School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Members of our Division of Education have been actively engaged in the development of different pedagogical innovation projects, promotion of the use of effective tools, and sharing of good teaching practices amongst colleagues in the School, the Faculty and the University. The various courseware developed# are summarized below:

SBS and non-SBS member(s)
(*Project Leader/Principal Supervisor)
Project Title
Rebecca K.Y. Lee* Articulation of Metabolic Pathway Using Articulate Storyline (Oi-Volcano)
Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Wing Hung Ko*, Nelson L.S. Tang, Yan Jin, Eddie K.O. Ng, Taylor L.H. Tang, Sophie W.K. Yau, Isis P.S. Lau An Interactive Journey to the Human Nephron (Phase 3): How diuretics work?
Celeste L.Y. Ewig*, Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Justin Wade TENNEY*, Eddie K.O. Ng, Yan Jin, Alex L.K. Yung, Taylor L.H. Tang, Eva S.L. Cheung, Benjamen Lee, Brenda Chan What goes on inside a hospital clean room? A closer look at parenteral products and how they are made
Daniel C.W. Lee*, Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Taylor L.H. Tang, Chun Kit Lo, Man Chung Leung, Hoi Ning Chiang, Yuen Nam Wong Introduction to SSPE Internship Programme
Po H.M. Yeung*, Florence M.K. Tang*, Olivia M.Y. Ngan Sugar and Oil – Friend or Foe of Diabetes Mellitus?
Florence M.K. Tang*, Christine Ka Yin Yu, Ka Wah Yang, Roy Ka Lai Chan, Peter Hiu Fung Ng, Olivia Miu Yung Ngan, Daniel King Tat Fung, Joseph Chi Keung Liu Application of Innovative Mixed-Reality Technology in STEM Education: Secondary Biology Teaching and Learning
Po H.M. Yeung, Ellis K.L. Fok, Florence M.K. Tang*, Olivia M.Y. Ngan An Integration of Virtual Reality Courseware in Handling the Radiation Sources
Siew C. Ng*, Heyson C.H. Chan*, Florence M.K. Tang*, Po H.M. Yeung*, Olivia M.Y. Ngan A Step-Forward for Blending Learning: Mobile Micro-Module Flipped Classroom Courseware in Clinical Year Studies

