樹名 (英文) | Pink Poui |
樹名 | 红花風鈴木 |
別名 | 巴拉圭風鈴木 |
學名 | Tabebuia rosea |
科 | 紫葳科(Bignoniaceae) |
簡介 |
原產中南美洲,性喜高溫。落葉中小喬木,掌狀複葉,革質,有鋸齒。蒴果。總狀花序,花冠鐘形,開起花來,以舖天蓋地之姿滿樹綻放,義無反顧的落盡樹葉,形成整株樹只有花的壯麗景象。紅花風鈴木開花期很短,要看到滿滿的花兒需要時時刻刻的注意, 美麗的事物,值得耐心等候和好好把握。 Native to Central Southern America, the Pink Poui favors high temeratures. It is a small to medium sized tree with palmately compounded leaves, leathery and with toothed edges. Fruits in the form of pods; flowers are arranged as raceme inflorescence, with bell shaped corolla. They bloom with tremendous vivacity all over the tree, while leaves fall without perplexity. At this moment, the whole tree manifests only the glamour of its flowers. The Pink Poui has a short flowering period, therefore pay good attention when you see it blossom! Things of beauty are worthy of being awaited with patience and cherished with the heart! |