Four Strategic Areas of Research

China Studies

How should we understand China in the global context?

As China takes centre stage in the world's economic, cultural and political arenas, the bilingual and multi-disciplinary field of China Studies becomes an essential source of understanding for all things Chinese.

Building on our existing strengths in the humanities, including literature, philosophy, history, religion, ancient Chinese texts, archaeology, historical anthropology, Kunqu operas and popular culture, we consolidate and expand on our foundations in China Studies to uncover the opportunities and challenges of China's global development (including Hong Kong) and its impact on the world from the synergistic perspectives of humanities, social science, business and law. We draw on interdisciplinary approaches across all Faculties of the University, and collaborate in an international setting, especially with countries along the Belt and Road to examine China's global development in trade, economics and finance, coupled with its infrastructure in logistics and technology. These developmental challenges intersect with the labour market, social changes, international relations and intercultural interactions within China and around the region. We further enhance critical regional and area studies around the common focus of Global China.

China's Global Challenges

  • China's emerging global leadership role on social, economic, political, security, development and cultural issues
  • finance, trade, logistics and labour market
  • exploring intercultural relations in the context of China's outreach to the world
  • Hong Kong's role in China's development

Roots of Chinese Culture

  • linking Chinese historical roots to contemporary development
  • making Chinese culture understandable to the modern world

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Area Coordinator: Prof. Hong Ying-yi