Students of Prof. Lyu Rung Tsong Michael of the Department received awards in three renowned competitions for their project “mVOTE Mobile Video Object Tracking Engine”.
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Mr. Choi Chiu Wo Won the First Award in the IEE Hong Kong Younger Members Exhibition / Conference 2005
in Achievements
The Paper “Controlling Salinity in the Macau Raw Water System Using a Constraint Programming” by Mr. Choi Chiu Wo received the First award in the IEE Hong Kong Younger Members Exhibition / Conference 2005 (YMEC 2005) under the postgraduate category.
Prof. Tien-Tsin Wong and Prof. Pheng-Ann Heng Won the Prestigious IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Prize Paper Award
in Achievements
Professors Wong Tien-Tsin and Heng Pheng-Ann have received the Multimedia Prize Paper Award given by the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. The Multimedia Prize Paper Award is an annual award for an original paper in the field of multimedia published in the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia in the previous three calendar years.
Prof. Andrew Chi-chih Yao, World-renowned Computer Scientist, Has Joined Our Department as Distinguished Professor-at-Large.
in Achievements
Prof. Yao is the only Chinese being awarded the prestigious Turing Award which is regarded as the Nobel Prize of Computer Science.
Mr. Choi Chiu Wo Won the First Award in the IEE Hong Kong Younger Members Exhibition / Conference 2005
in Achievements
The Paper “Controlling Salinity in the Macau Raw Water System Using a Constraint Programming” by Mr. Choi Chiu Wo received the First award in the IEE Hong Kong Younger Members Exhibition / Conference 2005 (YMEC 2005) under the postgraduate category.
Prof. Tien-Tsin Wong and Prof. Pheng-Ann Heng Won the Prestigious IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Prize Paper Award
in Achievements
Professors Wong Tien-Tsin and Heng Pheng-Ann have received the Multimedia Prize Paper Award given by the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. The Multimedia Prize Paper Award is an annual award for an original paper in the field of multimedia published in the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia in the previous three calendar years.
Prof. Andrew Chi-chih Yao, World-renowned Computer Scientist, Has Joined Our Department as Distinguished Professor-at-Large.
in Achievements
Prof. Yao is the only Chinese being awarded the prestigious Turing Award which is regarded as the Nobel Prize of Computer Science.