Computer System Performance Evaluation (CSC5420)
Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching and Learning
Dr. John C.S. Lui
Often times when we propose or study a new computer architecture, a new
algorithm, a new network protocol, a new distributed database
processing algorithm, a distributed system control method,...etc, it is
important to quantify the
system performance, for example, the system response time, the expected
throughput, the system stability condition,
the system reliability, availability and robustness. To make
these quantitative claims, we need a formal mathematical background as well
as proper analytical skills. The aim of this course is to introduce
and prepare students to have the formal analytical background,
and hopefully, facilitate your future research.
The tentative outline of the course is as follow:
- brief review of probability, combinatorics, random variables
- stochastic processes
- queueing theory such as M/M/1, M/G/1, G/M/m and G/G/1.
- bounds and approximations
- fluid analysis and diffusion processes
- queueing networks, product forms and various solution techniques
- matrix geometric solutions to queueing theory
- large deviation theory
- stochastic sample path analysis techniques
- Markov decision theory
- simulation and variance reduction techniques
- applications of performance evaluations to computer/communication
systems. For example, distributed resource allocation,
computer interconnection networks, parallel computational models,
communication protocol analysis, communication networks and
mobile computing.
Note that:
- since some CS/CE students do not have a good background in probability
and stochastic processes, I will spend some time in these topics. But
students need to work hard to keep up .
- throughout the course, I will motivate students by
various computer related examples, for example, OS scheduling algorithms,
performance modeling of I/O system, multiprocessing systems, computer
- I strongly encourage any final year undergraduate students or
first year graduate students to take this course.
You can view this class as a
preparation for your graduate study.
My view is that formal mathematical background is necessary if
you want to explore areas in networking, mobile computing, distributed multimedia
systems, parallel/distributed processing and distributed database systems.
- lecture time will be arranged after we have the confirmation about
the registration information. Therefore, the time listed in the
registration booklet may not be accurate.
p.s: I hope this course can provide a fundamental background for
your research work.
So take this course for the intellectual and academic interest.
Related textbooks
- Queueing Systems Volume I: Theory
by L. Kleinrock (Wiley Interscience)
- Performance Modeling of Communication Networks and
Computer Architectures
by P.G. Harrison and N.M. Patel (Addison Wesley)
- Probability, Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory
by Randy Nelson, (Springer-Verlag)
- Queueing Analysis, Volume I, II and III
( )
by H. Takagi (North Holland)
- Various materials provided by the instructor
Lecture Notes