Light Field Imaging and Its Applications
Light field is used to define how light rays transmits through the free space and several lenses, and finally integrates into an image. Traditional cameras record a 2D projection of the light rays integration, which loses a lot of information, especially with respect to each light ray’s angular direction. Light field cameras are designed to resolve the light rays integration and capture the directional information, which is useful in many applications. This talk will focus on recent progress in light field imaging and its applications.
Lap-Pui Chau received the Ph.D. degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1997. He is now with School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research interests include light-field imaging, and video analytics for intelligent transportation system. He was the chair of Technical Committee on Circuits & Systems for Communications of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society from 2010 to 2012. He served as an associate editor for six IEEE journals. Besides, he was an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer for 2009-2016. He is an IEEE Fellow.