
Longitudinal Study of
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Books/Special Issue in Refereed Journal(s)

Ho, S. C. (2020). Large-scale Learning Assessments in Asia-Pacific: A Mapping of Country Policies and Practices. UNESCO Bangkok.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.) (2017). What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2015). Editor for the Special Issue on “Large-scale international assessment: Implications for educational policies and pedagogy” Education Journal 43(1). 203 pages.

Ho, S. C. (Eds.) (2013). Multilevel Analysis of the PISA Data: Insights for Policy and Practice. HKIER, Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (2012). Student Learning Assessment. Asia-Pacific Education System Review series No. 5. UNESCO Bangkok & HKIER, Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C., & Lo, N. K. (2011). Analysing the quality and equality of educational systems from an international perspective: Insights from PISA (In Chinese). Educational Science, Beijing, China.

Ho, S. C. (2004). Invited Editor for the Special Issue on “Analyzing the Quality of Education in Hong Kong from an International Perspective” Education Journal 31(2) & 32(1). 175 pages.

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Book Chapters

Ho, E. S. C., & Staub, K. V.(2019). Home and School Relationships in Switzerland and Hong Kong. In S. B. Sheldon & T. A. Turner‐Vorbeck (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook of Family, School, and Community Relationships in Education (Chapter 14, pp. 289-314). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keung, P. C., & Ho, S. C. (2019). Social Capital and Educational Expectations: Exploring Adolescents' Capabilities to Aspire for Post-secondary Education. In R. D. Bartee & P. L. George (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Social Capital in Educational Contexts. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2017). PISA in Hong Kong and East Asian Societies. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 1, pp. 3-17). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2017). Quality and Equality Trends in Basic Education. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 2, pp. 19-54). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2017). Student Performance in Computer-based Assessment in PISA. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 3, pp. 55-106). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Wong, K. L. (2017). Performance of Hong Kong Students in Mathematical Literacy and Its Trend in PISA. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 4, pp. 109-152). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Lau, V. K. C. (2017). Performance of Hong Kong Students in Scientific Literacy and Its Trend in PISA. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 5, pp. 153-185). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Chun, C. K. W. (2017). Performance of Hong Kong Students in Reading Literacy and Its Trend in PISA. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 6, pp. 187-231). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2017). Self-related Cognition and Mathematics Performance What We Learned from PISA 2003 to PISA 2012. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 7, pp. 253-261). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. & Lau, K. L. (2017). Learning Strategies, Reading Engagement, Learning Environment and Students' Reading Performance in East Asian Societies. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 8, pp. 263-300). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. & Lam, Y. P. (2017). Effect of Family Factors on Students' Performance. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 9, pp. 301-331). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2017). ICT Familiarity of East Asian Students and Effect of ICT Factors on Students' CBA Performance. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 10, pp. 333-362). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C., Lam, Y. P. & Sum K. W. (2017). Concluding Remarks about East Asian Learners and Their Learning. In S. C. Ho (Ed.), What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia (Chapter 11, pp. 363-401). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2016). “In Search of Equal and Excellent Basic Education in Hong Kong: Results from Programme for International Student Assessment” in Thomas Kwan-Choi Tse and Michael H. Lee (Eds)..Making Sense of Education in Post-Handover Hong Kong: Achievements and Challenges (Routledge Critical Studies in Asian Education) Chapter 5: pp.73-94. New York Routledge.

Ho, S. C. (2016). What Comes Next – Insights for Reform Initiatives and Future Research. In Lei Mee Thien, Nordin Abd Razak, John P. Keeves and I Gusti Ngurah Darmawan (Eds.) “What Can PISA 2012 Data Tell Us?: Performance and Challenges in Five Participating Southeast Asian Countries” (Chapter 11). Sense Publishers.

Lau, K. C., Ho, S. C., & Lam, Y. P. (2015) Effective Classroom Pedagogy and Beyond for Promoting Scientific Literacy: Is There an East Asian Model? In M. S. Khine (Eds.), Science Education in East Asia: Pedagogical Innovations and Research-informed Practices (Chapter 2). Springer International Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2015). Confronting the Barriers of Women Leaders around the World. In Elizabeth C. Reilly and Quirin J. Bauer (Eds.), Women Leading Education across the Continents: Overcoming the Barriers (Chapter 13, pp.85-90). Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, USA.

