School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

CHAN Sun OnProfessor

B.Sc., M.Phil. (CUHK), D.Phil. (Oxon)

Telephone: 3943 6898

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Address:  307A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39, CUHK







Prof. CHAN Sun-On Hector (陳新安) graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a BSc (First Hons) degree in Biology, and a MPhil degree in the Department of Anatomy. He was awarded the Croucher Foundation Scholarship to study for a DPhil degree in Neuroscience at The University of Oxford, under supervision of Prof. Ray Guillery. After graduation, he returned to Hong Kong and started to serve in the Department of Anatomy (now School of Biomedical Sciences) as a lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor. His major research interests are on the development of visual pathway and recently mechanisms of ocular inflammation and its protection.

Prof. Chan serves a leading role in education in the Faculty of Medicine and the New Asia College. He is currently Assistant Dean (Education) and Chairman of Preclinical Education Committee in Faculty of Medicine, and Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) in the School of Biomedical Sciences. He also serves the College under capacity of Associate Head and Dean of General Education.

  1. Roles of axon growth regulating molecules on axon guidance in the optic chiasm and spinal cord.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative mechanisms in ocular diseases.
  3. Signaling mechanisms of growth hormone-releasing hormone in ocular tissues.
  4. Protective and therapeutic effects of green tea extract on eye diseases.
  1. Qin, Y.J., Chan, S.O., Lin, H.L., Zhang, Y.Q., He, B.T., Zhang, L., Yu, H.H., Chu, W.K., Pang, C.P., & Zhang, H.Y. (2020) Increased expression of growth hormone-releasing hormone in fibrinous inflammation of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. American Journal of Ophthalmology 215:81-90.
  2. Liang, W.C., Ren, J.L., Yu, Q.X., Ng, T.K., Chu, W.K., Qin, Y.J., Chu, K.O., Schally, A.V., Pang, C.P., & Chan, S.O. (2020) Signaling mechanisms of growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor in LPS-induced acute ocular inflammation. Proceedings of National Academy of Science USA 117(11):6067-6074.
  3. Ren, J.L., Yu, Q.X, Ma, D., Liang, W.C., Leung, P.Y., Ng, T.K., Chu, W.K., Schally, A.V., Pang, C.P., & Chan, S.O. (2019). Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor mediates cytokine production in ciliary and iris epithelial cells during LPS-induced ocular inflammation. Experimental Eye Research, 181, 277-284.
  4. Hu, F., Liu, H., Su, D.Q., Chen, H., Chan, S.O., Wang, Y., & Wang, J. (2019). Nogo-A promotes inflammatory heat hyperalgesia by maintaining TRPV1 function through stabilization of actin cytoskeleton in the rat dorsal root ganglion neuron. FASEB Journal, 33, 668-682. doi: 10.1096/fj.201800382RR.
  5. Ren, J.L., Yu, Q.X., Liang, W.C., Leung, P.Y., Ng, T.K., Chu, W.H., Pang, C.P., & Chan, S.O. (2018). Green tea extract attenuates LPS-induced retinal inflammation in rats. Scientific Reports, 8, 429, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18888-5.
  6. Qin, Y.J., Chu, W.K., Huang, L., Ng, C.H.Y., Chan, T.C.Y., Cao, D., Yang, C., Zhang, L., Huang, S.P., Li, J., Lin, H.L., Li, W.Q., Chen, L., Schally, A.V., Chan, S.O., Zhang, H.Y., & Pang, C.P. (2018). Induction of apoptosis in pterygium cells by antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone receptors. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, 59, 5060-5066.
  7. Liang, W.C., Ren, J.L., Wong, C.W., Chan, S.O., Waye, M.M.Y., Fu, W.M., & Zhang, J.F. (2018). LncRNA-NEF antagonized epithelial to mesenchymal transition and cancer metastasis via cis-regulating FOXA2 and inactivating Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Oncogene, 37(11), 1445-1456. doi: 10.1038/s41388-017-0041-y.
