. Computer-Vision-based Approaches for Cell Detection and Tracking.
  1. Ker, D.F.E., & Yang, Y.P. (2019). Ruminants: Evolutionary past and future impact. Science (Perspective), 364(6446), 1130-1131. doi: 10.1126/science.aax5182.
  2. Ker, D.F.E., Wang, D., Sharma, S., Zhang, B., Passarelli, B., Neff, N., Li, C., Maloney, W., Quake S., & Yang, Y.P. (2018). Identifying deer antler uhrf1 proliferation and s100a10 mineralization genes using comparative RNA-seq. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 9(1), 292. doi: 10.1186/s13287-018-1027-6.
  3. Ker, D.F.E., Eom, S., Sanami, S., Bise, R., Pascale, C., Yin, Z., Huh, S., Osuna-Highley, E., Junkers, S.N., Helfrich, C.J., Liang, P.W., Pan, J., Jeong, S., Kang, S.S., Liu, J., Nicholson, R., Sandbothe, M.F., Van, P.T., Liu, A., Chen, M., Kanade, T., Weiss, L.E., & Campbell, P.G. (2018). Phase contrast time-lapse microscopy datasets with automated and manual cell tracking annotations. Scientific Data, 5, 180237. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.237.
  4. Ker, D.F.E.#*, Wang, D.#, Behn, A.W., Wang, E.T.H., Zhang, X., Zhou, B.Y., Mercado-Pagan, A.E., Kim, S., Kleimeyer, J., Gharaibeh, B., Shanjani, Y., Nelson, D., Safran, M., Cheung E., Campbell, P., & Yang, Y.P.* (2018). Functionally Graded, Bone- and Tendon-Like Polyurethane for Rotator Cuff Repair. Advanced Functional Materials, 28(20), 1707107. 
  5. Shanjani, Y., Kang, Y., Zarnescu, L., Bowden, A.K., Koh, J., Ker, D.F.E., & Yang, Y.P. (2016). Endothelial pattern formation in hybrid constructs of additive manufactured porous rigid scaffolds and cell-laden hydrogelsfor orthopedic applications. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, In Press.
  6. Ker, D.F.E., Wang, E.T.H., Sharma, R., & Yang, Y.P. (2015). Development of mRuby2-transfected C3H10T1/2 Fibroblasts for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0139054.
  7. Li, M., Li, H., Ker, D.F.E., Su, H., & Yin, Z. (2015). Cell-Sensitive Phase Contrast Microscopy Imaging by Multiple Exposures. Medical Image Analysis, 25(1), 111-21.
  8. Mercado-Pagan, Ker, D.F.E., & Yang, Y. (2014). Hemocompatibility evaluation of elastomeric hollow fiber membranes as vascular grafts. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29(4), 557-565
  9. Mercado-Pagan, A.E., Kang, Y., Ker, D.F.E., Park, S., Yao, J., Bishop, J., & Yang, Y. (2013). Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Elastomeric Poly(D,L-Lactide Urethane) Maleate Composites for Bone Tissue Engineering. European Polymer Journal, 49(10), 3337-3349.
  10. Smith, D.M., Cray, J.J.Jr, Weiss, L.E., Ker, D.F.E., Shakir, S., Rottgers, S.A., Losee, J.E., Campbell, P.G., & Cooper, G.M. (2012). Precise Control of Osteogenesis for Craniofacial Defect Repair: The Role of Direct Osteoprogenitor Contact in BMP-2-based Bioprinting. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 69(4), 485-488.
  11. Gao, Y., Smith, E., Ker, D.F.E., Campbell, P.G., Cheng, E., Zou, S., Lin, S., Wang, L., Halene, S., & Krause, D.S. (2012). Role of RhoA Specific Guanine Exchange Factors in Regulation of Endomitosis in Megakaryocytes. Developmental Cell, 22(3), 573-584.
  12. Ker, D.F.E., Chu, B., Phillippi, J.A., Gharaibeh, B., Huard, J., Weiss, L.E., & Campbell, P.G. (2011). Engineering spatial control of multiple differentiation fates within a stem cell population. Biomaterials, 32(13), 3413-3422.
  13. Ker, D.F.E., Nain, A., Weiss, L.E., Wang, J., Suhan, J., Amon, C., & Campbell, P.G. (2011). Bioprinting of Growth Factors onto Aligned Sub-micron Fibrous Scaffolds for Simultaneous Control of Cell Differentiation and Alignment. Biomaterials, 32(32), 8097-8107.
  14. Ker, D.F.E., Weiss, L.E., Junkers, S.N., Chen, M., Yin, Z., Sandboth, M.F., Huh, S., Eom, S., Bise, R., Osuna-Highley, E., Kanade, T., & Campbell, P.G. (2011). Automating the Decision Process for Real-Time Adaptive Subculture of Stem Cells. PLoS ONE, 6(11), e27672.

    * Corresponding / Co-corresponding author 
    # Co-first author
  1. Innovation Technology Fund Tier 3 [PI; 2019-2020]: "Repairing Tendon Injuries with Tissue Mimetic Biomaterials" (HK$1,398,505).
  2. Stanford University Spectrum MedTech [PI; 2017]: "Development of a hybrid suture anchor-tendon graft for rotator cuff repair" (US$50,000).
  3. AO Foundation Start-up Grant [PI; 2014-2017]: "Development of a functionally graded polyurethane biomaterial for rotator cuff injury" (CHF118,000 or ~US$126,000).