Ho, S. C. (2014) Effect of Parental Involvement and Investment on Mathematics Learning: What Hong Kong learned from PISA. In Sriraman, B., Cai, J., Lee, K-H., Fan, F., Shimuzu, Y., Lim C. S., Subramanium, K. (Eds). The First Sourcebook on Asian Research in Mathematics Education: China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and India (in part II, Chapter 6). Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC.

Ho, S. C. (2013). Levelling up and sustaining educational achievement: The case of Hong Kong. In Lee, Sing-kong; Lee, Wing-on and Low, Ee-ling (Eds). Educational Policy Innovations: Levelling up and sustaining educational achievement.P163-184. Springer Singapore.

Ho, S. C. (2012). Blazing the Trail: How Hong Kong consistently stays on Top of the League. In Portraits of Top Performing Education Systems. National Institute of Education. P. 28-32.

Ho, S. C. (2005). Exclusion of parental involvement: Application of Bourdieu’s logic of practices. The Chinese University Press. Hong Kong. 學校排拒家長參與的機制:布迪奧的實踐邏輯論的應用《廿一世紀教育藍圖》 第十五章 中文大學出版社

Ho, S. C. (2005). The Contribution of family involvement and investment on students’ literacy performance: A comparative study of the US and three Asian societies utilizing PISA. In Hiatt-Michael, D.B. (Ed.), Promising Practices for Family Involvement in Schooling across the Continents. (pp.181-105). Greenwich, Conn.: Information Age Publishing.

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Refereed Journal Paper

Lau, K. C., & Ho, S. C. (2020). Attitudes Towards Science, Teaching Practices, and Science Performance in PISA 2015: Multilevel Analysis of the Chinese and Western Top Performers. Research in Science Education.

Lam, C. C., Ho, S. C., & Tsang, W. K. (2020). The current state and prospect of curriculum reform in Hong Kong since 2001: The views of secondary school teachers and principals (In Chinese). Education Journal. 48(1): 1-21.

Ho, S. C., Tse, T. K. C. & Sum, K. W. (2020). A different ‘feel’, a different will: Institutional habitus and the choice of higher educational institutions in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Research, 100.


Keung, P. C.C., & Ho, S. C. E. (2019). Structure and agency in adolescents' expectations of pursuing post-secondary education. Research in Higher Education,1-26.


Ho, E. S. C. & Lau, K. L. (2018). Reading engagement and reading literacy performance: Effective policy and practices at home and in school. Journal of Research in Reading, 41(4), 657-679.

Ho, E. S. C., Sum, K. W. & Wong, R. S. K. (2018). Impact of gender, family factors and exploratory activities on students’ career and educational search competencies in Shanghai and Hong Kong. ECNU Review of Education, 1(3), 96-115.

Ho, S. C., Li, M. H. & Lee, S. K. (2018). Family involvement and school-business partnership: Nurturing students’ hope (In Chinese). Education Journal. 46 (1): 73-92.

Ho, S. C., & Sum, K. W. (2018). Construction and Validation of the Career and Educational Decision Self- Efficacy Inventory for Secondary Students (CEDSIS). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 36(2), 162–174.

Lau, K. C & Lam, T. Y. P. (2017). Instructional practices and science performance of 10 top-performing regions in PISA 2015. International Journal of Science Education, 39(15), 2128-2149.

Ho, S. C., Wong, S.-K., Keung, P. C. & Sum, K. W. (2017). Analyzing Hong Kong Adolescents’ Expectations for Pursuing Higher Education from PISA (In Chinese). Education Journal. 45 (1): 47-69.

Ho, S.C. (2016). Career and life planning: Home, school and community collaboration (in Chinese). Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal, 15, 1-16.

Ho, S.C. (2016). “The use of large scale assessment (PISA): Insights for policy and practice in the case of Hong Kong”. Research Papers in Education. DOI: 10.1080/02671522.2016.1225351

Ho, S.C. & Lam, Y. P. (2016). Multilevel analyses of families influence on adolescents literacy performances. Int. J. Quantitative Research in Education. 3(1/2): 58-78.