  8. Li, J., Ren, J., Yip, Y.W.Y., Zhang, X., Chu, K.O., Ng, T.K., Chan, S.O., Pang, C.P., & Chu, W.K. (2017). Quantitative characterization of autoimmune uveoretinitis in an experimental mouse model. Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, 58, 4193-4200. DOI:10.1167/iovs.17-22436.
  9. Wang, L., Yu, C., Wang, J., Leung, P., Ma, D., Zhao, H., Taylor, J.S.H., & Chan, S.O. (2017). Nogo-B is the major form of Nogo at the floor plate and likely mediates crossing of commissural axons in the mouse spinal cord. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 525, 2915-2928. doi: 10.1002/cne.24246.
  10. Zhang, X.Y., Ng, T.K., Brelén, M., Chan, K.P., Wu, D., Yung, J., Cao, D., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Chan, S.O., & Pang C.P. (2017). Disruption of retinal pigment epithelial cell properties under the exposure of cotinine. Scientific Reports, 7, 3139, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03283.
  11. Chu, W.K., Law, K.S., Chan, S.O., Yam, J.C.S.Y., Chen, L.J., Zhang, H., Cheung, H.S., Block, N.L., Schally, A.V., & Pang, C.P. (2016). Antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor induce apoptosis specifically in retinoblastoma cells. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 113(50), 14396-14401. doi:10.1073/pnas.1617427113.
  12. Yang, Y.P., Qin, Y.J., Yip, Y.W.Y., Chan, K.P., Chu, K.O., Chu, W.K., Ng, T.K., Pang, C.P., & Chan, S.O. (2016). Green tea catechins are potent anti-oxidants that ameliorate sodium iodate-induced retinal degeneration in rats. Scientific Reports, 6, 29546, doi:10.1038/srep29546.
  13. Wang, L., Wang, J., Ma, D., Taylor, J.S., & Chan, S.O. (2016). Isoform Specific Localization of Nogo Protein in the Optic Pathway of Mouse Embryos. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 524, 2322-2334.
  14. Qin, Y.J., Chan, S.O., Chong, K.K.L., Li, B.F.L., Ng, T.K., Yip, Y.W.Y., Chen, H., Zhang, M., Block, N.L., Cheung, H.S., Schally, A.V., & Pang, C.P. (2014). Antagonist of GH-releasing hormone receptors alleviates experimental ocular inflammation. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 111, 18303-18308.
  15. Qin, Y.J., Chu, K.O., Yip, Y.W.Y., Li, W.Y., Yang, Y.P., Chan, K.P., Ren, J.L., Chan, S.O., & Pang, C.P. (2014). Green tea extract treatment alleviates ocular inflammation in a rat model of endotoxin-induced uveitis. PLoS ONE, 9, e103995, pp. 1-12.
  16. Yang, Y., Ng, T.K., Ye, C., Yip, Y.W.Y., Law, K.S., Chan, S.O., & Pang, C.P. (2014). Assessing sodium iodate induced outer retinal changes in rats using confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 55, 1696-1705.
  17. Wang, J., Chan, C.K., Taylor, J.S.H., & Chan, S.O. (2008). The growth inhibitory protein, Nogo, is involved in midline routing of axons in the mouse optic chiasm. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 86, 2581-2590.
  18. Wang, J., Chan, C.K., Taylor, J.S.H., & Chan, S.O. (2008). Localization of Nogo and its receptor in the optic pathway of mouse embryos. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 86, 1721-1733.
  19. Lin, L., Wang, J., Chan, C.K., & Chan, S.O. (2007). Effects of exogenous hyaluronan on midline crossing and axon divergence in the optic chiasm of mouse embryos. European Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 1-11.
  20. Chung, K.Y., Leung, K.M., Lin, C.C., Tam, K.C., Hao, Y.L., Taylor, J.S.H., & Chan, S.O. (2004). Regionally specific expression of L1 and sialylated NCAM in the retinofugal pathway of mouse embryos. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 471, 482-498.
  21. Lin, L., & Chan, S.O. (2003). Perturbation of CD44 function affects chiasmatic routing of retinal axons in brain slice preparations of the mouse retinofugal pathway. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17, 2299-2312.
  22. Leung, K.M., Taylor, J.S.H., & Chan, S.O. (2003). Enzymatic removal of chondroitin sulfates abolishes the age-related axon order in the optic tract of mouse embryos. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17, 1755-1767.