Willmann Liang*

Guided-Responsive Approach to the Learning (GRALe) of Integrated Cardiovascular Physiological Concepts
Chui Ping Lee*, Celeste L.Y. Ewig, Keary Zhou, Ge Lin, Yuen Keng Ng*, Paula Y.K. Yung Hodgson Nurturing Critical Thinking for Holistic Patient and Psychiatric Drug Therapy Assessment with Utilization of Virtual Pharmacy Simulation
Albert Martin M.C. Li*, Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Kate C.C. Chan, Ray M.F. Lee A flipped model to facilitate transition from pre-clinical to clinical study
Po H.M. Yeung*, Florence M.K. Tang* Micro-module for Dietary Fats Metabolism
Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Yu Huang*, Wing Hung Ko*, Willmann Liang, Ray M.F. Lee, Ka Man Lee Visualisation of human diseases with micro-modules for real time classroom teaching (Phase 1)
Justin Wade TENNEY*, Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Carmen Wong, Yan Jin, Alex L.K. Yung, Patricia W.Y. Tong Micro-Module Video Scenarios in Sensitive Communication Situations with Student Response Questions
Rebecca K.Y. Lee* Articulation of Metabolic Pathways Using Articulate Storyline (Powerland) (Fig.4)
Florence M.K. Tang* Focus Group Study for the e-Learning Coursewares in Anatomy Teaching
Ann S.N. Lau*, YK Ng*, Sam H.K. Poon*, W.K. Wong*, Simon C.L. Au, W.H. Kwong, Isabel S.S. Hwang, Joyce S.Y. Lam, Rebecca K.Y. Lee, Willmann Liang, Florence M.K. Tang, Maria S.M. Wai Application of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for Teaching Multidisciplinary Topics in Biomedical Sciences (Fig. 2)
M.Y. Leung*, W.M. Szeto*, Johnson C.H. Lau*, Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Kenneth M. Li, Vivian J. Wu, Eliza L.Y. Wong, Lancelot W.H. Mui, Ann S.N. Lau A Collaborative Project on Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS)
Florence M.K. Tang*, Molly P.M. Wong, Aden K.Y. Chan, Leung Fu Cheung, Sam H.K. Poon, Po H.M. Yeung, Olivia M.Y. Ngan Innovative Mobile Learning App: The New Development of Collaborative Knowledge Building Courseware for Integration of Basic Histology, Physiology and Pathology Teaching
Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Wing Hung Ko*, Nelson Tang, Yan Jin, Taylor Tang An Interactive Journey to the Human Nephron (Phase 2): Renal Handling of Bicarbonate and Acid-Base Balance
Joyce S.Y. Lam*, Maria S.M. Wai*, Hui Zhao, Franky L. Chan, Eddie Kwok, Timothy Hui, Agnes Fong, Flora Leung Enhancing Student's Ability to Articulate Lymphatic Anatomy (Fig.1)
Rebecca K.Y. Lee* Articulation of Metabolic Pathways Using Articulate Storyline (Sweetieland) (Fig.3)
Florence M.K. Tang*, Y.W. Kwan, Kingston KL Mak, H. Zhao, Ellis Fok, DK Rowlands, Olivia Ngan, Ray Lee A Pilot Study of Flipped Classroom Teaching and Learning in the Techniques for Biomedical Research: Electronic Training in Practice (eTip)
Florence M.K. Tang*, Henry L.Y. Chan*, Tony W.C. Mak*, Siew C Ng* The Research Study on the Innovative Pedagogical Method for teaching of Clinical Skills in Preparation of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): The Flipped Micro-Modules of OSCE stations
Dr. Florence M.K. Tang* Setup Question Bank in uReply for anatomy Teaching
Dr. Florence M.K. Tang* Preparation of Teaching Materials for SBMS2105 Techniques in Biomedical Research for the uReply
Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Daniel CW Lee, Maria S.M. Wai, Yan Jin, Alex Yung, Ray Lee Applying Physiological Concepts to Real Sports: A Micro-module Package
Isabel S.S. Hwang*, WK Poon, X.Q. Yao, Michael S.C. Tam, Yan Jin Bitesize Learning Series: A Physiological Interpretation of Important Blood Gas Equations (Phase 1)
Isabel SS Hwang*, X.Q. Yao, Kendrew Mak, SS Tong, Maria S.M. Wai, Yan Jin Post-class Assignment Micromodule in Health Sciences Education
Wing Hung Ko*, Isabel S.S. Hwang, Yan Jin, Ray Lee An interactive journey through the nephron- a blended learning courseware
Rebecca K.Y. Lee* Articulation of metabolic pathways using articulate (Nitrogen metabolism)
Florence M.K. Tang* A New Concept for the Micro-modules in Flipped Classroom of the Medical Education: Clinical Skill e- Learning Channel
Florence M.K. Tang* E-Pilot Study (ePS) of the Micro-Modules in Teaching Anatomy and Physiology: Blended Learning Approach for the Health Professional Education in Faculty of Medicine
Isabel S.S. Hwang* Flipped Classroom: Foundation Courseware Package for Health Sciences Education
Rebecca K.Y. Lee* Interactive MicroLearning Courseware for Gastrointestinal Physiology
Florence M.K. Tang*, Isabel S.S. Hwang, Kenneth K.H. Lee, Olivia Ngan Production of Dual Functional Dissection Anatomy Teaching (Di-Ana Teach) Courseware: Touchless Screen Control Application for Dissection Guide and Blended Learning for Anatomy Teaching
Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Florence M.K. Tang, Michael S.C. Tam, X.Q. Yao, Yan Jin, Ray MF Lee, Edman Chan Advanced Virtual 3D Leap-Motioned Lung for Understanding Human Lung Function
Florence M.K. Tang*, Kenneth K.H. Lee, Isabel S.S. Hwang, Paul L.C. Lam, Ray M.F. Lee, Maggie W.C. Wong, Olivia Ngan Development of a Mobile App for Studying Histology: Blended Learning in Faculty of Medicine (Hi-Med App)
Isabel S.S. Hwang*, W.S. Chan, Paul L.C. Lam, and Ray M.F. Lee A Course-Oriented Mobile Learning Application (HSApp: HS(a)App & HS(b)App) for Health Science Education in Medical Faculty Package
Rebecca K.Y. Lee*, Ann S.N. Lau and Paul L.C. Lam Development of an Interactive Web-based & Mobile- based Courseware for Effective Learning.
Isabel S.S. Hwang* Development of Web & Mobile-Supported Courseware (PhysioApp) in Integrative Human Physiology - a professional version for CUHK students
Isabel S.S. Hwang*, Ann S.N. Lau and W.S. Chan Implementation of e‐learning Activities via Student Response System (Clickers) in Health Science Foundation Course for Year Zero Students
Josephine W.S. Lau*, Sam H.K. Poon and Maria S.M. Wai Developing the new CU eLearning System-supported Courseware for teaching Anatomy of the Digestive System
Sam H.K. Poon*, Franky L. Chan, P.H. Chow, David T.W. Yew, Maria S.M. Wai, Josephine W.S. Lau and Joyce S.Y. Lam eDissecting Guide of Human Structure
Simon C.L. Au*, Sam H.K. Poon and Josephine W.S. Lau Development of WebCT-based courseware for the teaching and self-assessment study of electrocardiogram (ECG) in the medical physiology course
Ann S.N. Lau*, Rebecca K.Y. Lee, and Paul L.C. Lam Animated glossary for biochemistry courses with students of heterogeneous background
Isabel S.S. Hwang* Renal Physiology

Projects with School members as Project Leader/Principal Supervisor

inno fig1
(Fig.1) Enhancing student’s ability to articulate lymphatic anatomy

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(Fig.2) Application of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for Teaching Multidisciplinary Topics in Biomedical Sciences

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(Fig.3) Articulation of metabolic pathways using articulate storyline (sweetieland)

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(Fig.4) Articulation of Metabolic Pathways Using Articulate Storyline (Powerland)