Cheung, K. W. & Tse, C. S. (2015). Hong Kong Secondary Students’ Performance in PISA 2012 Problem-solving Competence and Its Pedagogical Implications (In Chinese). Education Journal. 43 (1): 85-101.

Ho, S. C., Keung, P. C., Yeung, C. W. & Li, M. H. (2015). Business-School partnership: Equipping underprivileged secondary students in Hong Kong with capabilities to prepare for further education and employment (In Chinese). Education Journal. 43 (1): 153-178.

Lau, K. L. (2015). Implications from Hong Kong Students’ Reading Performance in Programme for International Student Assessment on the Chinese Language Curriculum and Teaching (In Chinese). Education Journal. 43 (1): 59–84.

Lau, K. L & Ho, S.C. (2015). Reading Performance and Self-regulated Learning of Hong Kong Students: What We Learnt from PISA 2009. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 27 June 2015. SpringerLink:

Lam, Y. P. & Lau, K. C. (2014). Examining factors affecting science achievement of Hong Kong in PISA 2006 using Hierarchical Linear Modeling. International Journal of Science Education. 36(15): 2463-2480.

Lam, Y. P. & Ho, S. C. (2013). Effect of family social capital on students’ literacy performance: Insights from PISA (in Chinese). Education Journal. 41(1-2):65-83.

Sobehart, H. C., Ho, S. C., Mulvihill, P. & Celikten, M. (2013). Women leading education across continents as a persistent learning organization. The NIEW (NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women) Journal: The voice of the NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) Woman, Malaysia.

Lau, K. L. (2011). Reflection on the Results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA): Chinese Language Curriculum, Teaching, and Hong Kong Students’ Reading Literacy (in Chinese). Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 14(4), 49-72.

Ho, S. C. (2010). Assessing the quality and equality of Hong Kong basic education results from PISA 2000+ to PISA 2006. Frontier in Education, 5(2), 238-257. Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag, China.

Ho, S.C. (2010). Characteristics of East Asian learners: What we learned from PISA. Educational Research Journal, 24(2), 327-348.

Ho, S.C. (2010). Family influences on science learning among Hong Kong adolescents: What we learned from PISA. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(3), 409-428.


Lau, K. C. (2009). A critical examination of PISA’s assessment on scientific literacy. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(6): 1061-1088.

Ho, S. C. (2007). Association between self-related cognition and mathematics performance: The case of Hong Kong. Education Journal, 35 (2): 59-76.

Ho, S. C. (2006). Educational decentralization in three Asian societies: Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. Journal of Educational Administration, 44 (6): 540-642.

Ho, S. C. (2006). Social disparity of family involvement in Hong Kong. School Community Journal, 16 (2):7-26.

Ho, S. C. (2006). High-stakes testing and its impact on student and schools in Hong Kong: What we have learned from the PISA studies. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 3: 1: 69-87 Korean Educational Development Institute

Chiu, M. M. & Ho, S. C. (2006). Family effects on student achievement in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education 26(1) 21-35.

Chiu, M. M. & McBride-Chang, C. (2006). Gender, context, and reading: A comparison of students in 41 countries. Scientific Studies of Reading, 10 , 4, 331-362.

何瑞珠、林智中 (2006)。〈香港學生在PISA 2003解難能力的表現及啟示〉。《教育研究》,2006年,第一期,78-83。

Chiu, M. M. & Khoo, L. (2005). Effects of resources, inequality, and privilege bias on achievement: Country, school, and student level analyses. American Educational Research Journal, 42(4), 575-603.

Ho, S. C. (2005). Effect of school decentralization and school climate on student mathematics performance: The case of Hong Kong. Educational Research for Policy and Practice. 4(1), 47-64.

Ho, S. C. (2004). Self-regulated learning and academic achievement of Hong Kong secondary school students. Education Journal, 32(2), 87-107.

Yip, D. Y. & Cheung, D. (2004). Scientific literacy of Hong Kong students and instructional activities in science classrooms. Education Journal, 32(2), 109-121.

