PBL: Problem Based Learning or Particulars Before Leaving

PBL: Problem Based Learning or Particulars Before Leaving

Date: 13 February 2012 (Monday)
Speaker: Prof. Martha Carothers (University of Delaware)

Project based learning engages students in their own learning. Project explanation and expectation prepare students to work outside of class time on the project. This GE lunch seminar models how to use class time to involve students in understanding the project and to include students in determining the rubric for project evaluation before leaving the classroom. Seminar participants are introduced to a project and guided through small group discussion to produce project solutions, critique, and evaluate the solutions as a group according to the rubric. This method of reflection and peer review integrates project performance and feedback for greater understanding.

About the Speaker

Prof. Martha Carothers is a Visiting Fulbright Professor in the area of Gateway Education at City University of Hong Kong and a Professor of Art at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE USA. Professor Carothers graduated from Penn State University with a Master of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Arts degree in art and design. Prof. Carothers was the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies at Delaware. As the Associate Director, Professor Carothers was the Faculty Director of the General Education Initiative, First Year Experience, Undergraduate Research, Service Learning, Discovery Learning Experience, Capstone Experience, and Center for Teaching Effectiveness. Prior to Undergraduate Studies, Professor Martha was the Associate Dean for Arts and Humanities in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Chair of the Department of Art at Delaware. Professor Carothers teaches book arts, foundation design, and visual communications. For the past nine years Professor Carothers directed study abroad programs to Australia and New Zealand about design in the visual arts and introductory digital photography.