School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Adjunct Professor

BSc, MPhil, PhD

Telephone:  3943 6872

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 205A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39, CUHK


  1. Mechanism of anticancer action of ribosome inactivating proteins.
  2. Mechanism of anticancer action of lactoferrin and derivatives.
  3. Enzymes including laccases, ribonucleases, proteases, alpha-galactosidases, and nitrite reductases.
  4. Defense proteins including antifungal proteins, antibacterial proteins, whey proteins, protease inhibitors, and lectins
  5. Bioactive compounds including polysaccharides, polyphenols and polysaccharopeptides


  1. Dan, X., Liu, W., Wong, J.H. and Ng, T.B. (2016). A Ribonuclease Isolated from Wild Ganoderma Lucidum Suppressed Autophagy and Triggered Apoptosis in Colorectal Cancer Cells. Front Pharmacol., 7, 217.
  2. Dan, X. and Ng, T.B. (2016). Two legume defense proteins suppress the mobility of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. J. Enzyme Inhib. Med. Chem., 10,1-7.
  3. Chan, Y.S., Xia, L. and Ng, T.B. (2016). White kidney bean lectin exerts anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects on cancer cells. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 85, 335-345.
  4. Pan, W.L. and Ng, T.B. (2015) A. dimeric Phaseolus coccineus lectin with anti-oxidative, anti-proliferative and cytokine-inducing activities. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 81, 960-966.
  5. Yin, C., Wong, J.H. and Ng, T.B. (2015). Isolation of a Hemagglutinin with Potent Antiproliferative Activity and a Large Antifungal Defensin from Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Hokkaido Large Pinto Beans. J Agric Food Chem., 63(22),5439-5448.
  6. Dan, X., Wong, J.H., Fang, E.F., Chan, F.C., Ng, T.B. (2015). Purification and characterization of a novel hemagglutinin with inhibitory activity toward osteocarcinoma cells from northeast China black beans. J. Agric. Food Chem. 63(15), 3903-3914.
  7. Akkouh, O., Ng, T.B., Cheung, R.C., Wong, J.H., Pan, W., Ng, C.C., Sha, O., Shaw, P.C. and Chan, W.Y. (2015). Biological activities of ribosome-inactivating proteins and their possible applications as antimicrobial, anticancer, and anti-pest agents and in neuroscience research. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 99(23), 9847-9863.
  8. Yau, T., Dan, X., Ng, C.C. and Ng, T.B. (2015). Lectins with potential for anti-cancer therapy. Molecules, 20(3), 3791-3810.
  9. Feldinger, K., Generali, D., Kramer-Marek, G., Gijsen, M., Ng, T.B., Wong, J.H., Strina, C., Cappelletti, M., Andreis, D., Li, J.L., Bridges, E., Turley, H., Leek, R., Roxanis, I., Capala, J., Murphy, G., Harris, A.L. and Kong, A. (2014) ADAM10 mediates trastuzumab resistance and is correlated with survival in HER2 positive breast cancer. Oncotarget., 5(16), 6633-6646.
  10. Pan, W.L., Wong, J.H., Fang, E.F., Chan, Y.S., Ng ,T.B. and Cheung, R.C. (2014). Preferential cytotoxicity of the type I ribosome inactivating protein alpha-momorcharin on human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells under normoxia and hypoxia. Biochem Pharmacol., 89(3), 329-339. PubMed PMID: 24637239.
  11. Lin, P., Wong, J.H., Ng, T.B., Ho, V.S. and Xia, L. (2013). A sorghum xylanase inhibitor-like protein with highly potent antifungal, antitumor and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activities. Food Chem., 141(3), 2916-2922.
  12. Pan, W.L., Wong, J.H., Fang, E.F., Chan, Y.S., Ye, X.J., Ng, T.B. (2013). Differential inhibitory potencies and mechanisms of the type I ribosome inactivating protein marmorin on estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and ER-negative breast cancer cells. Biochim Biophys Acta., 1833(5), 987-996.
  13. Fang, E.F., Zhang, C.Z., Wong, J.H., Shen, J.Y., Li, C.H. and Ng, T.B. (2012). The MAP30 protein from bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) seeds promotes apoptosis in liver cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Lett., 324(1), 66-74.
  14. Fang, E.F., Zhang, C.Z., Fong, W.P. and Ng, T.B. (2012). RNase MC2: a new Momordica charantia ribonuclease that induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells associated with activation of MAPKs and induction of caspase pathways. Apoptosis, 17(4), 377-387.
  15. Fang, E.F., Bah, C.S., Wong, J.H., Pan, W.L., Chan, Y.S., Ye, X.J. and Ng, T.B. (2012). A potential human hepatocellular carcinoma inhibitor from Bauhinia purpurea L. seeds: from purification to mechanism exploration. Arch Toxicol., 86(2), 293-304.
  16. Zhang, W., Tian, G., Feng, S., Wong, J.H., Zhao, Y., Chen, X., Wang, H. and Ng, T.B. (2015). Boletus edulis Nitrite Reductase Reduces Nitrite Content of Pickles and Mitigates Intoxication in Nitrite-intoxicated Mice. Sci. Rep., 5,14907.
  17. Wang, Y., Liang, W.C., Pan, W.L., Law, W.K., Hu, J.S., Ip, D.T., Waye, M.M., Ng, T.B. and Wan, D.C. (2014). Silibinin, a novel chemokine receptor type 4 antagonist, inhibits chemokine ligand 12-induced migration in breast cancer cells. Phytomedicine, 21(11), 1310-1317.
  18. Li, C.H., Xu, F., Chow, S., Feng, L., Yin, D., Ng, T.B. and Chen Y. Hepatitis B virus X protein promotes hepatocellular carcinoma transformation through interleukin-6 activation of microRNA-21 expression. Eur. J. Cancer 50(15), 2560-2569.
  19. Zhang, R., Zhao, L., Wang, H. and Ng, T.B. (2014). A novel ribonuclease with antiproliferative activity toward leukemia and lymphoma cells and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity from the mushroom, Hohenbuehelia serotina. Int. J. Mol. Med., 33(1), 209-214.