Ho, S. C. (2004). Accomplishment and challenges of Hong Kong education system: What we have learned from PISA. Special issue: Analyzing the quality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Education Journal, 31(2) and 32(1), 1-30.

Chun, K. W., Tong, C. W. & Sze, M. M. (2004). Reading performance of Hong Kong’s 15-year-old students in PISA 2000. Special issue: Analyzing the quality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Education Journal, 31(2) and 32(1), 57-89.

Willms, J. D. (2004). What can we say about the quality and equality of educational systems from the first cycle of the PISA? Special issue: Analyzing the quality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Education Journal, 31(2) and 32(1), 161-175.

Wong, K. M. (2004). Mathematical literacy of Hong Kong’s 15-year-old students in PISA. Special issue: Analyzing the quality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Education Journal, 31(2) and 32(1), 91-120.

Yip, D. Y. (2004). Scientific literacy of Hong Kong students in PISA 2000: An analysis of performance on the released items. Special issue: Analyzing the quality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Education Journal, 31(2) and 32(1), 141-159.

Yip, D.Y., M. M. Chiu, S. C. Ho (2004) Hong Kong Student Achievement in OECD/PISA study: Gender differences in Science content, Literacy skills and test item formats. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2: 91-106.

Yip, D. Y. & Ho, S. C. (2003). Assessment of scientific literacy of Hong Kong students in PISA 2000. Education Journal, 31(1), 117-132.

藍郁平、何瑞珠 (2003)。〈社群主義的重建及社會資本的創造:香港PISA預試結果初探〉。《教育研究學報》,18,73-95。

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Conference Papers

Ho, S. C., & Sum, K.W. (2019). Educational Expectation from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: A Latent Growth Modelling Analysis. Paper presented at Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) 2019, San Francisco, USA, April 14-18, 2019.

Ho, S. C., & Sum, K.W. (2018). The Role of Parental Support for Young Adults’ Career Adaptability. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2018, European Educational Research Association, Bolzano, Italy, Sep 4-7, 2018.

Ho, S. C., & Sum, K.W. (2018). Autonomous or Adaptive Choice? Young Adults’ Transition to Higher Education from the Perspective of Capability Approach. Paper presented at Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER) 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Apr 17-20 2018

Ho, S. C., & Sum, K.W. (2017). Students’ Choice of Higher Educational Institutions: The Role of Institutional Habitus. Paper presented at 2017 CESHK Autumn Forum, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Nov 25 2017

Ho, S. C. & Keung, P.C. (2017) Structure and Agency in Adolescents’ Educational Transitions: Capability to Aspire for Pursuing Post-Secondary Education. Paper presented at 17th Round Table of the AERA 2017 Annual Conference, San Antonio, USA

Ho, S. C., & Leung, S.K. (2016). Effect of General-form and Math-related parental involvement on Adolescents’ Mathematical Literacy. Paper presented at 18th Round Table of the International Network on School, Family, and Community Partnerships, Washington, D.C. April 8 2016

Ho, S. C., & Sum, K.W. (2016). Career-oriented or General Education? Students’ Choice of Sub-degree Programmes in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 2016 CESHK Autumn Forum, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Nov 26 2016

Ho, S. C., & Sum, K.W. (2016). Effective and Equitable Career and Educational Exploratory Activities for Adolescents: Evidence of resiliency from three Chinese societies. Paper presented at 18th Round Table of the International Network on School, Family, and Community Partnerships, Washington, D.C. April 8 2016

何瑞珠、李文浩、李仕傑 (2016)。「商界—學校」協作:培育學生面對挑戰的正面素質。兩岸四地「學校改進與夥伴協作」學術研討會。香港中文大學教育學院香港教育研究所優質學校改進計劃主辦,香港田家炳基金會協辦。2016年6月17-18日。

Ho, S. C. & Keung, P.C. (2015). Parental involvement on their children’s education and career decision making: Impact on educational expectation. ERNAPE Conference, University of Tromsa, Norway. 26-28 2015

Ho, S. C. & Lam, Y. P. (2015), “Insights of PISA for the Assessment of Scientific Literacy: The Case of Hong Kong”. the 6th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd), organized by SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang, Malaysia, 16-19 November 2015

Ho, S. C. & Lau, K.L. (2015). “Reading Engagement and Reading Literacy Performance: Effective Policy and Practices at Home and in School”. 2015 Learning Sciences Institute Australia (LSIA) International Symposium on Reading and Reading Engagement Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia 10-11 July 2015. About 60-80 scholars.

