Cognitive Radio & Networks in Intelligent Vehicle Systems (IVS) and High Speed Rail (HSR) Applications: Challenges and Opportunities
With the recent advance in Cognitive Radio, the use of wireless spectrum is getting more and more efficient. Each vehicle (or high-speed rail train) will become a unique moving-node in the entire global communications network. Many new telematics services could be offered through these emerging technologies. The networks infrastructure will support more economic and effective interactions between the automobiles (or the HSR trains) and also with the surrounding environment, through both wireless access and wireline based networking infrastructure. Those potential services and applications include safety, health and status of the automobile (and HSR train), location-based user services, passenger entertainment, and more efficient use of the transportation, wireless spectrum and communications infrastructure. The speakers will present their view on the potential challenges and opportunities of using cognitive radio in Intelligent Vehicle Systems (IVS) and High Speed Rail (HSR) Train applications during this talk. This talk will address how such a vast service and network systems can be scaled, supported, made reliably and economically. Important issues such as the maturity of the technology, the value of the services performed, the complex regulatory regime and standards, the adequate business models and rationale for creating such networks will be presented.
Dr. T. Russell Hsing, a Fellow of the IEEE, British Computer Society and SPIE, is an Executive Director for Telematics & M2M Communications Research in Telcordia Technologies (now an Ericsson company). He supervises the Directors of Telcordia Research Centers in Taiwan and Poland. He accumulated expansive background in R&D through affiliations with Burroughs, Xerox, GTE Labs, Telco Systems, and TASC. He pioneered the technology transfer, evaluation and commercialization through joint business ventures globally. He has 35 years of the ICT industry experiences. He holds a B.Sc. (1970) from the National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, M.Sc. (1974) & PhD (1977) from the University of Rhode Island in the US. He has been publishing extensively in the areas of ICT signal processing, wireless sensors network, and vehicular networks and Telematics. He co-edits an ICT book series for John Wiley & Sons, Inc. He is now a Guest Professor with the Peking University in China. Within IEEE ComSoc, he was a member (2006-2008), chair (2010-2011) of the FEC, a member of the Award Committee (2010-2012). He is also a member of the IEEE Fellow Committee in 2012. He is Founding Chair of Sub-TC on Vehicular Networks for the IEEE ComSoc, and Founding Editor for the Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation.