Graphics Researchers
The links here are sorted by the last name of graphics researchers. This list is very incomplete. If you find any missing, please email me. Thanks.You are my
- Jim Arvo
- Highlights: Various graphics stuff
- Norman I. Badler
- Highlights: Computer animation
- Chandrajit Bajaj
- Highlights:
- Alan H. Barr
- Highlights: Physically based modeling/animation.
- Brian A. Barsky
- Highlights: Curve and spline, computer animation, cornea modeling, medical visualization,
- David Banks
- Highlights: Mathematical visualization
- Jim Blinn
- Highlights: Various graphics stuff
- A. T. Campbell, III
- Highlights: BSP tree
- Michael Cohen
- Highlights: radiosity, image-based rendering, and many graphics stuff.
- Daniel Cohen-Or
- Highlights: Interactive VR, PhotoRealistic Flythrough, Morphing Animation, etc.
- Andy van Dam
- Highlights:
- Julie Dorsey
- Highlights: Image based rendering, weathering modeling
- George Drettakis
- Highlights: Radiosity, Discontinuity mesh
- Gerald E. Farin
- Highlights: Curve and Surface modeling
- James A. Ferwerda
- Highlights: Perception and graphics
- David S. Ebert
- Highlights: The book "Texturing and Modelling".
- Yvual Fisher
- Highlights: Fractal image compression. The book "Fractal Image Compression: Theory and Application to Digital Images". Lot of fractal papers and souce code.
- Alain Fournier
- Highlights: Wavelet and computer graphics.
- Thomas Funkhouser
- Highlights: time-critical rendering of large scale scene.
- Eugene Fiume
- Highlights: gaseous modeling.
- Kurt Fleischer
- Highlights: Cellular Texture Generation
- Andrew Glassner
- Highlights: Ray tracing and various graphics stuff
- Steven Gortler
- Highlights: Image-based rendering
- Donald P. Greenberg
- Highlights: Realistic image synthesis, radiosity and many graphics stuff
- Eric Haines
- Highlights: ray tracing
- Pat Hanrahan
- Highlights: Various graphics stuff
- Paul Haeberli
- Highlights: Grafica
- Paul Heckbert
- Highlights: Various graphics stuff
- Hugues Hoppe
- Highlights: Surface reconstruction from unorganized points.
- Arie E. Kaufman
- Highlights: Volume visualization
- Craig Kolb
- Highlights: rayshade
- Tosiyasu L. Kunii
- Highlights:
- Eric P.F. Lafortune
- Highlights: Measurement and representation of reflectance functions.
- Daniel Lemire
- Highlights: wavelet, subdivision schemes
- Marc Levoy
- Highlights: Various graphics stuff
- Dani Lischinski
- Highlights: Discontinuity mesh, image-based rendering.
- Bill Lorensen
- Highlights: Marching cubes
- Nelson Max
- Highlights: visualization
- Leonard McMillan
- Highlights: image-based rendering.
- Gavin Miller
- Highlights: Various graphics stuff.
- Don Mitchell
- Highlights: Sampling
- Ken Musgrave
- Highlights: Modelling of natural phenomena, procedural modelling.
- Gregrey M. Nielson
- Highlights:
- Tomoyuki Nishita
- Highlights: Sky light, Radiosity, Caustics, ...
- Sumanta Pattanaik
- Highlights:
- Ken Perlin
- Highlights: Procedural texturing.
- Franco P. Preparata
- Highlights: Computational Geometry.
- Claude Puech
- Highlights:
- Long Quan
- Highlights: Image-based Rendering, Computer Vision
- Jeffry Nimeroff
- Highlights: Image-based Rendering
- Ari Rappoport
- Highlights:
- Ramesh Raskar
- Highlights: NPR, registration of projector images
- Alyn P. Rockwood
- Highlights: Curve and surfaces.
- Jarek Rossignac
- Highlights:
- David Salesin
- Highlights: Multiresolution technique, wavelet, content-based image retrival
- Gernot Schaufler
- Highlights: image-based rendering
- Peter Schröder
- Highlights: wavelet, subdivision surface.
- Steven Schkolne
- Highlights: surface drawing.
- Hans-Peter Seidel
- Highlights: Variuos graphics stuff
- Peter Shirley
- Highlights: Rendering techniques, Monte Carlo methods
- Harry Shum
- Highlights: Image-based rendering, computer vision.
- Kenneth Sloan
- Highlights: Scatter data fitting, surface from contour, various stuff.
- Philipp Slusallek
- Highlights: Global illumination
- Alvy Ray Smith
- Highlights: Paint, Pixar
- Brian Smits
- Highlights:
- Francois X. Sillion
- Highlights: Radiosity
- Jos Stam
- Highlights: Gaseous modeling.
- Wim Sweldens
- Highlights: Wavelet Radiosity, Wavelets
- Richard Szeliski
- Highlights: computer vision, image-based rendering
- Seth Teller
- Highlights:
- Demetri Terzopoulos
- Highlights: Facial animation, artifical life.
- Daniel Thalmann
- Highlights: Human modeling
- Nadia Magnenat Thalmann
- Highlights: Human modeling
- Greg Turk
- Highlights: Reaction Diffusion, Surface reconstruction from range data.
- Ken Turkowski
- Highlights: QuickTime VR, image registration
- Luiz Velho
- Highlights: digital halftoning, implicit surface
- Greg Ward
- Highlights: Radiance, HDR
- Andy Witkin
- Highlights: Various graphics stuff
- Craig M. Wittenbrink
- Highlights: Visualization, graphics hardware and firmware
- Joe Warren
- Highlights: Subdivision surfaces.
- Enhua Wu
- Highlights: Radiosity, Global Illumination.
- Brian Wyvill
- Highlights: Implicit surfaces
- Roni Yagel
- Highlights: Volume visualization
- David Zeltzer
- Highlights: Computer Animation.
- Zhengyou Zhang
- Highlights: Computer vision, image-based rendering
guests since 25 Feb 1997.
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