Ho, S.C., Wong, S.K., & Sum, K W. (2015). Empowering students with career and educational search competencies: The way of overcoming family inequalities. ERNAPE Conference, University of Tromsa, Norway. 26-28 2015

Keung, P. C., & Ho, S.C. (2015) .Parent’s socioeconomic background, family resources and parental involvement influencing on student’s post-secondary education expectation. ERNAPE Conference, University of Tromsa, Norway. 26-28 2015

何瑞珠 (2014)。從國際視域看核心素養的評量。 2014教育高階論壇海峽兩岸研討會。 國立臺南大學主辦。 2014年10月16-17日。

何瑞珠、姜培芝、楊鎮偉、李文浩 (2014)。「商界—學校」協作:裝備香港弱勢學生升學就業的能力。兩岸四地「學校改進與夥伴協作」學術研討會。華東師範大學基礎教育改革與發展研究所主辦, 香港田家炳基金會協辦。2014年9月21-22日。

Ho, S. C. (2014). “Family Influence on Adolescents’ career expectation: A longitudinal study of PISA”. The 9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science. 2014/06/11 to 2014/06/13. Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

Ho, S. C. (2014). “Shadow Education in East Asian Societies: An International comparative study”. The 9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science. 2014/06/11 to 2014/06/13. Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

Ho, S. C., & Keung, P. C. (2014). “Adolescents’ Educational Expectation: Discrepancy and Consistency with Parental Expectations”. 17th International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnerships, Philadelphia, USA.

Keung, P. C. & Ho, S. C. (2014). “A Sociological Perspective on Hong Kong Adolescents’ Higher Education Expectation”. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) 2014 Conference, Hong Kong, China.

Ho, S. C. (2014). “PISA and Higher Education”. 第二屆華人社會教育論壇: 教育變革中的挑戰與機遇, 蘇州大學教育學院. 5-6 April 2014.

Ho, S. C. (2013). “Effect of Parents’ Belief and Involvement on Adolescents’ career aspiration”. European Research Network about Parents in Education (ERNAPE) 9th international conference, Lisbon, 4-6 Sept 2013

Lam Y. P. & Lau K. C. (2013) “Examining factors affecting science achievement of Hong Kong in PISA 2006 using HLM”. Paper presented at the Third International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Hong Kong. July 4-6, 2013.

Ho, S.C. (2012). “Blazing the Trail: How Hong Kong Stay on Top of the League”, Paper presented in the C J Koh Professional Lecture Series: Levelling Up and Staying On the Top. Organized by NIE of Singapore, 1-27 pages. May 2 2012.

Wong K. Y. & Ho, S. C. (2011). “The leaking pipeline: Linkage of parents’ belief in science career motivation and gendered educational and occupational trajectories related to science.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Addressing Student Learning Diversity: Policy, Practice and Research. Hong Kong. December 10 2011.

Ho, S.C. (2010). “Effect of school organization, family involvement and investment on adolescents’ career aspiration”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Denver, USA. April 30 2010.

Ho, S. C. (2009). “Analyzing the quality and equality of basic education of Hong Kong and East Asian Societies: What we learned from PISA” Conference on “Educational Change and Innovation in Chinese Society”. Nanjing, China, Oct 10-11 2009.

何瑞珠 (2008). 家校合作與家校信任的建立. 價值教育國際研討會 香港中文大學 Presented on 30 May 2008.

Ho, S. C. (2008). “Shadow Education in East Asian Societies: An International comparative study”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, USA.

Ho, S. C. (2008). “Understanding the Time investment in Homework and Its Effectiveness on Student Learning Outcomes from an International Perspective”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, USA.

