Synthesizing textures on arbitrary surfaces is a time consuming process.
We have to analyze the surface geometry and map texture values onto the input
surface adaptively. Texture tiling provides an alternative approach by decoupling
the texture synthesis process into two steps: surface mapping and tile placement.
This paper reformulates the texture tiling mechanism of Wang tiles for arbitrary
topological surfaces. Once we created a low distortion conformal map from the
input surface to a quad-based geometry, we can generate a tiling graph over
the geometric dual graph of the quad-based geometry, and produce a proper tile
orientation on all quad faces so that we can layout textured tiles on quads
and map texture back to the input surface accordingly. Since tile placement
is independent of the input surface geometry, we can perform the tiling process
in no time and change texture pattern on the input surface simply by switching
a tile set. No additional computation is needed. As a demonstration, we experimented
texture tiling of Wang tiles on spheres, polycubes, as well as polycube-mapped
Overview of our approach
1: Surface Model
Surface Map
Tile assignment
Texture Tiled Model
The following movies demonstrate our algorithm with three different data
sets - bunny, holes and laurana. All the movies are in .avi format.