  23. Chung, K.Y., Taylor, J.S.H., Shum, D.K.Y., & Chan, S.O. (2000). Axon routing at the optic chiasm after enzymatic removal of chondroitin sulfate in mouse embryos. Development, 127, 2673-2683.
  24. Chung, K.Y., Shum, D.K.Y., & Chan, S.O. (2000). Expression of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the chiasm of mouse embryos. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 417, 153-163.
  25. Chan, S.O., & Chung, K.Y. (1999). Changes in axon arrangement in the retinofugal pathway of mouse embryos – A confocal microscopy study using single- and double-dye label. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 406, 251-262.
  26. Chan, S.O., Chung, K.Y., & Taylor, J.S.H. (1999). The effects of early prenatal monocular enucleations on the routing of uncrossed retinofugal axons and the cellular environment at the chiasm of mouse embryos. European Journal of Neurosciences, 11, 3225-3235.
  27. Chan, S.O., Wong, K.F., Chung, K.Y., & Yung, W.H. (1998). Changes in morphology and behaviour of retinal growth cones before and after crossing the midline of the mouse chiasm – a confocal microscopy study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 10, 2511-2522.
  28. Chan, S.O., & Guillery, R.W. (1994). Changes of fiber order in the optic nerve and tract of rat embryos. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 344, 20-32.
  29. Chan, S.O., Baker, G.E., & Guillery, R.W. (1993). Differential action of the albino mutation on two components of the rats uncrossed retinofugal pathways. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 336, 362-377.
  30. Chan, S.O., & Guillery, R.W. (1993). Developmental changes produced in the retinofugal pathways of rats and ferrets by early monocular enucleations: The effects of age and the differences between normal and albino animals. Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 5277-5293.
  1. RGC – General Research Fund of HK$951,683 on “The role of growth hormone-releasing hormone signaling in ocular inflammation in adult rats”, June 2015. (Principle investigator)
  2. RGC – General Research Fund of HK$870,000 on “Axon growth and guidance at midline crossing neural pathways in Nogo-A knockout mouse embryos”, June 2012. (Principle investigator)
  3. RGC – General Research Fund of HK$793,548 on "The role of axon growth inhibitory molecule Nogo in patterning early axon pathways in mouse embryos", June 2009. (Principle investigator)
  4. RGC - Earmarked Grant of HK$1,307,042 on “Roles of protein kinase C mediated inhibitory mechanisms on patterning the axon orders in the mouse retinofugal pathway”, July 2005. (Principal investigator)
  5. RGC - Earmarked Grant of HK$1,053,000 on “Developmental controls of axon patterning in the retinofugal pathway of mouse embryos”, July 2003. (Principal investigator)
  6. RGC - Earmarked Grant of HK$650,000 on “The roles of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans on axon growth at the mouse chiasm”, June 2000. (Principal investigator)
  7. RGC - Earmarked Grant of HK$562,000 on “Identification of the molecular determinants in the retina that govern axon pathfinding in the chiasm of mammals”, June 1996. (Principal investigator)
  8. RGC - Earmarked Grant of HK$1,540,000 to study “Axon guidance in the development of mammalian retinofugal pathway”, June 1994. (Principal investigator)
  1. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2000.
  2. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2001.
  3. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2003.
  4. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2004.
  5. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2005.
  6. Master Teacher, Faculty of Medicine, 2005.
  7. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2008.
  8. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2009.
  9. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2010.
  10. Teacher of the Year Award. Faculty of Medicine, 2011.
  11. Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2011, CUHK, 2012.
  12. Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, 2014.