Ho, S. C. & Tsang W. K. (2007). In search of the Asian learners: Findings from PISA2000 & PISA2003. Paper presented at CESA-CESHK Conference 2007 at the University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (2007) Accomplishment and challenges of East-Asian learners: What we learned from the PISA Study. Seminar presentation at the Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada, on 23 Feb 2007.

Ho, S. C. (2006). Effect of family involvement and investment on students’ achievement: The case of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, USA.

Ho, S. C. (2006). Educational decentralization in three Asian societies: Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the CIES 50th Anniversary Conference, March 14-18, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Ho, S. C. (2005). Quality and cost-effectiveness of Hong Kong basic education: What do we learn from the HKPISA Studies. Paper presented at the conference at Northeast Normal University.

Chun, K. W., Tong, C. W., & Sze, M. M. (2003). Reading performance of Hong Kong’s 15-year-old students in PISA 2000. Paper presented at the PISA International Conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.

Ho. S. C. & Sze, M. M. (2003). Relationship between reading habits, reading attitude and literacy performance of 15-year-old students in Hong Kong and Finland. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (2003). Challenges accomplishment and challenges of Hong Kong education system: What we learned from PISA. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.

Yip, D. Y. (2003). Scientific literacy of Hong Kong students in PISA 2000. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.

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Policy Analysis – Thematic Monograph

國際教育素質評估系列 (In Chinese)

何瑞珠 (2009) 。從國際視域看東亞社會的影子教育。【教育政策研討系列】之72。香港:香港中文大學教育學院,香港教育研究所。

何瑞珠 (2009) 。PISA 2003解難能力評估及啟示。【教育政策研討系列】之70。香港:香港中文大學教育學院,香港教育研究所。

葉蓁蓁、何瑞珠 (2009) 。香港和澳門學前教育的比較。【教育政策研討系列】之71。香港:香港中文大學教育學院,香港教育研究所。

何瑞珠 (2007) 。 從PISA看香港中學生的閱讀表現、習慣及態度。【教育政策研討系列】之66。香港:香港中文大學教育學院,香港教育研究所。

何瑞珠 (2004) 。 從PISA剖析香港中學生的學習策略與學習成效的關係。【教育政策研討系列】之56。香港:香港中文大學教育學院,香港教育研究所。

何瑞珠 (2004) 。 從國際視域剖析香港教育的素質與均等。【教育政策研討系列】之54。香港:香港中文大學教育學院,香港教育研究所。

湯才偉 (2004) 。 從國際學生閱讀評估計劃看本港中文科的讀文教學。【教育政策研討系列】之55。香港:香港中文大學教育學院,香港教育研究所。

International Assessment of Education Quality Series (In English)

Ho, S. C. (2012). Hong Kong Students on Line: Digital Technologies and Reading in PISA2009. Education Policy Studies Series. Number 75. Hong Kong: Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

Ho, S. C. & Man, E.Y.F. (2007). Student performance in Chinese medium of instruction and English medium of instruction schools: What we learned from the PISA study. Education Policy Studies Series. Number 64. Hong Kong: Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

Schleicher, A. (2005). A cross-national perspective on some characteristics shared by the best-performing countries in PISA. Education Policy Studies Series. Number 58. Hong Kong: Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

Ho, S. C. (2005). Can basic education system in Hong Kong be equal and excellent: Results from PISA2000+. Education Policy Studies Series. Number 57. Hong Kong: Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

PISA Assessment Framework and Pedagogical Practice Series

HKCISA Centre (2018). The Assessment of Mathematical Literacy: Learning from PISA. PISA Assessment Framework and Pedagogical Practice Series. Hong Kong: HKCISA Centre, Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

HKCISA Centre (2017). The Assessment of Scientific Literacy: Learning from PISA. PISA Assessment Framework and Pedagogical Practice Series. Hong Kong: HKCISA Centre, Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

HKPISA Centre (2012). The Assessment of Scientific Literacy: Learning from PISA. PISA Assessment Framework and Pedagogical Practice Series. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

HKPISA Centre (2010). The Assessment of Mathematical Literacy: Learning from PISA. PISA Assessment Framework and Pedagogical Practice Series. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

HKPISA Centre (2010). The Assessment of Reading Literacy: Learning from PISA. PISA Assessment Framework and Pedagogical Practice Series. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, Faculty of Education & HKIER, CUHK.

