Integrative Basic Studies (IBS) Chung Chi College



Integrative Basic Studies (IBS) grew out of an original Philosophy of Life programme suggested by the founders of the College. It is continually revised, and steered by the College Integrative Basic Studies Committee under the College Assembly of Fellows. The Chung Chi College General Education programme subordinated to the IBS is a required study programme for all Chung Chi students. It is managed and administered by the College General Education Office.


The idea of Integrative Basic Studies seeks to broaden the interests of students and give them a wider perspective than those their major and minor subjects provide. It recognizes, in particular, their common need for:

a) Knowledge of the nature and structure, purposes and functions of modern university education, particularly its emphasis on rational thinking.
b) A critical awareness and appreciation of the main cultural traditions of China and the West.
c) An understanding of the modern scientific point of view and of the intrinsic significance of the sciences (natural and social) and their relation to society and culture.
d) An ability to face contemporary and perennial issues of life and their challenges to rational inquiries, discussion, and personal commitment.


The objectives of Integrative Basic Studies stand determined and carry on after the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The four aims persist and are realized and achieved through the collaboration of Chung Chi College General Education Office and the University General Education Office.


Chung Chi College students are required to complete the following Chung Chi College General Education courses and to fulfill the requirements from the University General Education Programme.




Chung Chi College General Education Programme has the principle of broadening the students’ horizons and fostering the enlightenment of thinking. It emphasizes on all-round development beyond academic pursuits and extends learning from the university to everyday life.


The College General Education Programme encourages students to explore their potential, adapt to university life and acknowledge the main characteristics of university study. The College General Education Programme also aspires to enhance students’ ability to communicate and cooperate with classmates and teachers from different academic and cultural backgrounds as well as developing team-building skills that are essential to cross-disciplinary cooperation.


Chung Chi General Education features both depth and breadth of knowledge. It is a challenging yet meaningful task to students. The wide coverage and rich content may be arduous but will be amply rewarding, students are assured to benefit a great deal by participating actively in both inside and outside classroom activities, playing an active role in group discussions with the awareness of the importance of laying aside prejudices and preconceived ideas.




GECC 1130 Idea of a University (2 units, Year 1, Term 1)

This is an introductory course for freshmen to develop an understanding and appreciation of university education, the origins, traditions and objectives of universities, and their relationships with the contemporary society. Facilitation of students' adaptation to the campus life is also an important objective of the course.


“Idea of University” is conducted in the mode of lecture or dialogue with guest speakers. The three main themes of the course in 2015/16 are “The History and Continued Traditions of Chung Chi College”, “University Studies” and “University Life”.


GECC 1131 Idea of a University: Student-Oriented Teaching (1 unit, Year 1, Term 1)

This is a student-oriented small group tutorial course connected to GECC1130 lectures. Through discussions and reports on reading materials related to university education and university life, the course allows students to examine and reflect on the aims of university education, to explore on how to live up to the role of being a university student, and to be trained to learn actively through reflective thinking, discussion and evaluation.


“Student-Oriented Teaching”(STOT) tutorials can be conducted in any mode of instruction which encourages expressing and questioning, e.g. discussion, debate, seminar, buzz groups, etc. Students can decide their study topic with their individual tutorial class teachers. Topics concerning the mission, vision and role of a university; the role, responsibility of a university student; or any contemporary and perennial issues of life may be selected.  Depending on the discussion topic and mode of instruction, teachers can consider outdoor teaching (Chung Chi campus tour) or class meeting at the Shen's General Education Resource Centre (located next to the college library) which is a cozy and relaxing place ideal for interactive classroom activities.


* Non-Cantonese-speaking students can enroll for GEJC 1120 & GEJC 1110 as substitution to GECC1130 & GECC1131.


GEJC 1120 College, University and Community (2 units, Year 1, Term 1)

This course, taught in English, is jointly offered by Chung Chi, New Asia and United Colleges with the aim of introducing students to the basic elements of university education, campus life, personal development and social responsibility. The series of lectures encompass critical aspects of education and life in the social, cultural and global contexts.


GEJC 1110 College, University and Community: Student Oriented teaching (1 unit, Year 1, Term 1)

This is a student-oriented small group tutorial course for Chung Chi students only. The objective of the course is to widen the horizons of students in getting a better understanding to the GEJC 1120 lectures through discussions and reports.


GECC 4130 Senior Seminar (3 units, Final year, Term 1)

The course aims to encourage senior students of different disciplines to conduct small group research and discussion on current affairs, cross-disciplinary knowledge and daily life issues. Students are encouraged to cultivate their abilities for critical thinking and value judgment, and to gain valuable experience in building good partnership with members through cooperation. (Not for students who have taken IASP 4280).


GECC 1000 College Assembly (Non-credit-bearing, Every year, every term)

All students are required to take this course in all their years of study. The programme of the Friday Assembly includes lectures, panel discussions, performance, etc. The main objective is to broaden horizon of students concerning social, ethical, intellectual, cultural, educational, religious, political, artistic and aesthetic aspects of life. It is hoped that students would develop an affirmative attitude towards life through participation in the programme. Each student has to attend at least four assembly meetings each term in order to get a "satisfactory" grade for the course.



General Education Office Website: