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Chit-Chat Among UGE Students
Positive Psychology: Random Act of Kindness
Leung Po Kin on "Mars: Future Homeland for Humans?"
Chasing Coral
Born in Syria
Chan Ka Lok Kenneth on "Migrant Crisis in Europe"
Gordon Mathews on "Ethnic and Cultural Identity in Hong Kong and the World"
Fly, Kite Fly
Lawal Mohammed Marafa on "Africa as Home to Humanity: Immigration, Current Challenges and Facing the Future"
Ballad on the Shore
A Plastic Ocean
New course 'Live to Flourish: The Science and Practice of Positive Psychology'
A Short Version of New General Education Course: Grand Challenges for Global Citizens in the 21st Century
Kwan Tsz Wan on "Greek Tragedy and Human Fortune"
Wu Yi-Jui Harry on "Folie à Millions: Imagining Mental Disorders in the Age of Scientific Internationalism"
Cheung Chi Kwan Vincent & Klaus Colanero on "The Room for Hope and Responsibility in Nature"
Hui Po Keung on " Politics of Hope"
Chen Yongqin, David on "Natural Hazards under Climate Change: Are We Ready for the Next “Wanda”?"
Prof. Ng Mee Kam on "Death Knell of Neoliberalism? Co-sharing Cities, Not Just Co-sharing Economies"
Liang Yee Woo, Evelyna on "Art Heal, Art Help"
Stan Shea on "From Boat to Bowl: Patterns and Dynamics of Hong Kong SHARK Tale"
Kwok Wai Luen on "The Cross and the Red Regime: Christianity and Religious Policy in China since the Implementation of Reform and Opening Up Policy"
Sechin Yeong-Shyang Chien on "Emotions and Norms: The Dual Focus of Political Philosophy"
Frederick R. Davis on "Science and Passion: A Contradiction?"
Prof. Wong Suk Ying on "Emotion Education: Attained or Ascribed?"
Dr. Wong Muk Yan on "Overcoming the Hedonic Treadmill: Desire Satisfaction and Intellect Demonstration Revisited"
Szeto Wai Man on "Can Computers Have Emotions? From Her to AI"
Hsieh Hsiao Yang on "Emotion, Right and Exploitation - From Everyday Life to Reading About Animals"
Love, Sex, and Money: Some Reflections from an Anthropologist
Media and the Mobilization of Emotion
Emotional Education through the Education of Nature
Leung Mei Yee on "On Liberal Education"
Prof. Law Wing Sang on "Colonialism and Liberalism"
Prof. Chow Po Chung on "On Liberty"
Prof Choi Po King On Academic Freedom
Yeung Sau Churk on Art and Freedom
Do We Have Free Will?
The Concept of Freedom in the African Tradition: Some Comparisons with Confucianism and Liberalism
Venerable Chang Zhan on Religion and Freedom
Professor Donna Chu on "On Mediated Love" (Highlight Version)
Professor Donna Chu on "On Mediated Love" (Full Version)
Freedom of Life: Economical Development and Biological Preservation
From the Realm of Necessity to the Realm of Freedom: On Socialist View of Freedom
Prof. Kenneth Young on "The Big Bang"
Lai Kwong Tak, Albert on "High Speed Rail, the Bridge and the Conflict between Hong Kong and China"
Chan Wai Yee on "Truth in Literature"
[GE Salon 2014-15] On Journalism
[GE Salon 2014-15] On Global Warming
Prof. Tai Yiu Ting Benny on "Rule of Law"
Prof. Danny Chan on "Balancing the Pursuit of Scientific Truth"
Dr. Chung Ting Yiu Robert on "The Science and Philosophy of Opinion Polling"
Mr. Leung Kwok Hung and Mr. Jasper Tsang Yuk-sing on "Capital in the Twenty First Century"
Prof. Chen Tien Chi on "The Flowing Spring of Knowledge"
Prof. Chiu Yiu Wah on "Economics and Social Justice"
Prof. Qiu Linchuan on "Mobile, Justice and Social Movements"
Dr Wong Kim Fan on "1984 and Brave New World"
Prof. Kung Lap Yan on "God is back?! – Religion, Justice and Politics"
Mr. Tai Yuen Hung on "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil"
Dr. Leung Kai Chi on "Urban Imaginations and Social Values"
Prof. Choi Po King, Mr Cho Man Kit on "The Personal is Political" – Gender, Sexuality and Justice
Prof. Chan Kin Man on "Three Forms of Democracy: Representative, Direct and Deliberative"
"How Much More Can We Discover?" by Prof. Sir James Mirrlees
"From Hiroshima to Fukushima" by Prof. Yuki Tanaka
:Science Essence: The Springhead of Scientific Research" by Prof. Samuel Sun
"On the Origin of Species Revisited" by Mr. Yang Zhao (Ming-chun Lee)
Why Read the Classics?
Medicine: Is It a Science or an Art?
通識沙龍「寫給當代的經典II 」:楊綱凱教授主講「孔恩《科學革命的結構》」
通識沙龍「寫給當代的經典II 」:周保松教授主講「洛克《論寬容》」
通識沙龍「寫給當代的經典II 」:彭金滿博士及王永雄博士主講「霍金《時間簡史》」
Public Lecture by Professor Yang Yuliang, President of Fudan University
Rhodes Scholars at CUHK