Research Centre for Humanities Computing
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Serving you since 1994

HUMANUM is a research oriented web site maintained by the Research Centre for Humanities Computing of the Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH), Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Our task is twofold: namely, 1) meta-indicing humanities resources worldwide, and 2) develop texts, tools and pages covering various interests in the humanistic scholarship.

Humanities Meta-indices Local Resources
General: Search engines, E-text etc.
Literature & Languages
History, & Regional Studies
Fine Arts & Performing Arts
Computer & the Humanities
Related Fields in the Humanities
Reference Shelf
Book Store & Newsstand
Community Services
Medical & Health Information
Affiliated Pages
Electronic References
Mirror Sites
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We are now included in Yahoo (humanities sites). From February 1998 on we have been placed at the TOP of the Lycos a2Z popular sites listing (for General Hunmanities) which, unfortunately, has been closed since early March 1999. Please click on the Lycos A2Z icon to the right for a backup copy of the previous listing! Concurrently we are also listed among the Top 25 of the A2Z listing for all Arts and Humanities sites. From June 1999 on, this site is supported by the Quality Education Fund of the HKSAR.

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Copyright © 1994. All Rights Reserved. The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Page managed by Tze-wan Kwan & his team
Suggestions & comments are welcome. Please send them to
Set up since November, 1994.
Last modified on August 26, 2005.