HKPISA Centre (2009). 閱讀素養的評估:學生能力國際評估計劃的啟示。【PISA評估架構與教學應用系列】香港:香港中文大學教育學院,香港教育研究所,學生能力國際評估計劃-香港中心。

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Research Reports

何瑞珠 (2020) 。課程改革的調查研究――從現在到未來。香港中學校長會,香港中文大學香港學生能力國際評估中心 。

Ho, S.C. (Ed.). (2018). The sixth HKPISA report: PISA 2015: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. HKCISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ho, S.C. (Ed.). (2018). The sixth HKPISA report executive summary: PISA 2015: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective from PISA 2000 to PISA 2015. HKCISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ho, S.C. (Ed.). (2016). HKPISA 2015: Preliminary Report. 88 pages, HKCISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2015). The fifth HKPISA report (Volume I), PISA 2012: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2015). The fifth HKPISA report (Volume I) executive summary, PISA 2012: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2015). The fifth HKPISA report (Volume II), Hong Kong students on line: The digital technologies and digital assessment in PISA 2012. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2015). The fifth HKPISA report (Volume II) executive summary, Hong Kong students on line: The digital technologies and digital assessment in PISA 2012. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2014). Hong Kong students on line: The digital technologies and digital assessment in PISA2012: Preliminary Report. 90 pages. Hong Kong PISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2013). HKPISA 2012: Preliminary Report. 69 pages. Hong Kong PISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C., Cheung, S. P., Chun, K. W., Lau, K. C., Lau, K. L., Wong, K. L., Lo, N. K., Chung, Y. P., Tsang, W. K. (2011). The fourth HKPISA report PISA 2009: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective from PISA 2000 to PISA 2009. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C., Cheung, S. P., Chun, K. W., Lau, K. C., Lau, K. L., Wong, K. L., Lo, N. K., Chung, Y. P., Tsang, W. K. (2011). The fourth HKPISA report PISA 2009 executive summary: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective from PISA 2000 to PISA 2009. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2008). The third HKPISA report PISA 2006: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective from PISA 2000 to PISA 2006. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2008). The third HKPISA report PISA 2006 executive summary: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective from PISA 2000 to PISA 2006. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2005). The second HKPISA report PISA 2003: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective from PISA 2000 to PISA 2003. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2005). The second HKPISA report PISA 2003 executive summary: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective from PISA 2000 to PISA 2003. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C., Chun, K. W, Yip, D. Y., Wong, K. M., Chiu, M. M., Sze, M. M. Lo, N. K., Chung, Y. P., Tsang, W. K., Man, Y. F., Ho, W. K. (2003). The first HKPISA report: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (Ed.). (2003). The first HKPISA report executive summary: Monitoring the quality and equality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Hong Kong: HKPISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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Student’s Doctoral Theses

武瑋 (2019)。《中國大陸流動人口子女的教育融入結果研究》。哲學博士論文,香港中文大學,香港。

李佳麗 (2018)。《中國陸港兩地影子教育狀況比較及其對教育質量和公平的啟示》。哲學博士論文,香港中文大學,香港。

祁翔 (2017)。《私營化對教育質量與公平的影響- 以上海民辦學校為例》。哲學博士論文,香港中文大學,香港。

KEUNG, Pui-chi (2016). Post-secondary Educational Expectations of Hong Kong Adolescents: Integrating Pierre Bourdieu’s Social Reproduction Theory and Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education in Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jan 2016.

WONG, Kwan-Yin Leo (2012). Gender Differences in Scientific Literacy of HKPISA 2006: A Multidimensional Differential Item Functioning and Multilevel Mediation Study. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education in Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Feb 2012

MAK, Hok Kiu Edward (2011). Gender differences in learning Mathematics in Hong Kong: PISA 2003 study. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education in Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, August 2011

藍郁平 (2006)。《家庭社會資本對香港學生的基礎能力的影響》。教育博士論文,香港中文大學,香港。

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