B.V.M., M.Phil., Ph.D., RegVetSurg
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地址: 610L, Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building, CUHK
Dr. Tang Mei Kuen Florence (鄧美娟) obtained her doctoral degree in Anatomy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and she has been working at CUHK for more than 20 years. She is a registered veterinary surgeon in Hong Kong, serving as a board member at various professional veterinary associations.
Her teaching interests focus on Anatomy, and research technique in biomedical studies. She has a passion in Anatomy teaching and courseware development using emerging technologies, including mobile application development, mixed-reality, and 3D printing. Her team developed several innovative VR/AR courseware to facilitate student teaching and learning process. She also actively promotes STEM education at both high-school and university level. Her work has been showcased at several regional and international medical and nursing education workshops and conferences. She awarded the Faculty Teaching Award in 2014.
- Development and implementation of courseware using innovative pedagogy and emerging technologies, including mixed reality, and 3D-printing.
- Application of gamification in Anatomy study to facilitate teaching and learning process
- STEM Educations to stimulate student interest in biomedical research study
- FMK Tang, MF Lee, HL Szeto, CT Cheung, OMY Ngan. (2020). Application of Virtual Reality in Teaching: Animal Handling in Biomedical Science Education. (Under review)
- FMK Tang, H Chan, T Tang, OMY Ngan. (2020). The Effectiveness of Mobile Learning in Junior Medical Clerkship Training, presented at the 17 th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2016, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore, 9-12 Jan 2020.
- OMY Ngan, TLH Tang, AKY Chan, DMH Chen, FMK Tang. (2018). Blended Learning in Anatomy Teaching for Non-medical Students: An Innovative Approach to the Health Professions Education. Health Professions Education. 4(2), 149-158.
- MF Lee, KPT Fung, OMY Ngan, FMK Tang. (2018). Using Leap Motion Technology in the Development of a Touchless Screen Electronic Dissector Guide in the Anatomy Dissection Laboratory. Open Access Research in Anatomy. 2(1).
- W Shi, FMK Tang, Y Yao, C Tang, YL Chui, KKH Lee. (2016). BRE plays an essential role in preventing replicative and DNA damage-induced premature senescence. Scientific Reports.
- J Gan, H Sonntag, FMK Tang, D Cai, KKH Lee. (2015). Integrative Analysis of the Developing Postnatal Mouse Heart Transcriptome. PloS One. 10(7), e0133288.
- FMK Tang, OMY Ngan, J Yan, ALK Yung, JYC Leung, DMH Chen, JTS Lo, PCW Lau, ESL Cheung. (2014). The Development of Teaching Courseware for Blended Learning in Anatomy: A Pilot Study. Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2014, CUHK: 50-57.
- Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Action Fund (2019-21): PI
Project Description: Lee Woo Sing College - Students Outreach Service
Budget: $5,000.00
- Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) (2019-22): Co-I
Projection Description: STudent-led E-Learning in Applied surgical anatomy (STELA)
Budget: $609,662.00
- Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)(2019-22): Co-I
Project Description: Multi-disciplinary Collaboration of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality on Human Anatomy Electronic Learning (MARVEL)
Budget: $500,000.00
- Quality Education Fund (2019-2021): PI
Project Description: Application of Innovative Mixed-Reality Technology in STEM Education: Secondary Biology Teaching and Learning
應用創新混合虛擬現實技術在STEM教育:中學生物科教與學 Budget: $1,522,600.00
- Courseware Development Grant (2018-19): PI
Project Description: “Sugar and Oil – Friend or Foe of Diabetes Mellitus?
Budget: $82,250.00
- Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant (2017-18): PI
Project Description: An Integration of Virtual Reality Courseware in Handling the Radiation Sources
Budget: $100,000.00
- Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant (2017-18), Scheme 1: Basic Scheme: PI
Project Description: A Step-Forward for Blending Learning; Mobile Micro-Module Flipped Classroom Courseware in Clinical Year Studies (3210830)
Budget: $100,000.00
- Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant, Scheme 1: Basic Scheme (2017-18) (3210829.): Co-I
Project Description: Micro-module for Dietary Fats Metabolism
Budget: $63,900.00
- Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (2016-19): PI
Project Description: Innovative Mobile Learning App: The New Development of Collaborative Knowledge Building Courseware for Integration of Basic Histology, Physiology and Pathology Teaching
Budget: $100,000.00
Best Teacher Award
Awards for Nursing 2008, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
International Pedagogical Awards
e-Poster Merit Award in 14th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference – from Globalization of Education to Global Healthcare, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 14-15 Jan 2017
Florence MK Tang, Aden Chan, Taylor Tang, Daisy Chen and Olivia Ngan
Title: The pilot Study on the E-Professional Study (ePS) in Teaching Anatomy and Physiology: blended Learning Approach for the Health Professional education in Faculty of Medicine
Others Pedagogical Awards
- Poster Commendation in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2018, CUHK
Florence M.K. Tang, Ellis K.M. Fok, Ray M.F. Lee, Po H.M. Yeung, Taylor L.H. Tang and Olivia M.Y. Ngan
Title: An Integration of Immersive Virtual Reality Technology in Teaching the Laboratory Skill for the Usage of Gamma Irradiator
- People’s Prize Certificate in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2017, CUHK
Florence MK Tang, Yiu Wa Kwan, Hui Zhao, Ellis Fok, Dewi Kenneth Rowlands, Olivia Ngan, Ray Lee and Taylor Tang
Title: Effective or Ineffective: The Application of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology in the Development of the Innovative Learning Tool for Experimental Skills Training
- Poster Award in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2017, CUHK
Florence MK Tang, Yiu Wa Kwan, Hui Zhao, Ellis Fok, Dewi Kenneth Rowlands, Olivia Ngan, Ray Lee and Taylor Tang
Title: Effective or Ineffective: The Application of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology in the Development of the Innovative Learning Tool for Experimental Skills Training
- Poster Award in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2016, CUHK
Florence MK Tang, David Chung, Tony Mak, Simon Ng, Jenny Fang, Ray Lee, Kristy Fung and Olivia Ngan
Title: A New Concept for the Micro-modules in Medical Education: The eLearning Clinical Skills (eC Skills) Channel
- Poster Recommendation in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2015, CUHK
Florence MK Tang, Ray Lee, Kenneth KH Lee, James Ting, Joseph Leung, Alex Yung, Jin Yan & Olivia MY Ngan.
Title: A Novel e-learning courseware of a Mobile App for Studying Histology: Blended Learning in Faculty of Medicine (Hi-Med App)
- Poster Award in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2015, CUHK
Florence MK Tang, Ray Lee, Yuanan Jiang, Isabel Hwang, Kenneth KH Lee, Joseph Leung, Alex Yung, Jin Yan and Olivia MY Ngan.
Title: A Pilot Study of a Touchless Screen Control as a Dissection Guide for Anatomy Teaching (Di-Ana Teach)
- Poster Award in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2014, CUHK
Florence MK Tang, Kenneth KH Lee, Isabel SS Hwang, Paul LC Lam, Ray MF Lee, Maggie WC Wong and Olivia MY Ngan
Title: The Development of Blended Learning with iOS Mobile Application in Teaching of Histology