Lunch Seminar 通識午餐聚會
Building College Life under the New Normal: Challenges to Colleges and Their Responses
日期 Date : 2021-04-14 (星期三 Wednesday)
時間 Time: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
形式 Venue: ZOOM
講者 Speakers:
高永雄教授(崇基學院 副院長 / 學生輔導長)
Professor KO Wing Hung (Associate Head & Dean of Students, Chung Chi College)
鄭玉嬌女士(崇基學院 學生輔導處行政主任)
Ms. CHENG Yuk Kiu Amy (Administrative Manager, Dean of Students’ Office, Chung Chi College)
招志明博士(善衡書院 通識教育主任)
Dr. CHIU Chi Ming Lawrence (Dean of General Education, S.H. Ho College)
黃雅筠小姐(善衡書院 通識教育辦公室 書院發展主任)
Ms. WONG Nga Kwan Phoebe (College Development Officer, College General Education Office, S.H. Ho College)
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
Brief Description
College life plays an irreplaceable role in the whole-person education of a university. With a long history, Colleges in CUHK have extended students learning from classrooms to all aspects of campus life effectively. While the pandemic has lasted for more than a year, the university community is making efforts to adapt to the new normal with online teaching. Campus life becomes virtual. How can students, especially freshmen, adapt? How can they establish social connections and develop sense of belonging to the Colleges? In what ways they can seek assistance when encountering academic and financial difficulties? In response to these students’ needs, how would the Colleges tackle the challenges in a new way? Apart from teaching online, are there any alternatives? In this GE Lunch Seminar, speakers from Chung Chi College and S.H. Ho College would share their experiences on providing related assistances to encourage students to join college activities, in a way to build up a sense of belonging to the College. Colleges would also provide different platforms that allow students of various study years to organize activities to consolidate existing connections and to forge new ones to help freshmen to adapt to university life.
報名 Registration
電郵 Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
(截止日期 Deadline: 12-04-2021)
通識沙龍 2020-21「時代的抉擇」II
GE Salon 2020-21 Choices of the Times II
第六節 Session 6
講者 Speaker:彭麗君 PANG Lai Kwan
主持 Moderator:劉保禧 LAU Po Hei
日期 Date:08 / 04 / 2021 (Thu)
時間 Time:7:00 – 9:00 pm
本講將透過 ZOOM 舉行,連結將於收集報名後附上
The talk will be conducted with ZOOM. Link will be provided later.
粵語主講 (設手語傳譯)
In Cantonese (with sign language interpreting)
講座簡介 About the Talk
中國自國民政府開始,外交關係基本源用歐洲十七世紀發展的西發里亞主權體系 (Westphalian sovereignty),相信每個國家對其領土和國內事務擁有絕對主權。國家之間互相承認獨立主權,本意在於阻止互相吞併,有助於世界權力發展平衡;但這觀念也鼓勵國家視自己為人民的全權代表,壓抑國家內部差異。本講座分兩部分思考有關問題。首先,我們從歷史的角度探討中國現代主權的形成過程,主要著眼晚清的發展:從文化上清廷承接的儒家大一統思想,到實際政治上的滿漢矛盾,以及後來的西方的列強割據,和晚清政府對西方現代主權的選擇性運用…. 從中我們探討一個政治概念的形成,也解構中國主權論的迷思。另外,我們會把討論放回今天香港的語境中,近年中國政府在國內和國外都不斷重申強硬的一元主權觀,同時,二元的「新冷戰」思維在世界甚囂塵上,中國與西方的對峙越來越明顯,香港本身的政治兩極化也非常嚴重。在「一元國家」和「二元政治」的擠壓下,香港的「多元社會」變得扭曲變形。在如此一個低氣壓下,我們還可以如何互相尊重,面對不安,砥礪前行?
講者簡介 About the Speaker
彭麗君,香港中文大學文化研究教授,文化及宗教研究系系主任。出版的學術書籍包括:Building a New China in Cinema (2002), Cultural Control and Globalization in Asia (2006), Distorting Mirror / 《哈哈鏡》 (2007/2013), 《黃昏未晚》 (2010), Creativity and Its Discontents (2012), The Art of Cloning / 《複製的藝術》 (2017/2017), The Appearing Demos / 《民現》(2020/2020)。她曾於2008 年取得中文大學卓越研究獎, 2012年蔣經國學術出版獎, 以及2020年CHOICE傑出學術書籍獎。
費用全免,歡迎所有人士參加 Free admission, all are welcome.