Other Boards and Committees

Other Boards and Committees

IT Governance Committee



Provost (ex officio)
  • Professor Alan Chan


Chairpersons of the IT Governance Sub-Committees (ex officio)
  • Mr. Eric Ng, Sub-Committee on Administrative Systems Oversight
  • Professor Poon Wai-yin, Sub-Committee on Education Technologies
  • Dr. Michael Chang, Sub-Committee on IT Policy Development
  • Professor Sham Mai-har, Sub-Committee on Research Computing
  • Professor Raymond Chan, Sub-Committee on Student Services Steering
Two Faculty Deans
  • Professor Francis Chan, Faculty of Medicine
  • Professor Chiu Chi-yue, Faculty of Social Science
Two College Heads/Masters
  • Professor Chan Wai-yee, C.W. Chu College
  • Professor Nicholas Rawlins, Morningside College
Registrar (ex officio)
  • Ms. Kitty Yu
Bursar and Director of Finance (ex officio)
  • Ms. Salome Lam
Director of the Information Technology Services Centre (ex officio)
  • Ms. Carol Chiu

Member and Secretary

Director of the University Planning Office (ex officio)
  • Dr. Michael Chang
as of 12 December 2020